CrazyCrates 1.16.4
on Nov 5, 2023Fixed:
- Items had extra data added to items preventing them from stacking.
CrazyCrates 1.16.3
on Nov 5, 2023Changes:
- Reload all preview inventories for all viewers after /crates additem.
- Take all players out of any preview inventories during /crates reload.
- You could take items out when viewing previews.
CrazyCrates 1.16.2
on Nov 5, 2023Fixed:
- Placeholders were not being replaced in specific messages.
CrazyCrates 1.16.1
on Nov 5, 2023Fixed:
- The last physical key was not being taken from inventory.
CrazyCrates 1.16
on Nov 4, 2023Added:
- Ability to require a permission to open a crat
- New Message: No-Crate-Permission: '&cYou do not have permission to use that crate.'
- New Permissions:<crate_name or *>
- A new set of internal placeholders: %crate(s)_opened%
- PlaceholderAPI allows us to add new placeholders!
- Ability to run commands when a crate is opened, it defaults too false.
- Added plugin-config.yml
- Metrics actually shuts down when you reload the plugin after turning off metrics.
- The plugin prefix is no longer automatically appended, you must add %prefix% to every message.
- Added new config options related to gui-customizer and sounds in config.yml
- Cosmic Crates should no longer error. #599
- Total-Crates in data.yml would be overwritten if adding a new crate.
- Check if the crate type is cosmic before marking it as "open", We want the key to be taken before being marked as open so people can't abuse it.
CrazyCrates 1.14
on Aug 4, 2023Added:
- Ability to have items appear damaged in the crate preview, add DisplayDamage: 50 to your prize as an example.
CrazyCrates 1.13
on Aug 1, 2023Added:
- You can now require a player have a custom amount of keys to open a crate.
- It will default to 0 if the option isn't added.
- Add it to your crate config like below.
# The amount of keys required to use the crate.
RequiredKeys: 0
- You can now define a default prize message in each crate instead of having to manually configure each prize.
# A default message if the prize doesn't have any Messages
# i.e Messages: [] or the value isn't there.
- '&7You have won &c%reward% &7from &c%crate%.'
- Added an extra placeholder called %crate% which simply returns the Preview Name.
- Any current iterations of %crate% return the Preview Name. I might've missed one though lol..
- Auto update config version as it's useless, You can remove it from your config.
CrazyCrates 1.12
on Aug 1, 2023Added:
- Armor Trims with all pattern/material support has been added. View how to use it below!
Api Changes:
from this point on is outdated.- Please update your dependencies to match this version accordingly before updating!
has been split intocrazycrates-core-api
due to future plans for CrazyCrates-
on Jan 10, 2023Notice:
This is only for Legacy (1.8, 1.12.2, 1.16.5) Support, no new features will be added.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed why MVdWplaceholderAPI didn't work
CrazyCrates 1.11.13
on Jan 8, 2023Changes:
Added an option to limit mass-opening in QuickCrate thanks to TrueDarkLord.
Small preparations for multi platform support.
Added 1.18.2 support.
Bug Fixes: