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Built on Fabulously Optimized

Fabulously Nyalamised

My variation of Fabulously Optimized with a few mods I personally enjoy as well as including shaderpacks by default (in versions older than 3.1.1) and better defaults for controls (who uses shift for crouch????)

This modpack was created as an easy way for me to collect all my mods into a single place to easily download, update and share my mods to my friends or for those who wish to use it

I also recommend using brucethemoose's guide on java args for graalvm java as I personally use it and believe it complements this modpack


  1. This modpack contains content not made by me, as such all rights are reserved to their rightful owners, creators, and maintainers and I am sincerely glad this content was released for free for everyone to use
  2. This modpack is a modification/variation of Fabulously Optimized with changes and additions that I personally enjoy
  3. This modpack includes the following resourcepacks (in versions newer than 2.0.0+1.20.1) by default:
  4. This modpack includes the following shaderpacks (in versions older than 3.1.1) by default:


If you have any issues or suggestions please contact me on

  • Twitter (Recommended): @Koishukaze
  • Discord: Koishukaze#1677


Donations to me are purely your choice and are greatly appreciated, you can do so with the below links


In the unlikely case this pack causes any damage to your instance, world or machine (it shouldn't but in the case it does) I am not responsible

Version formatting is as follows (and resets after each minecraft version)

X.Y.Z+(Minecraft version)

  • X = New/removed mod changes (Major)
  • Y = Config changes/Mod updates (Moderate)
  • Z = Other changes (Minor)

External resources

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID