Minecraft: Java Edition
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Requires the library mod Collective.
The Customization Bundle is a special type of mod, that combines multiple of Serilum's customization-type mods into one. While I find it very difficult to group my mods together, I have attempted this to make them easier to install. It uses a system called JiJ (Jar in Jar). This basically means that the included mods remain completely separate, while allowing to install them similar to a modpack, bundled. All mods still have their own config file, and you'll see them all listed in the in-game mod list.
The bundle is an extra aid in pack development, but does not replace the modular mod system that I personally prefer. However it is possible to disable included mods via the Bundle's config. A restart is required for the changes to take effect.
Because of the way the JiJ system works, it's compatible with both having the mod installed normally and alongside the included mod of the bundle. This mostly can be used to force a specific version, but also won't cause an issue if a mod is accidentally installed twice this way. While it might not be a problem, it's of course best to only install them once. So you can remove any other mods that are in this bundle, if you decide to install it.
I hope this bundle is useful for some of you out there that prefer bigger content mods. Thank you so much for all the support over the years!
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enableAlteredDamage (default = true)enableAlternativeWorldSaveLocation (default = true)
enableBiomeSpawnPoint (default = true)
enableConfigurableDespawnTimer (default = true)
enableConfigurableExtraMobDrops (default = true)
enableConfigurableFurnaceBurnTime (default = true)
enableConfigurableMobPotionEffects (default = true)
enableCustomCredits (default = true)
enableCycleTitleScreenSplash (default = true)
enableDifficultyLock (default = true)
enableFirstJoinMessage (default = true)
enableHideExperimentalWarning (default = true)
enableSaveandLoadInventories (default = true)
enableSetWorldSpawnPoint (default = true)
enableSimpleMenu (default = true)
enableStarterKit (default = true)
enableStarterStructure (default = true)
Available Bundles:
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Mods included:
Altered Damage:
Alters damage taken and dealt by players and other entities with a modifier.
Alternative World Save Location:
Allows changing the default save file path of Minecraft worlds to outside instance scopes.
Biome Spawn Point:
Allows specifying which biome players will spawn in on new world creation.
Configurable Despawn Timer:
Allows items and experience orbs to remain longer, shorter or infinitely on the ground.
Configurable Extra Mob Drops:
Add any extra item drops to entities via commands and config, drop chance supported.
Configurable Furnace Burn Time:
Allows changing the fuel burn time in furnaces globally via a config modifier.
Configurable Mob Potion Effects:
Set potion effects for all living entities to have permanently and to inflict.
Custom Credits:
Allows changing the content and behaviour of the credits screen, including the end poem.
Cycle Title Screen Splash:
The splash text on the main menu will keep changing after a configurable delay.
Difficulty Lock:
Sets a difficulty in any world, optionally locked, or force a hardcore mode requirement.
First Join Message:
Sends players who join a world for the first time a configurable message.
Hide Experimental Warning:
Hides the Experimental Settings Warning when trying to create or load a modded world.
Save and Load Inventories:
Save and load player inventories or kits to self and others by using commands.
Set World Spawn Point:
Allows setting an exact custom spawn point for (newly) created worlds and spawn tweaks.
Simple Menu:
Adds some basic functionality to edit the style and buttons of Minecraft's main menu, change the window title and set a new icon. A less fancy FancyMenu alternative.
Starter Kit:
Give all new players joining the world configurable starter gear, items and/or potion effects. It can overwrite the initial inventory, or add the items after. Compatible with FTB Team Islands.
Starter Structure:
Allows the creation of buildings on initial world generation at spawn via schematic files.
You may freely use this bundle in any modpack, as long as the download remains hosted within the Modrinth ecosystem. contains an overview and more information on all mods available.
Comments are disabled as I'm unable to keep track of all the separate pages on each mod.
For issues, ideas, suggestions or anything else there is the Github repo. Thanks!