- Updated mods to their latest versions for general stability improvements.
- Moved all of the modpack default config files to /config/yosbr/*
Removed Mods
- Roughly Enough Items Incompatible with recipes from several Create addons. Replaced with JEI.
- Roughly Searchable
Added Mods
- ReFramed
- Just Enough Items Replacing REI for compatibility with several of the Create addons
- Iris & Oculus Flywheel Compat Massively improves performance when shaders are enabled and the player is in close distance to animated create entity blocks. Does nothing to improve performance without shaders.
- Your Options Shall Be Respected Less friction when delivering updates to mod configs. Preserve users changes over ours.
- Stay True removed orange/pink birch leaves.
- Stay True NoBushyLeaves removed orange/pink birch leaves.
Added Mods
- Chipped Added 3.0.6
- Rogues & Warriors (RPG Series) Added 1.0.9
Removed Mods
- Additional Enchanted Miner
- Dimensional Doors
- e4mc
- Immersive Aircraft
- Immersive Weathering
- Your Options Shall Be Respected Config delivery did not turn out as intended.
Added Mods
Moved all of the modpack default config files to /config/yosbr/*
Added Mods
- Your Options Shall Be Respected Less friction when delivering updates to mod configs. Preserve users changes over ours.
- Decorative Blocks
Removed Mods
- BetterAdvancements (replaced with Paginated Advancements & Custom Frames)
- Do A Barrel Roll
- First-person Model
- Just Enough Items (replaced with roughly enough items. itemlist overlapped with Travelers Backpack on small GUI scales)
- OfflineSkins (functionality moved to serverside with SkinRestorer
- Smooth Swapping
- Wild Tool Access (replaced with ItemSwapper)
Added Mods
- Advancement Plaques
- AdvancementsSearch
- Amplified Nether
- Auto Clicker
- BadOptimizations
- Better Ping Display [Fabric]
- Better Statistics Screen
- Bounced
- Brute force Rendering Culling
- Create: Bells & Whistles
- Create: New Age
- Create: Structures
- Create: Enchantment Industry Fabric
- Create: Jetpack
- Create Crafts & Additions
- Create Chunkloading
- Create Deco
- Create: Diesel Generators [Fabric]
- Create Goggles
- Create Ore Excavation
- Create Utilities
- Create: Design n' Decor
- Create: Extended Cogwheels
- Create: Interiors
- Create Slice & Dice
- Create: Steam 'n' rails
- Create: Train Perspective Fix
- Double Doors
- Enhanced Block Entities
- Explorer's Compass
- Extended Drawers
- Freecam (Modrinth Edition)
- Fusion (Connected Textures)
- Inventory Profiles Next
- Item Borders
- ItemSwapper
- Legendary Tooltips
- libIPN
- Logarithmic Volume Control
- Magnum Torch
- MaLiLib
- MiniHUD
- Nature's Compass
- nvidium
- Paginated Advancements & Custom Frames
- Prism
- Rechiseled
- Rechiseled: Create
- Roughly Enough Items (REI)
- Reoughly Searchable
- Seamless Loading Screen
- Spawn Animations
- SuperMartijn642's Config Lib
- SuperMartijn642's Core Lib
- Supplementaries
- Tiny Item Animations
- Villager Transportation
- Very Many Players (Fabric)
- Wavey Capes