Updated (Mods,Resourcepacks,Shaderpacks)
- Better Ping Display [Fabric]: 1.20.6-1.1.1 --> 1.21-1.1.1
- TCDCommons API: 3.11.1+fabric-1.21 --> 3.12+fabric-1.21
- Default Options: 21.0.4+fabric-1.21 --> 21.0.5+fabric-1.21
- Sodium: mc1.21-0.5.9 --> mc1.21-0.5.11
- Bobby: 5.2.2+mc1.21 --> 5.2.3+mc1.21
- Dynamic FPS: 3.5.1 --> 3.6.0
- Fabric API: 0.100.4+1.21 --> 0.100.6+1.21
- Balm: 21.0.10+fabric-1.21 --> 21.0.12+fabric-1.21
- Better Statistics Screen: 3.11.3+fabric-1.21 --> 3.12.1+fabric-1.21
- Iris Shaders: 1.7.1+1.21 --> 1.7.3+1.21
- Shulker Box Tooltip: 5.0.2+1.21-fabric --> 5.0.3+1.21-fabric
- Indium: 1.0.33+mc1.21 --> 1.0.34+mc1.21
Removed (Mods,Resourcepacks,Shaderpacks)
Added (Mods,Resourcepacks,Shaderpacks)
Mods enabled
- Distant Horizons by jeseibel
- Shulker Box Tooltip by MisterPeModder
Mods have been updated
- Mod Menu
- Ash API by Trikzon
- Balm by BlayTheNinth
- Better Statistics Screen by TheCSDev
- Dynamic FPS by juliand665
- Fabric API by modmuss50
- TCDCommons API by TheCSDev
- Text Placeholder API by Patbox
Mods enabled
- Indium by comp500
- CreativeCore by creativemd
- ItemPhysic Lite by creativemd
- Mouse Tweaks by YaLTeR
- Xaero's Minimap by thexaero
- Xaero's World Map by thexaero
- Continuity by PepperCode1
Resourcepack add
- Fast Better Grass by robotkoer
- Default Dark Mode by nebulr
- Fullbright UB by worldresourcepack
Mods removed
- Starlight (Fabric) by spottedleaf
Mods have been updated
- Mod Menu
Mods Added:
- TCDCommons API by TheCSDev
Mods disabled
- 3D Skin Layers by tr7zw
- AppleSkin by squeek502
- Better Ping Display [Fabric] by vladmarica
- Bobby by Johni0702
- CreativeCore by creativemd
- Distant Horizons by jeseibel
- Entity Culling by tr7zw
- FerriteCore by malte0811
- Freecam (Modrinth Edition) by hashalite
- Health Indicator TXF by jahirtrap
- Indium by comp500
- ItemPhysic Lite by creativemd
- LambDynamicLights by LambdAurora
- Mouse Tweaks by YaLTeR
- Shulker Box Tooltip by MisterPeModder
- Starlight (Fabric) by spottedleaf
- Transparent by Trikzon
- WorldEditGUI by zml2008
- Xaero's Minimap by thexaero
- Xaero's World map by thexaero
Mods Added:
- AppleSkin by squeek502
- Health Indicator TXF by jahirtrap
- Lighty by andi-makes
- Mouse Tweaks by YaLTeR
- Shulker Box Tooltip by MisterPeModder
External Mods Added:
- WorldEditGUI by me4502