Minecraft: Java Edition
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Requires the library mod Collective.
The Extra Bundle is a special type of mod, that combines multiple of Serilum's extra-type mods into one. While I find it very difficult to group my mods together, I have attempted this to make them easier to install. It uses a system called JiJ (Jar in Jar). This basically means that the included mods remain completely separate, while allowing to install them similar to a modpack, bundled. All mods still have their own config file, and you'll see them all listed in the in-game mod list.
The bundle is an extra aid in pack development, but does not replace the modular mod system that I personally prefer. However it is possible to disable included mods via the Bundle's config. A restart is required for the changes to take effect.
Because of the way the JiJ system works, it's compatible with both having the mod installed normally and alongside the included mod of the bundle. This mostly can be used to force a specific version, but also won't cause an issue if a mod is accidentally installed twice this way. While it might not be a problem, it's of course best to only install them once. So you can remove any other mods that are in this bundle, if you decide to install it.
I hope this bundle is useful for some of you out there that prefer bigger content mods. Thank you so much for all the support over the years!
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enableAllLootDrops (default = true)enableAprilFools (default = true)
enableBiggerSpongeAbsorptionRadius (default = true)
enableBouncierBeds (default = true)
enableCryingGhasts (default = true)
enableCryingPortals (default = true)
enableDeathBackup (default = true)
enableEasyElevators (default = true)
enableEdibles (default = true)
enableExtractPoison (default = true)
enableFallThroughSlime (default = true)
enableFasterCrouching (default = true)
enableFixedAnvilRepairCost (default = true)
enableGrassSeeds (default = true)
enableHandOverYourItems (default = true)
enableInfiniteTrading (default = true)
enableMilkAllTheMobs (default = true)
enableNameTagTweaks (default = true)
enablePaperBooks (default = true)
enablePassiveEndermen (default = true)
enablePlaceableBlazeRods (default = true)
enableRandomBoneMealFlowers (default = true)
enableRandomSheepColours (default = true)
enableRandomShulkerColours (default = true)
enableShulkerDropsTwo (default = true)
enableTNTBreaksBedrock (default = true)
enableTranscendingTrident (default = true)
enableVillagerDeathMessages (default = true)
Available Bundles:
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Mods included:
All Loot Drops:
Living entities drop all their possible loot in a configurable amount, looting enchant supported.
April Fools:
Enables various silly and funny configurable features on April Fools' day!
Bigger Sponge Absorption Radius:
Each extra sponge block placed next to one another increases the water absorption radius.
Bouncier Beds:
Makes players bounce configurably higher on beds and prevents fall damage on them.
Crying Ghasts:
Ghasts drop their tears periodically when a player is close, allowing sustainable farming.
Crying Portals:
Allows the creation of nether portals with crying obsidian blocks.
Death Backup:
Creates back-ups of player inventories before death, which can be loaded via commands.
Easy Elevators:
Easily go up and down fast via multiblock elevators! Highly configurable, using existing resources.
Makes lots of ingredients edible, after which the player receives a short status effect. Allows eating blaze powder, glowstone dust, magma cream, sugar, ghast tear, phantom membrane and rabbit's foot.
Extract Poison:
Extract poison from cave spiders, pufferfish and bees with an empty glass bottle.
Fall Through Slime:
Slime blocks no longer support your weight when idle, and you'll slowly fall through.
Faster Crouching:
Sprint and walk while crouching/sneaking at the speed of as if you weren't.
Fixed Anvil Repair Cost:
Patches the anvil to set the default level cost, material cost and percentage repaired.
Grass Seeds:
Allows players to use normal seeds to transform dirt into (tall) grass.
Hand Over Your Items:
Adds to ability for in-game players to give each other itemstacks without dropping/tossing them.
Infinite Trading:
Prevents villager trades from locking up, making them always available. Trade away!
Milk All The Mobs:
Allows sheep, llamas, pigs, donkeys, horses and mules to produce a bucket of milk.
Name Tag Tweaks:
Adds nametag crafting recipe, command, and named entities drop their tag on death.
Paper Books:
Allows the creation of books with 9 paper.
Passive Endermen:
Prevent an enderman from teleporting, placing/picking up blocks (griefing) and attacking when looked at.
Placeable Blaze Rods:
Makes blaze rods placeable as a custom block in the world, like end rods.
Random Bone Meal Flowers:
Randomizes the flowers spawned by bonemeal, allowing all (modded) types to spawn everywhere.
Random Sheep Colours:
Gives new sheep spawns a random wool/fleece color based on a configurable list.
Random Shulker Colours:
Gives new shulker spawns a random shell color based on a configurable list.
Shulker Drops Two:
Allows Shulkers to drop two or more shells and ignore their default drop chance.
TNT Breaks Bedrock:
Allows TNT to break bedrock, easy access to the nether roof!
Transcending Trident:
Improves the trident. Hold a water bucket to use a more powerful riptide anywhere.
Villager Death Messages:
Broadcasts an informational death message whenever a villager passes away.
You may freely use this bundle in any modpack, as long as the download remains hosted within the Modrinth ecosystem. contains an overview and more information on all mods available.
Comments are disabled as I'm unable to keep track of all the separate pages on each mod.
For issues, ideas, suggestions or anything else there is the Github repo. Thanks!