Realms of Runeterra: 0.1a.6
Remember you need to run the following command to enter the dimension for now:
execute in realmsofruneterra:runeterra_dimension run tp x,y,z
If the terrain happens to "ghost" (i.e you just fall down into the void indefinitely without the terrain generating) try running the tp while flying in creative mode This is a known problem and we're looking for a long-term solution. ESC + Quitting to the game menu and re-entering apparently can also fix the issue.
Dimension generation
- Optimized Runeterra generation
- Created a new dimension, the buffer dimension that you can explore while the chunks needed on Runeterra load that (will) feature previews of things to come and also some secrets.
New item: Hexporter prototype
A techmaturgical device powered by a hexgem. It allows you to travel to Runeterra and back without ghosting via chunk pregeneration. INSTRUCTIONS OF USE:
Use the item in any dimension to open the GUI to set the coordinates. Once set, crouch + use the item for 5 seconds to teleport.
Once in the buffer dimension, click again to start pregenration (depending on your computer it might take a while but you will see a "pregeneration completed!" message once its done)
Hold shift + use the item again for five seconds to teleport to Runeterra (it might take some seconds but will put you into the dimension surface correctly)
NOTES: The current pregeneration system is far from perfect, but it works. Once the mod is more advanced i will revisit the system.
You can still use the original command.
Want to help?
- Are you a lore enthusiast and want to help with gathering lore resources?
- Are you skilled in using worldpaint, worldedit or other terrain and world editing tools and want to help with crafting the base terrain layout?
- Are you skilled in minecraft modding, and more specifically in world generation and mixins?
- Skilled in programming to help optimize the mod?
- Skilled minecraft builder that would like to help design buildings and landmarks for later use in the mod?
Hop on into the discord server and let's figure things out!
You can also help by just downloading the mod and checking thins around! Your experience on the mod under some certain specs, bugs, crashes... Anything that you can later let us know using the issue tracker!
Realms of Runeterra 0.1a.5
Remember you need to run the following command to enter the dimension for now:
execute in realmsofruneterra:runeterra_dimension run tp x,y,z
If the terrain happens to "ghost" (i.e you just fall down into the void indefinitely without the terrain generating) try running the tp while flying in creative mode This is a known problem and we're looking for a long-term solution. ESC + Quitting to the game menu and re-entering apparently can also fix the issue.
Terrain changed (again):
- This will be the last time. Promised
- Base terrain elevation was reduced from 192 to 128, finding a compromise between terrain density and underground space
- The tallest (non-Targon) peaks are still ~1200 tall
Oh, to the Biomes you'll go (But even better)!
- Features have been adapted to work with the custom biomesource!
- While the city biomes are still empty, you can check how the biome map based multinoise system works travelling up to the Piltover Highlands! This mountain north Piltover has a group of (as of now) vanilla biomes that you can take a look in, functionally identical to the vanilla overworld with trees, flowers and other decorations, as well as animals spawning!
- (Some spawning structures, like Ruined portals, are non-functional for now)
- Go to the same location in two saves and you will see: it won't be the same: The multinoise system works!
- Dynamic snow & Freezing system: The feature that controls whether a biome gets snow and iced water decoration (due to low temperature or high altitude) has been tweaked to happen at higher altitudes (555+ blocks) relative to the base height
Dynamic cloud position Since this dimension is tall, the clouds now move relative to your height: Above 200 blocks and below 1800 blocks, you will always see the clouds at a regular distance above you. Above 1800 the clouds will be below you, as normal.
With the terrain shape and biome base systems finished, we will focus now on implementing procedural arlgorithms to create the city of piltover:
- Dynamic street layouts
- Procedural building generation
- Placement of Points of Interest (PoIs) and landmarks
Want to help?
- Are you a lore enthusiast and want to help with gathering lore resources?
- Are you skilled in using worldpaint, worldedit or other terrain and world editing tools and want to help with crafting the base terrain layout?
- Are you skilled in minecraft modding, and more specifically in world generation and mixins?
- Skilled in programming to help optimize the mod?
- Skilled minecraft builder that would like to help design buildings and landmarks for later use in the mod?
Hop on into the discord server and let's figure things out!
You can also help by just downloading the mod and checking thins around! Your experience on the mod under some certain specs, bugs, crashes... Anything that you can later let us know using the issue tracker!
Realms of Runeterra hotfix 0.1a.4r1
on Sep 24, 2024Hotfix for version 0.1a.4! If you were using that version please download this one instead ASAP!
Fixed a problem with deserialization of the custom BiomeSource causing a mismatch that made any world created in version 0.1a.4 not able to load after quitting for the first time.
Added silly splash texts to Minecraft main menu, and, unlike vanilla splasharts, ours are localized (es_es and en_us) Go check them out!
If you have ideas or want to localize the splashes (or any other mod text) to your language, we will be waiting for you in the discord server too!
Enabled basic surface rules testing and carving for test biomes.
Want to help?
- Are you a lore enthusiast and want to help with gathering lore resources?
- Are you skilled in using worldpaint, worldedit or other terrain and world editing tools and want to help with crafting the base terrain layout?
- Are you skilled in minecraft modding, and more specifically in world generation and mixins?
- Skilled in programming to help optimize the mod?
- Skilled minecraft builder that would like to help design buildings and landmarks for later use in the mod?
Hop on into the discord server and let's figure things out!
You can also help by just downloading the mod and checking thins around! Your experience on the mod under some certain specs, bugs, crashes... Anything that you can later let us know using the issue tracker!
Realms of Runeterra 0.1a.4
DANGLING THREADS: Memory optimizing threads might not properly clean, thus residing in memory even after the game is closed. If you see a java task running after minecraft is closed with very low cpu and memory usage, do not worry (its not a virus or anything intentional), just report it and close the process.
MEMORY LEAK: Please report any RAM over usage: Expected RAM usage for the mod at this point is no more than 6-7GB. A memory leak can be fixed by restarting your computer.
CPU USAGE: CPU usage is expected to have increased. If it slows the terrain generation, use the issue tracker (both on github or discord) to let us know.
If you encounter any issue, please post it in the issue tracker
Remember you need to run the following command to enter the dimension for now:
execute in realmsofruneterra:runeterra_dimension run tp x,y,z
Terrain changed:
- Base terrain elevation was elevated from 12 to 192, meaning it leaves more space for underground development (almost 300 in comparison to the 132 from before)
- The tallest peaks (non-Targon) have been reduced from 1700 to 1200. The mean elevation is now ~650 blocks in comparison to the 800+ from before. The difference between Targon's peak and the rest of peaks is now of 800+ blocks.
Oh, to the Biomes you'll go!
- The dimension uses now a customized biome source. This allows for vanilla biome assigment to work on a per-zone basis, making certain biomes "region-locked", in contrast to the full vanilla biome source, which would make the full pool of biomes spawn anywhere, generating inconsitencies like making a petricite forest (demacia only biome) spawn outside demacia territory.
- Two custom biomes have been added. Those have been edited to have stark features (like a deep red undeerwater fog or a navy blue sky fog) to be visually distinct (they will be changed later)
- You can also press F3 and check the biome assigment via the debug data! The zone with assigned biomes is the northern isthmus, which can have either a custom piltover biome or a vanilla jungle biome. Everything else has either a warm ocean on the ocean at the chasms or a "blan piltover biome" everywhere else.
Density functions are the way!
- The dimension uses now a customized noise router. This noise router has density functions tailored to generate the dimension in a vanilla-friendly way, meaning that they will be able to be tweaked, blended, noised or shifted with other modified or vanilla density functions (as the vanilla overworld does) for more variability in the future!
- Height is now completely driven by density functions (InitialDensityWithoutJagedness) and (FinalDensity) This pretty much works the same as before, whereas the density function will sample a height point from the image heightmaps. This data will then be normalized to density function ranges [-1,1] so that the game correctly assigns a the base-block (stone) or aquifer replaceable air to a certain position.
- This dramatically decreases the RAM usage (from ~6GB to ~3GB), but also increases CPU usage during chunk generation: This includes during the first generation of the world, as well when generating new chunks from exploration.
- Aquifer generation corectly sets water up to the nominal sea level. This also generates a more dynamic ocean floor shape, but makes both chasms completely flooded at the moment.
Tweak the shape density functions to alow for dynamic terrain shape based on continentalness and erosion
Underground base carving and aquifers
Correct application of surface rules for test biomes.
Aquifer level correction for the chasm areas.
Closely monitor CPU usage on world generation.
Want to help?
- Are you a lore enthusiast and want to help with gathering lore resources?
- Are you skilled in using worldpaint, worldedit or other terrain and world editing tools and want to help with crafting the base terrain layout?
- Are you skilled in minecraft modding, and more specifically in world generation and mixins?
- Skilled in programming to help optimize the mod?
- Skilled minecraft builder that would like to help design buildings and landmarks for later use in the mod?
Hop on into the discord server and let's figure things out!
You can also help by just downloading the mod and checking thins around! Your experience on the mod under some certain specs, bugs, crashes... Anything that you can later let us know using the issue tracker!
Realms of Runeterra 0.1a.2
DANGLING THREADS: Memory optimizing threads might not properly clean, thus residing in memory even after the game is closed. If you see a java task running after minecraft is closed with very low cpu and memory usage, do not worry (its not a virus or anything intentional), just report it and close the process.
MEMORY LEAK: Please report any RAM over usage: Expected RAM usage for the mod at this point is no more than 6-7GB. A memory leak can be fixed by restarting your computer.
If you encounter any issue, please post it in the issue tracker
Remember you need to run the following command to enter the dimension for now:
execute in realmsofruneterra:runeterra_dimension run tp x,y,z
- Heightmaps are now half the original size
- Missing points are calculated through linear interpolation of adjacent heights
- This means the images occupy less in the jar, and in memory. The chunk generator takes even less time to load in and to generate new chunks.
- General terrain look is more smooth and minecraft-like.
Want to help?
- Are you a lore enthusiast and want to help with gathering lore resources?
- Are you skilled in using worldpaint, worldedit or other terrain and world editing tools and want to help with crafting the base terrain layout?
- Are you skilled in minecraft modding, and more specifically in world generation and mixins?
- Skilled in programming to help optimize the mod?
- Skilled minecraft builder that would like to help design buildings and landmarks for later use in the mod?
Hop on into the discord server and let's figure things out!
You can also help by just downloading the mod and checking thins around! Your experience on the mod under some certain specs, bugs, crashes... Anything that you can later let us know using the issue tracker!
Realms of Runeterra 0.1a.1
DANGLING THREADS: Memory optimizing threads might not properly clean, thus residing in memory even after the game is closed. If you see a java task running after minecraft is closed with very low cpu and memory usage, do not worry (its not a virus or anything intentional), just report it and close the process.
MEMORY LEAK: Please report any RAM over usage: Expected RAM usage for the mod at this point is no more than 6-7GB. A memory leak can be fixed by restarting your computer.
If you encounter any issue, please post it in the issue tracker
Remember you need to run the following command to enter the dimension for now:
execute in realmsofruneterra:runeterra_dimension run tp x,y,z
This version focuses on optimzing initial terrain generation. So nothing much is added, except better load times and chunk loading for the dimension.
Added four test blocks under "piltover items" (provisonal creative tab name)
- Piltite ore block: Natural block spawning north piltover. (Worldgen not implemented yet). When mined it drops:
- Raw piltite chunk item: Needs of an unimplemented block to create:
- Refined piltite block: Needs of an unimplemented block to create:
- Base piltstone block: Northern piltover prominent decoration and building block.
Slightly altered world generation block filling to complete asynchronously.
- World might take up to 15% more time to load on the first teleport / when spawning into an area with fully undiscovered chunks, but it makes up for it being up to +40% faster loading new chunks.
Added alpha biome assigment system:
- Reads from a biomemap to set a biome or a group of biomes. If a group of biomes is present, it resorts to vanilla bione noise assigment for a natural look.
Memory optimizations:
- Map caches will evict the least recently used slice if full (4 images)
- Changes both the heightmap cache and the biomemap cache so that slices not used within the last five minutes will be concurrently removed by a thread.
- This should help alliveate bloaty memory usage
Added a base custom biome:
- Vanilla structures and features (geodes, trial chambers, villages) no longer spawn.
- The terrain is still featureless. Mossy stone blobs have been added as means of seeing biome delimitations.
More heightmap corrections for the intercontintental sea coast.
Dimension now uses soothing main menu music <3
What next?
- We will still focus on performance on the next update:
- Instead of loading a 1:1 map, we might see if using interpolation with maps half the side makes things smoother, both on loading times, ram usage, and overall terrain shape, even if a small bit of accurracy is lost.
- After we get that sorted out, we will look into starting with biome placement procedures around the isthmus area, including the biomemaps, blocks, sturctures and street layouts.
- We will still focus on performance on the next update:
Want to help?
- Are you a lore enthusiast and want to help with gathering lore resources?
- Are you skilled in using worldpaint, worldedit or other terrain and world editing tools and want to help with crafting the base terrain layout?
- Are you skilled in minecraft modding, and more specifically in world generation and mixins?
- Skilled in programming to help optimize the mod?
- Skilled minecraft builder that would like to help design buildings and landmarks for later use in the mod?
Hop on into the discord server and let's figure things out!
You can also help by just downloading the mod and checking thins around! Your experience on the mod under some certain specs, bugs, crashes... Anything that you can later let us know using the issue tracker!
Realms of Runeterra 0.1a.0
on Sep 1, 2024This is a very barebones version just so anybody interested can check the scale of what is to come!
There are no biomes, no features, no mobs and no special blocks or items yet, just the base terrain! As such, terrablender is not a dependency yet, but it will be in the near future
You will also see vanilla structures like geodes, trial chambers, villages etc spawning on ground and in mid-air: This is due to the generator of the dimension still spawning vanilla related stuff. The only "biome" right now is identified as the vanilla ocean, therefore ocean features may spawn everywhere. This will be fixed in the near future. (For now) to accesss this dimension you need to run the following command on a cheat-enabled save:
execute in realmsofruneterra:runeterra_dimension run tp x,y,z
where x,y,z are the coordinates of a regular teleport (tp) command.
The range of terrain avaiable to explore is from (-16000, 0) to (16000,16000)
You will most likely want to check Piltover and Zaun, the only two capital citiy areas available on this cycle, around the area of (12000, 7000) to (14000, 8500)
We recommend to have a view distance of 12-20 chunks (beefy computer) to have a more immersive experience or no more than 6-8 chunks on a mid to low end computer, if your computer normally handles 12 chunks, you can (probably) leave it as such.
This initial few steps will focus on fixing the terrain on the isthmus and the intercontinental sea (The coasts need to be raised according to the terrain elevation.)
Once content with the terrain, we will start to focus on Piltover itself.
Some fun facts about the project and some more development pictures:
- The oceanic floor stands at 0 blocks high, meaning there are 128 blocks below it and 2031 blocks above. The oceanic water level is located at 12 blocks.
- The interconintental sea raises 172 blocks, meaning the height difference between the intercontinental sea and the oceans is of a whooping 160 blocks.
- The widest part of the isthmus is 1000 blocks in length
- The tallest points that aren't mount Targon only reach up to 1600 blocks high. The only point that will reach the height limit (2000+ blocks) will be the peak of Targon itself.
Want to help?
- Are you a lore enthusiast and want to help with gathering lore resources?
- Are you skilled in using worldpaint, worldedit or other terrain and world editing tools and want to help with crafting the base terrain layout?
- Are you skilled in minecraft modding, and more specifically in world generation and mixins?
- Skilled in programming to help optimize the mod?
- Skilled minecraft builder that would like to help design buildings and landmarks for later use in the mod?
Hop on into the discord server and let's figure things out!
You can also help by just downloading the mod and checking thins around! Your experience on the mod under some certain specs, bugs, crashes... Anything that you can later let us know using the issue tracker!