Mana and Artifice

Mana and Artifice


A splash of magic returns to Minecraft!

Client and server AdventureEquipmentGame MechanicsMagicManagement MobsTransportationUtilityWorld Generation

Created2 years ago
Updated19 days ago

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  • Added new vfx for gates. Note that old gates from pre-upgrade will still render with the old style, and may hover higher above the ground than new ones. Remember they can be closed by throwing a rune of marking into them, so you can re-open them with the new VFX.
  • Added an isRaining condition for constructs. It has an optional isStorming boolean parameter.
  • Added a new wind projectile renderer
  • Added a new ender projectile renderer
  • You can now right click on a construct gantry with a non-construct part to remove parts. They will be removed in the following order: Left Arm, Right Arm, Torso, Head, Legs. Previous part swapping functionality remains unchanged.
  • Pasting from the system clipboard into a patterning prism will now also properly set the prism into lodestar paste mode.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed construct pathing when flight is enabled. They should no longer spin in circles so much.
  • Fixed construct targeting for faction enemies.
  • Fixed construct patrol not having its points in the lodestar.
  • Fixed levitate still requiring a feather for the fey
  • The Transcription Table and Altar of Arcana can no longer accept spell books (which would void the items)
  • Fixed the ritual of visiting not correctly locating previous death data
  • Attempting to craft vellum at a cauldron with a full inventory now correctly drops the resultant vellum on the ground
  • Fixed an issue with use item on block not returning the correct exit code in certain circumstances (such as creating leather).
  • The ritual of the flat lands will now drop its reagents when it fails for being too large or too far away.
  • Fixed an incorrect display of a message indicating there was an error setting serverside values and that validation had failed when opening the spell adjust gui while no spell was present on the spell item.
  • Fixed wooden constructs not dropping their materials on death.
  • Fixed an issue where offscreen lodestar nodes could prevent interacting with other controls within the lodestar gui.
  • Fixed an issue where constructs weren't properly able to automate manaweaves in bottles.
  • Fixed a bug where codices could be duplicated using the M&A lectern.
  • Fixed an issue with constructs requiring reagents for spell casting and made it more clear when they need a reagent.
  • Constructs no longer play a hurt sound when taking damage they're meant to be immune to.
  • Teleporting constructs more carefully select their destination.


  • Added a teleport overlay and timer. Now, when teleporting, you will stand still for roughly 2 seconds before actually moving. This will mean you will need to take some slight precautions when teleporting in combat.
  • Updated Fissure to have a slight built in bonus to radius.
  • Wickerwood and wood constructs now burn in the nether. Standard factors like fire resist can mitigate this damage.
  • Levitate no longer requires the tarma root for the fey to be permanent.
  • Impulse can no longer be channeled.
  • Re-balanced summer fire and winter ice
    • During auspicious times, boost durations 25%, damage 25%, range 50%, speed 50%
    • During inauspicious times, step down Duration/Speed 2 ticks, Range 3 ticks, Damage 5 ticks (previously it was inverted percentages to the boosts)
    • The lowering can no longer lower attributes below their configured minimums


  • Fixed an API issue where a method signature surrounding spell reagents was accidentally removed


  • Added a level check to construct container has fluid
  • Felled Oak now breaks nether wart blocks
  • Added a new projectile model for ice and earth
  • Updated lang files for chs and ko_kr, thank you TUsama, xiaoknya, and mihile!

Bug Fixes

  • Demon lord extinguishes nearby fires on death
  • Fixed construct crafting when the recipe makes more than one item
  • Fixed smite (and certain other sources) damaging allied constructs
  • Fixed has fluid level condition for constructs always returning true
  • Fixed a gui issue that made it appear like the fume filter could reset its burn time when the mote time ran out
  • Improved centering code on the lodestar gui
  • Fixed construct collecting items when not matching quantity
  • Fixed construct flying animation and speeds
  • Eldrin conduits are no longer pathable by mobs
  • Put in check code which should make manaweaving more compatible with PMMO
  • Fixed transforms for construct shields when held in hands
  • Fixed spawning of several structures; thank you Slickson!
  • Fixed an issue where a manaweaving altar attempting to copy a recipe could cause a crash

API Enhancements

  • Added flare control for orbit particle controller
  • Added some utility methods to SpellEffect to handle reagents cleanly and uniformly


  • Increased frost walker staff mist form duration for the undead


  • Added construct Stand Guard task in the lodestar. Will cause the construct to stand at attention at the given location and guard.
  • Added construct Guard task in the Bell of Bidding. This is equivalent to the current follow task.
  • Changed construct Follow task in the Bell of Bidding. This will cause the construct to passively follow you and not attack anything.
  • Construct Guard and Follow task in the Bell of Bidding can now be used on other players to have your construct guard them. This will not currently persist through world save/load or dimension change.
  • Added the ability for constructs to milk cows, and cow variants.
  • Added the magmoo, a very rare nether mob.
  • Construct take item now will put excess in a construct's backpack if available. Hands are prioritized.
  • Construct Patrol is now CO-LA-BO-RA-TION enabled
  • Construct Guard also makes use of CO-LA-BO-RA-TION. Only one construct can guard the same point at the same time (on the same lodestar).
  • Added a verbose prompt for capturing a wellspring without a faction clearly indicating that one is required
  • Added a verbose prompt for capturing a wellspring with the wrong lens, indicating which lens is required.
  • Added chinese translation; a big thank you to xiaoknya and TUsama
  • Added korean translation; a big thank you to mihile

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a display bug in construct diagnostics; it now properly shows item quantities
  • Fixed an issue with construct patrol leash ranges
  • Improved ender leg teleportation AI
  • Fixed an issue with the Runic Anvil not accepting items from automation properly. Construct smiths celebrate!
  • Fixed an issue with the inventory management utilities causing incorrect detection of simulated item extraction
  • Fixed an issue with reagent consumption and result flags; which also fixed a duplication issue with crystallize
  • Fixed an issue where flowing water could replace transitory tile blocks; thereby deleting the original block
  • Made a change to projectiles to cause them to more reliably despawn clientside

Balance Changes

  • Re-balanced construct backpack capacities
  • Ender affinity now affects the maximum slot size of a construct's backpack. It starts at 4 per slot if no ender affinity, otherwise 8xender affinity score.
  • Significantly increased the cooldown time on constructs plucking feathers from chickens. It'll work out to somewhere between 1-2 plucks per minecraft day, per chicken, on average. Milking cows carries the same rate.


Improved rendering of projectile spells, smite spells, and wrath spells. This remains a WIP and will probably be iterated on further. Probably.

Bug Fixes

Fixed a crash with Mind Control if it targeted non-living entities. Fixed break not working at higher magnitudes Fixed an issue that could cause crashes on servers with a channeled spell entity Fixed a bug where self-casting blink while wearing a ring of the enderman could cause timeouts Fixed greater conduit recipes Fixed a visual issue with the recipe copy book's radial menu Further improved render compatibility with other mods, which should prevent crashing Fixed an issue with permanent levitation Applied a change to Telekinetic Retrieval that should allow items to function while still blocking the placement of blocks themselves


Fixed an issue with the API related to registering new cantrips Added the ability when registering a new cantrip to have it require a specific advancement before showing in the cantrip menu


  • Added templates and copy/paste to the Patterning Prism for simple lodestar tasks
  • Added a new projectile model for water projectiles
  • Added a new model for the mana crystal

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed constructs swimming in puddles
  • Updated the gui for the inscription table to show paper instead of vellum for material predictions
  • Fixed mana crystal's upside down rendering
  • Fixed a bug where potions were usable by the undead.
  • Environmental soaked status no longer applies to players in spectator mode.
  • Fixed a crashing bug when using enchant particles with the particle emitter/aura
  • Fixed a dupe bug with M&A flowers and flower pots
  • Gave constructs back their groove mix
  • Fixed council structures having broken conduits and adjusted the blocks within them


  • Moved the cached config values themselves into the API - these should now be easily accessible to addon makers
  • Changed several config lists to use HashSet instead of List for better performance


  • Warding candle blacklist and whitelist now support limited wildcards. "<modid>:" will block all mobs within that modid, and "." will block everything. The config value now defaults to ".*" to line up with the expected default functionality.
  • Clarified the config documentation.


  • Splash can no longer affect blocks in an AoE - only the first block targeted will be affected, successful or not.
  • Updated eldrin conduit recipes to require the corresponding lesser conduit instead of a mote of that type


Added some prettier particle effects for projectiles. This will be an ongoing thing with others shapes and effects as I feel motivated to do so. Updated the model and texture for the hulking zombie Re-added the magnitude attribute for recall, it was mistakenly removed at some point

Bug Fixes

Fixed aura enchanting. Again. Fixed a crashing bug with auras attempting to apply their effect in certain circumstances. Refactored configs so they will no longer continually reset, and will be able to adapt to config changes while the game is still running, to the extent that forge allows. This means you can change configs while the game is still running, and they will take effect without the need for a restart. This will also resolve the log spam that accompanied the reset. Fixed an issue in the runescribing gui where even though it was removing a line, it was not rendering as such until the next operation

General Changes

The global dimension/biome spell block configs have been moved to mna-spells.toml (previously mna-general.toml)


  • Added Russian translation for lang (not codex at this time)
  • Set up the public repo with the codex/lang files for easier translations via PR


  • Adjusted the graph for when faction mobs are tiered up, maximum tier and level will see a healthier mix of T2 and T3 mobs
  • Added a new tag for overworld spawns set up to not include mushroom biomes
  • Adjusted lantern wraith spawn conditions and weights

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue related to camoflage that broke some utility entities used by modpacks as well as the bracelet of trickery
  • Fixed a texture issue with the Infernal Armor
  • Fixed an issue with sanctums that could cause crashes
  • Fixed undead sanctums not properly checking for allies
  • Fixed boss thesis drops
  • Fixed a crash with MrCrayfish gun mod
  • Fixed an off by one graphical issue in the Codex
  • Removed all references to Mojang's RandomSource within M&A particles and sounds in an attempt to fix the LegacyRandomSource crashing issue
  • Fixed an issue with the neural network's trainer that could cause crashes in extremely rare cases
  • Fixed a render crashing issue with the Runic Malus when placing a rune inside it


Added aura events to the API, allowing addons to customize the behaviour of auras Expanded factions in the API to support allied factions and custom sanctum structures. Currently allied factions can use allied relics, which makes sense to me. Added functionality to override progression advancement descriptions. Yes, this means "good luck" is fixed. It also means pack makers can override descriptions in the occulus for progression without needing to adjust the global description of the advancement.


Re-balanced spawn weights. This may need more dialing in, but it's a start. Moved the wither component to T5

Bug Fixes

Fixed chalk rune texture randomization Fixed a couple of advancements: upgrade runeforge (T4) assign construct to delegation station (T1) Fixed some enchantments not being able to be applied properly (cloudstep, bouncy, transitory step) Fixed self-casting animus not properly creating blocks Fixed permanent buffs for factions not properly applying


Adjusted the recipe for night vision

Bug Fixes

Fixed shrink render code to be more compatible. Tested with Vampirism, Werewolves, and Ice and Fire. Fixed 'g' key closing the codex search menu Fixed random staff loot generation Fixed damage attribution (damage caused by a player now properly counts as being caused by a player)


Refactored Eldrin Power. Addons from prior versions that use eldrin power may be incompatible. Existing 1.20.1 worlds will upgrade, but will need minor in-game adjustments to eldrin conduits. Read below for details.

Eldrin Conduits now have a UI that allows you to, per capacitor, control how eldrin power is shared

  • Just you
  • Same Scoreboard Team
  • Same Faction

Public Conduits must be placed by a player in order to collect data required to share and provide power. 
Conduits without this data will break themselves and drop as items.

  • This will happen with older worlds, so make sure you're prepared for that and go pick them up and re-place them.

Only the player that placed the conduit can edit the share configuration UI, but anyone can view to check levels and permissions.

Eldrin Conduits now hold a small amount of eldrin power

  • This makes them act kind of like batteries

Similar to the Lodestar, they can be turned off with a redstone signal, stopping all power transmission

They have a capacity, a charge rate, and a limit to how much eldrin power can be provided in a single operation

  • A single block, in a single tick is my definition of a single operation

They will recharge over time from their owner's eldrin power network, with higher quality conduits holding more and charging faster ALL consumers will draw from this shared pool, meaning you can overdraw your conduits

There is no negative effect other than slow (or potentially no) power provision. No explosions, etc.

Eldrin Conduits now determine their range of provided power rather than consumers determining a search radius

Eldrin Conduits now register into a chunk capability, making search and responsivity significantly faster

Lesser Conduits burnout due to proximity has been removed

The capability for conduits to provide more than one kind of eldrin power has been added, though nothing has been done with it at this time

A block, block entity, block entity interface, and the gui is available in the API for addons to very easily add new conduits

  • Block: EldrinCapacitorBlock
  • Entity: EldrinCapacitorTile
  • Interface: IEldrinCapacitorTile
  • Gui: EldrinCapacitorPermissionsScreen
  • Containter: EldrinCapacitorPermissionsContainer
  • The block entity interface in the API for addons to add new blocks that consume eldrin power has been updated.
  • Only minimal changes should be required.
  • Interface: IEldrinConsumerTile

Constructs now have swimming animations

Improved construct water navigation

Added an event to the API for when spell reagents are calculating; this can be used to add or remove reagents from spells

Added 23 new methods to the API IContainerHelper to assist in moving items around and check for various M&A capabilities (such as rings of collection)

Improved tagging for damage types

Improved feedback for eldrin power consumption

Improved visuals on Ritual of the Flat Lands

Bug Fixes

Improved construct midair control, they should no longer launch themselves when stepping off of a small ledge

Soaked no longer spawns particles while the entity is still in water/rain/etc

Adjusted when the casting resources are requested to register

Fixed a dupe bug with the practitioner's pouch

Fixed some odd stacking issues with the practitioner's pouch

Fixed a bug in the API where a reference wasn't properly set, leading to crashes

Fixed material display in the inscription table and altar of arcana

Fixed pinned recipe rendering for several recipe types

Fixed an incorrect registration for the codex category on eldrin power

Fixed some texture issues within the guide book

Fixed a lang file issue with rote

Fixed a crashing bug with the eldrin altar

Fixed an issue with construct advancement predicates

Added loot table display for transmutation recipes

Fixed exigent charm charge limits

Fixed the occuluse background texture

Fixed fluid jug fluid rendering

Fixed item tooltips to properly display tiers

Fixed the transmute cantrip to again properly set a radius

Fixed aura enchants on the Runic Anvil

Balance Changes

Moved haste to T2

Moved invisibility to T3

Re-balanced and unified several buff effects. You should re-generate configs.

Most buff effects default to 30 seconds and can be increased to 600 seconds in 30 second increments

Most debuff effects are somewhere between 15 and 30 seconds to 180 and 600 seconds, depending on their overall power

Added optional reagents to the following components which when provided, allows them to become permanent when self-cast:

  • Water walking (Wakebloom)
  • Night vision (Fermented Spider Eye)
  • Levitation (Tarma Root)
  • Grow (Desert Nova)
  • Shrink (Cerublossom)
  • Leap (Slime Ball)
  • Spider Climbing (Web)
  • Swift Swim (Cod)

These optional reagents are not required for factions that can already make them permanent. Casting the spell again will remove the permanent effect, and does not require these reagents.

Additions ==================================

Added the ability for addons to register new codex category tabs Added a config value for T5 max spell complexity

Bug Fixes ==================================

Fixed recipe insertion in the magician's workbench - shaped recipes will restore correctly when remembered Fixed a sided inventory bug with the magician's workbench Fixed an incorrect success code when chopping trees Fixed an issue with constructs activating blocks where items could be removed Fixed an issue where cantrips casting a transcribed spell would not remove their modifiers correctly Fixed an issue where a duplicate homestead would still create the homestead block but blank, and added a more clear message when it fails Fixed a rendering issue with pinned rituals Fixed an issue where channeling would not correctly double channel durations under certain circumstances Fixed an issue with shear and flower pots where the flower would be voided Fixed an issue with the magician's workbench such that it handles remainder items from crafting (like farmer's delight bowls) more cleanly Fixed an issue where the Practitioner's Pouch UI wouldn't update with externally initiated inventory changes while open (such as picking up an item) Fixed an issue where the Practitioner's Pouch wouldn't properly supply spell reagents from all linked sources Fixed several recipes for arcane stone block variants Fixed an issue where constructs would attack all faction mobs when you didn't have a faction Fixed a couple issues in the codex where pages showed earlier than they should Fixed construct mining and adventuring not properly rolling loot tables

Balance Changes ==================================

Increased the maximum number of patches on a practitioner's pouch to 4 (up from 3) Updated construct attributes and how the affinity affects them Air: Faster move speed, +0.25 knockback/point, +1 ranged damage/2 points, kinetic damage resist Earth: +1 physical damage increase/2 points, +1 armor/point, +1 toughness/2 points, physical damage resist Fire: 1s/point of ignition when attacking, fire/lava/explosion/lightning damage resist Water: +5 buoyancy/point, +4 perception/point, +10% fluid capacity/point, attacks slow targets, frost/drown damage resist Arcane: 25% increase in mana capacity per point, magic damage resist Ender: +1 carry capacity/point for each hand, void/dragon breath damage resist

Each affinity, as stated above, grants a fixed amount of resistance to the damage type of 1/2 heart per point. These are all tags that can be expanded to include additional damage types. You DO NOT need to re-craft your constructs; existing ones will update themselves automatically.

Additions =====================================

  • Added lodestar task grouping capabilities for better logic organization and commenting
  • Added health check condition for constructs
  • Added name check condition for constructs
  • Added area empty check condition for constructs
  • Added break block task for constructs

Balance Changes =====================================

  • Certain construct materials have a much larger impact on block break time (Stone, Iron, Diamond) for chopping trees and breaking blocks
  • Adjusted tool levels for several rituals that broke blocks in some way without direct player control over break strength
  • Adjusted tool levels for several construct tasks that broke blocks in some way without direct player control over break strength
  • Adjusted tool levels for several spell parts that broke blocks in some way without direct player control over break strength

Bug Fixes =====================================

  • Constructs will no longer target minecolonies citizens
  • Constructs will target and attack things that you attack while following you, including other players
  • Faction mobs will no longer target minecolonies citizens
  • Construct harvesting of sugarcane (and in general age-less blocks) with a smart head has been fixed
  • Fixed a dupe bug with constructs and spell casting
  • Fixed a dupe bug with crystallize and constructs
  • Fixed some sided inventory issues with the runescribing table and runic anvil


Re-balanced ritual of the monsoon and fixed a bug with thunder conditions

Bug Fixes

Removed the test recipes that let you convert dirt to diamonds >.>

Additions ==================================

  • Added a tooltip for runes of marking to more clearly indicate when they cannot be used (magic not unlocked)
  • Added range to light which will offset the light's position against the face the spell is cast against
  • Added a filter parameter to Construct Collect Items tasks
  • Ported worldgen for the mna flowers to 1.20

Bug Fixes ==================================

  • Fixed badge icon positions for casting resources on the hud
  • Fixed a crashing issue with explosion
  • Fixed the render issue with the transcription table
  • Fixed rendering and texture issues on several entities

Added support for byproducts in the following MnA recipe types:

Eldrin Altar
Manaweaving Altar
Runic Anvil
Construct Crushing
No recipes were changed at this time to add byproducts, this just supports pack makers and addons.

Added 2 new events to the API allowing custom interactions with the Runeforge for non-standard items (similar to how charcoal and sorcerous sewing sets interact) - again, useful to addon devs:

RunicAnvilItemUsedEvent; can be used to customize the "craft"

RunicAnvilShouldActivateEvent; can be used to force the runes on the anvil to show, for something that doesn't match as a standard recipe

Fixed a crashing bug with Elemental Sentry rendering when broken

  • Update to 1.20

  • Switch to NeoForge (this version will still run on Forge for 1.20.1)

  • Added Tome of Recipes, an item that lets you save up to 16 recipes from the manaweaving altar and craft them with a click. It's also dyeable.

  • Animus blocks are now rideable.

  • Added spell book chords. You can use these to change spells in Spell Books, Grimoires, and Books of Rote while moving.

  • Added support for byproducts in the following MnA recipe types:

  • Eldrin Altar

  • Manaweaving Altar

  • Runeforge

  • Runic Anvil

  • Construct Crushing

  • No recipes were changed at this time to add byproducts, this just supports pack makers and addons.

  • The codex and JEI will display these byproducts when present, up to a maximum of 5

  • Added 2 new events to the API allowing custom interactions with the Runeforge for non-standard items (similar to how charcoal and sorcerous sewing sets interact) - again, useful to addon devs

  • RunicAnvilItemUsedEvent; can be used to customize the "craft"

  • RunicAnvilShouldActivateEvent; can be used to force the runes on the anvil to show, for something that doesn't match as a standard recipe

  • Made the lodestar gui able to zoom in and out

  • Improved feedback in the lodestar as to which tasks are not fully configured

  • Added a button to the lodestar gui to make it re-center the viewport on the logic in case it gets lost off screen

Fixed a crashing bug on servers from the beta

Improved logic within demon lord phase transition Fixed a crashing bug with the pig dragon Nethergate no longer breaks blocks, instead placing you similar to eldrin flight. This does not mean it will place you safely. Fixed an issue where the Transcription table would require conduits all of the affinities in order to function

Improved logic within demon lord phase transition Fixed a crashing bug with the pig dragon Nethergate no longer breaks blocks, instead placing you similar to eldrin flight. This does not mean it will place you safely. Fixed an issue where the Transcription table would require conduits all of the affinities in order to function

  • Construct take item now has a minimum count option in order to successfully take the item.
    • In all cases, the item is "selected" before counting it
    • If "random from filter" is enabled, the item is randomly selected as before
    • Otherwise, if the construct has a smart head it will scan through every item in a filter until it finds an item matching the count, at which point it will select that item
    • If the construct is not smart, it will only look at the first matching item, and if the count is too low, it will fail.
  • Is item in container has an option to count individual items from a filter and return success if any one of them has the correct quantity rather than the default behaviour of calculating a total.
  • Fixed construct door pathing.
  • Construct debugging improvements.
  • Constructs have finished their apprenticeships and should be much more effective at casting spells.
  • Fixed some log spam issues
  • Buffed Odin. I'll need some feedback as to whether I turned the knobs too far.
  • Added a visual overlay when you're in mist form


Shooting a brazier with a light spell will set the brazier's flame color to the light color. Added easy-to-use utility methods into the API to create new spell books, staves, and grimoires. Integrated the "Crush All The Things" pack into baseline M&A. Thanks, The Shadow!


Fixed a couple JEI rendering issues Fixed boss AI such that it no longer crashes the game Adjusted Council Warden AI to be more aggressive Fixed several Council Warden abilities that didn't work correctly Fixed a crashing bug with Embers Added new models and textures for metal ritual runes Ritual of the Deep Ocean now correctly detects ocean biomes Ritual of the Searing Inferno now correctly detects nether biomes Fixed structure tags Fixed boss structure protection Fixed broker trades for boss arena thaumaturgic links Fixed the Council Warden not correctly detecting its structure Fixed the Fey Queens fighting each other Fixed wellspring generation - they will retroactively generate into existing worlds, but you will need to explore and load the various chunks for them to do so.

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID