Perfect Vanilla (v5.0.3)
Mods Changelog
Newly Installed Mods:
- No new mods installed in this patch
Removed Mods:
- ToadLib: Caused crashes during world generation
- Palladium: Requires ToadLib as a dependency
- Shield Disruptor: Requires ToadLib as a dependency
Updated Mods:
- 3D-Skin-Layer: v1.6.7 ➔ v1.7.4
- Auto HUD: v7.2.7 ➔ v8.0
- Chunks Fade In: v1.0.3 ➔ v2.0.3
- Dynamic Crosshair: v8.1 ➔ v9.3
- Entity Texture Feature: v6.2.5 ➔ v6.2.8
- EntityCulling: v1.7.0 ➔ v1.7.2
- Fabric Kotlin: v1.12.3 ➔ v1.13.0
- Falling Leaves: v1.16.2 ➔ v1.16.4
- Fzzy Config: v0.5.6 ➔ v0.5.9
- ImmediatelyFast: v1.3.1 ➔ v1.3.3
- Inventory Profiles Next: v2.0.8 ➔ v2.1.0
- Iris: v1.8.0-beta ➔ v1.8.0
- libPN: v6.1.1 ➔ v6.2.0
- No Chat Reports: v2.9.0 ➔ v2.9.1
- NotEnoughAnimations: v1.7.6 ➔ v1.8.1
- Reactive Music: v0.4.0 ➔ v0.5.1
- Resourcify: v1.5.0.1 ➔ v1.5.1
- Sodium: v0.6.0-beta ➔ v0.6.1
- WaveyCapes: v1.4.10 ➔ v1.4.13
Resourcepack Changelog
Newly Installed Packs:
- No new resource packs in this patch
Removed Packs:
- No resource packs removed
Updated Packs:
- Programmer Art Fix: v2.2 ➔ v3.0
- Animated Ore: v0.5.4 ➔ v0.6.0
- Cubic Sun: v1.8-alpha ➔ v1.8
- Low On Fire: v1.21 ➔ v1.21.3
- Vocal Villagers: v1.0 ➔ v1.1
Shaderpack Changelog
Newly Installed Packs:
- No new shader packs in this patch
Removed Packs:
- No shader packs removed
Updated Packs:
- No shader packs updated
Additional Information:
- No major changes in this patch
- Compatibility with previous versions maintained
- Bug fixes related to world generation stability
- Minor optimizations and performance improvements
- Graphics reduced for more Performance with little Graphic loss
Perfect Vanilla v5.0.2 Release
Mods Changelog
Newly Installed Mods:
- Shield Disruptor (Hides shield in hand for improved view)
- Custom Splash Screen (Minor customization to the intro screen)
Updated Mods:
- Cherished Worlds: v10.0.2 ➔ v10.1.0
- Roughly Enough Items: v16.0.783 ➔ v16.0.788
- Fast Chest: v1.5 ➔ v1.6
- M.R.U: v1.0.3 ➔ v1.0.4
- Sounds: v2.1.0 ➔ v2.2.0
- Fzzy Config: v0.5.5 ➔ v0.5.6
- Vertical Bobbing: v1.0 ➔ v1.1
- Language Reload: v1.7 ➔ v1.7.1
- Fastchest: v1.6 ➔ v1.7
- CICADA: v0.9.0 ➔ v0.9.1
- AppleSkin: v3.0.5 ➔ v3.0.6
- ImmediatelyFast: v1.3.0 ➔ v1.3.1
- Inventory Profiles Next: v2.0.7 ➔ v2.0.8
- libIPN: v6.1.0 ➔ v6.1.1
- No Chat Reports: v2.8.0 ➔ v2.9.0
- Vertical Bobbing: v1.2 ➔ v1.3
- Xaero's Minimap: v24.6.0 ➔ v24.6.1
Removed Mods:
- No mods removed in this update
Resource Packs Changelog
Removed Packs:
- Fancy Crops (Removed due to some visual issues)
Shader Packs Changelog
All shaders have been reconfigured to optimize visuals with minimal performance impact:
- BVS Shader (Optimized for low-end systems)
- Photon Shader (Still has graphical artifacts) – normal
- Rethinking Voxels (Some shadow/lighting issues persist) – normal
Additional Information:
- Photon Shader is now the primary shader for the modpack
- New Modpack Logo 🎉
- FOV increased from 85 ➔ 90
- Chunks Fade-In update (v2.0.0) is not included due to incompatibility
- Fabric Loader: v0.16.7 ➔ v0.16.9
Perfect Vanilla v5.0.1 Release
Mods Changelog
Newly Installed Mods:
- NoRecipeBook (Back with no more crashes)
- Palladium (Improves memory control, deduplicates data)
- ToadLib (Dependency for Palladium)
- Ambient Environment (Adds ambient biome color noise)
- Reactive Music (Optimizes game with unique soundtracks)
- More Mob Variants (Adds new variants to existing mobs)
- Areas (Displays area names in-game)
- Random Village Names (Generates village names in GUI)
- Villager Names (Villagers are now named)
Updated Mods:
- Hey Wiki: v1.6.4 ➔ v1.7.0
- Zoomify: v2.14.0 ➔ v2.14.2
- CICADA: v0.8.3 ➔ v0.9.0
- Collective: v7.8.4 ➔ v7.8.7
- ImmediatelyFast: v1.2.21 ➔ v1.3.0
- MonoLib: v1.4.0 ➔ v1.4.1
- YetAnotherConfigLib: v3.6.0 ➔ v3.6.1
- Resourcify: v1.4.2 ➔ v1.5.0.1
- More Culling: v0.27.1 ➔ v1.0.0
Removed Mods:
- Now Playing
- Structure Dependent Music
- Music Notification
- Music Delay Reducer
- Infinite Music
- Music Player
- U Team Core (No longer needed for Music Player)
Resource Packs Changelog
Newly Installed Packs:
- Animated Ore (Animates ore textures)
- Fancy Crops (Adds a polished look to crops)
Shader Packs Changelog
Newly Installed Shaders:
- Photon Shader (Alpha stage, expect graphical artifacts)
- Rethinking-Voxels (Beta, some light sources, e.g., torches, may not work)
Additional Information:
Sound Physics Remastered
- Ambient sound evaluation: Enabled
- Update moving sounds: Enabled
Multiplayer Layout
- Buttons moved from bottom-center to right-middle
Chunks Fade-In
- Update Notifier: Disabled
Perfect Vanilla v5.0.0 Release
Mods Changelog: All mods have been freshly installed with the latest versions from v3.0.3 and v4.0.0.
Removed Mods:
- Videotape (Replaced with "GpuTape")
- NoRecipeBook (Caused crashes when opening the "Mod Menu")
- Moonlight Lib (Caused a network protocol error)
- All mods dependent on Moonlight Lib, such as Fast Paintings, have been removed.
Newly Installed Mods:
- GpuTape (Replaces "Videotape")
- Stutterfix (Reduces stuttering during chunk generation)
- Structure Dependent Music (Adds background music to Minecraft structures)
Shader Packs: All shaders have been newly installed and reconfigured.
Newly Installed Shader:
- BSL Shader Classic/Original
Configured Shaders:
- ComplementaryUnbound
- BSL Shader Classic/Original
Additional Information:
- v5.0.0 is a major update. Updating from any version lower than v5.0.0 (e.g., v3.0.3 or v4.0.0) is not compatible.
- To use v5.0.0, a new instance installation is required.
Perfect Vanilla v3.0.3 Changelog
Mods Update
- Architectury API: 13.0.6 --> 13.0.8
- Balm: 21.0.19 --> 21.0.20
- Fabric Language Kotlin: 2.0.20 --> 2.0.21
- Fzzy Config: Beta 0.5.2 --> Release 0.5.3
- Moonlight Lib: Beta 2.14.20 --> Beta 2.14.27
- Xaero’s Minimap: 24.4.0 --> 24.5.0
- owo-lib: 0.12.14 --> 0.12.15
Newly Installed Mods
- N/A
Added Resource Packs
- N/A
Important Configuration Changes
- N/A
Shader Changes
- N/A
Versioning Note:
- This version only includes mod updates and no mod removals. Therefore, it remains within the major release cycle (3.x.x).
- The modpack is updated from Beta v3.0.2 to v3.0.3 to integrate the latest mod updates.
- This version is fully compatible with the v3.0.0 family, so it can be updated from any v3.x.x version without requiring a fresh instance installation.
- v2.x.x is not supported. New Instance is needed!
Perfect Vanilla v3.0 Changelog
- Update: All mods updated to the latest version (some may be older).
- Optimization: Mods fine-tuned for a smoother gameplay experience.
- Rebuild: Modpack completely rebuilt for cleaner files and better performance.
Optimization: Shaders optimized for better performance without loss of quality.
Removed: BSL Shader, as it did not visually fit and cluttered the list.
- Improvements: Implementation of Fastchest.
- Bug Fixes: Resolved sorting issues with chests.
Compatibility Warning
- Important: Modpack v3.0 is not compatible with v2.1. A reinstallation is required.
Perfect Vanilla v2.1 Changelog
- Removed: All previous shaders.
- Focused on:
- BSL Classics
- BSL Original
- Complementary Unbound
- BVS Shader (designed for very low-end devices)
- Custom Configurations: All shaders have been personally configured for both performance and visual quality.
- TCDCommons API
- Better Statistics Screen
- Nixienaut API
- Your_Time
- Reason: Compatibility issues, particularly between Your_Time and Nixienaut API. These two mods try to cooperate but cause crashes when used together.
- Badoptimization: Optimizes Minecraft in areas unrelated to rendering.
- Sounds: Adds UI and other sounds.
- Audiotory Continued: Enhances the game's soundscape with more immersive effects.
- Better F1: Improves the look of F1 mode.
- Highlight: Fixes the outline display of certain complex blocks.
- Held Item Info: Displays extra info for tools, like showing enchantments.
- Krypton: Optimizes network stacking for better performance.
Resource Packs
- Programmer Art Fix: Fixes textures not addressed in Programmer Art or textures carried over from Microsoft's standard packs.
- Hyperrealistic Skys: Caused frequent freezes, thus removed.
General Changes
- All mods have been updated to their latest versions.
- Many mods have been custom configured for better performance and compatibility.
Changelog: Perfect Vanilla V2.0
Mod Updates: All mods have been updated to their latest versions to ensure compatibility with the current game versions.
Improved Performance: Optimizations have been made to enhance the efficiency and performance of the modpack.
Updated Content: Minor adjustments and updates have been implemented to keep the gameplay experience up to date.
General Bug Fixes: Various minor bugs from the previous version have been resolved.
Perfect Vanilla v1.0 Changelog
Changelog 1.0 - 07.31.2024
Added Mods:
Cull leaves - Better leaf optimizing
Eating Animation - Enhances visual appeal
Immersive UI - Enhances the UI, less static and more dynamic
libPN - Dependicie for Inventory Profiles Next
Inventory Profiles Next - Better managing the Inventory
Hey Wiki - Updated from 1.5.4 to 1.5.5
Advancement Plaques - Updated from 1.6.3 to 1.6.5
Drippy Loading Screen - added, to Change the design from Loading Screens
Removed Mods:
Server pinger Fixer - Removed because its functionality is covered by another existing mod.
Added Shader:
Complementary Shaders Unbound - Default Shader
Rethinking Voxels
Solas Shader - The visual foundation for the modpack
Added Resourcepack:
FreshAnimations - For fresh Animations
Fresh Animations Extensions - Extra customisation for Fresh Animations
Programmer Art x Fresh Animations - To work with Programmer Art Resourcepack
Fire Rekindled - Various animated texture overhauls
Low Fire - Low fire on your screen
Better Grass - Adds the grass top texture to the side like better grass in optifine
Better Leaves - Adds bushy leaves
Hyper Realistic Sky - feature rich sky pack
Ender Eye - Random Blinking ender eyes
Improved Tool Models - It improves the tool model view in first person
Unique Dark - Dark ui with unique texture for every functional block