Instead of filling the containers first, which you placed first, you can now configure which containers will be filled first.
A higher priority wil get the items first. If there are multiple containers with the same priority, items will be equally split between them.
Network wand
When left clicking, you can change the wand mode.
In Network Mode, the wand behaves as before
In Priority Mode, shift + right/left clicking allows you to increase/decrease the priority of a network component.
A permission bug was fixed, where players could change the filter items, even without permission.
An item bug was fixed, where all itemstacks of the same type and amount got removed from the input container, instead of only one stack
This update added the /networks merge
It lets you merge 2 different networks togehter
Simply do /networks merge [network1] [network2]
All components from network2 will be transferred to network1 and network2 will be deleted afterwards
To do this, you need to be owner of both networks.