The plugin is now compatible with 1.21.5!
TWEAK Chunk-based EXP nerfs are now toggleable per skill (thanks JustAHuman!)
TWEAK You can now middle-click recipes and items in /val items to "prepare" them for exporting. Then, all you have to do is /val export <name> prepared, and all your prepared things are exported. Saves you from having to type each name individually.
TWEAK Custom mining system is now disabled by default, since for many servers it's not worth the lag it potentially introduces
REMOVED All references to dual wielding (feature too jank, sorry to the folks that enjoyed it)
FIXED Mooshrooms not being considered animals
FIXED Flight reward not persisting through restarts
FIXED Stats under rare circumstances not loading and resetting the player
FIXED /val resourcepack enable and /val resourcepack setup not properly flipping a config option, making it so that custom menus don't work unless manually flipped
FIXED The digging skill also amplifying the mining skill's drop rates
TWEAK Monsters spawned from trial spawners no longer contribute to "chunk exp nerfs"
TWEAK Added "excluded" list to leaderboards.yml, allowing you to configure specific players to not show up in the leaderboard
BALANCE Greatly reduced the mining speed effects of tools and the mining skill, it was simply too much by default
FIXED Vanilla brewing not re-enabling when brewing recipes are absent
FIXED Duplication exploit regarding campfires
FIXED Duplication exploit regarding dummies
FIXED Exploit allowing items to be taken out of gui menus
FIXED Clocks being weird (resource pack)
FIXED Multi-damage-instance hits (primarily caused by Guardians) dealing more damage than intended
FIXED Mace enchantments (like Breach, Mass, Wind Charged) not scaling with enchanting skill and actually being stuck at level 1
FIXED Entity equipment not actually being cached. That's bad. Now that it is, the plugin should be a lot more performant
FIXED Party exp sharing throwing errors into console
FIXED The occasional error causing blocks to become unbreakable seems to no longer occur with the current attempted fix
TWEAK Individual items from /val items may now be exported using the /val export command
TWEAK Improved dodging mechanic a bit, should work more reliably at close range
TWEAK Added a limit to how many damage indicators can spawn inside a single chunk, should prevent the bulk of lag caused by large mob grinders with damage indicators enabled
Since heavy weapons are currently basically just superior versions of light weapons, I'm buffing the light weapons skill and items to hopefully make them more viable.
BALANCE Reclassified spears as light weapons, lowered damage and raised attack speed
BALANCE All light weapons now benefit from a base 20% immunity reduction, allowing enemies to be hit more frequently
BALANCE Daggers have gained much more damage, having scaling comparable to that of greataxes. Their range reduction has been reduced from -1 blocks to -0.5 blocks
BALANCE Swords now gain an additional +0.5 attack range
BALANCE Morningstars now deal radiant damage on top of bludgeoning damage
BALANCE Various perks in the light weapons skill tree have obtained additional bleeding chance stats
BALANCE Heavy weapons no longer has your knockback stat reduced by default
Same with light armor and heavy armor. I've given both armor types debuffs that diminish as you level up in the skill, with light armor having lessened debuffs. This is more or less an experiment, please let me know what your experience is.
BALANCE Light and heavy armor now reduce healing and speed up hunger loss, with light armor doing so at half the rate. The perks that previously lessened the movement speed debuff that these armors give, now also lessen these healing and hunger debuffs
BALANCE Heavy armor now also worsens your ranged accuracy
BALANCE Light armor now naturally provides you with 2.5% dodge chance per piece
BALANCE Light armor now also gains some additional damage mitigations, half as much as heavy armor
BALANCE Heavy armor's damage reflection perk now reflects damage half as frequently, and half the damage. This is because currently all reflected damage is considered magic damage, and that ignores armor. Attacking players tend to hurt themselves way more than they hurt their opponent and that is not the intention
BALANCE Bleeding is not a very useful perk to have at the moment, as by the time you unlock it or really make use of it, mobs will have too much health to have the damage ticks really matter. So all mobs have been given a -400% bleeding resistance stat, making them take 5x more damage from bleeding. (undead are still often resistant or immune to bleeding)
BALANCE ValhallaMMO is not really made for PvP, but it's pretty bad right now. Damage numbers are just way too nutty lategame. So now as you level up power, every 10 levels you take 10% less damage from other players, up to -80% at power level 80
BALANCE Digging is a pain in the ass to level up right now, and doesn't benefit from the same type of experience speedup buffs that most other skills have. So now the additional "treasure" rewards from digging reward exp
BALANCE Since many of you really liked spamming stone tools to get as high as level 80 smithing, the EXP debuffs resulting from crafting with too advanced (or primitive) materials is now 100%>25%>5%>0% instead of 100%>50%>25%>10%
ADDED Permission-based exp buffs! Something like valhalla.exp.smithing.50 will give the player 50% extra smithing exp.
For optimization purposes, though, the player will also need to be given valhalla.exp.smithing for this example.
valhalla.exp.all can be used for general all-skill exp buffs.
ADDED WorldGuard flag to block double jumping
ADDED Tridents may now be configured to deal extra damage with the Impaling enchantment, so it now basically acts more as a Sharpness enchantment for tridents. They can be configured to only work in wet conditions, and they can add different damage values when used melee or ranged
ADDED Perk reward that toggles flight for the player
FIXED Default configuration values being forced, even if removed from a config
FIXED Custom damage sources nullifying immunity frames on the affected target
FIXED Custom damage sources from hits having damage multipliers apply twice, causing it to be weaker than intended in the early game and stronger than intended in the late game
FIXED Shields not getting lowered as a result of the "shield disarming" stat proccing
FIXED Custom potion effect indicators not re-appearing when logging off and back in
FIXED Stuns not affecting players
ATTEMPTED FIX At a ConcurrentModificationException during mining with the custom mining system enabled
TWEAK Party exp sharing no longer fires EXP events for every player, which should help with performance
The following files have been updated and must be reset for the changes to apply. These resets are not mandatory, reset only if you agree with the changes:
- skills/woodcutting_progression.yml (pale oak)
FIXED Light & heavy armor potion effect immunity often not working
FIXED Alchemy exp granted through commands giving more than intended
FIXED Power leaderboard not showing properly
FIXED PAPI Placeholders being broken
FIXED downwards leveling often not reducing levels by the appropriate amount
FIXED Typo in woodcutting config causing pale oak logs to not give exp
TWEAK Oneshot protection may now be enabled/disabled from environmental damage (fall damage, tnt, anvils, etc.)
The following files have been updated and must be reset for the changes to apply. These resets are not mandatory, reset only if you agree with the changes:
- skills/farming_progression.yml (balance)
- skills/mining_progression.yml (balance)
- skills/digging_progression.yml (balance)
ADDED New option to allow perks to cost items, formatted as a list called "cost_items". Items must be added as MATERIAL|AMOUNT. Custom items may be used, but they must be registered in /val items. They will need to match in material and custom model data by default.
ADDED Relational PAPI placeholder for if you're in the same party as another player. The placeholder being %rel_valhallammo_in_same_party%. Returns true or false.
TWEAK Clicking perks that you've already unlocked re-sends their messages, so you can review benefits in more detail after unlocking.
TWEAK Oneshot protection now lasts for half a second after taking fatal damage. This is also more or less to fix multi-damage-instance hits from being able to bypass oneshot protection.
TWEAK Leaves decaying now attribute responsibility to the nearest player in a 100-block radius, as opposed to 20.
BALANCE The weapon-related skills now have a toggleable option in their configs allowing EXP to be rewarded even if the dealt damage is much greater than the enemy's max HP. This makes it a bit easier to level up in the late-game.
BALANCE Increased default EXP for digging, mining, and farming (roughly 2x).
BALANCE Combat skills now reward less experience when obtained through PvP.
BALANCE Alchemy now rewards less experience when done automated, and more when done manually (by default 0.25x automated, 2x manual).
FIXED Fraction alchemy skill effects not actually working.
FIXED Absorption hearts not protecting against damage.
FIXED Downwards leveling still sometimes resulting in improper stat calculation (notably, ending up with less skill points than intended).
FIXED Power EXP not being rewarded when using /val exp to level up skills in creative mode.
FIXED Oneshot protection being triggered, even if the damage is blocked by a shield.
FIXED Issue where under certain circumstances, the damage type of hits are set to bleeding damage, causing them to deal true damage.
FIXED Cross-skill stat rewarding randomly not working (for example, perks that reward stats for another skill).
FIXED Pale oak logs not rewarding woodcutting EXP, and eyeblossoms not rewarding farming EXP.
The following files have been updated and must be reset for the changes to apply:
- enchanting.yml
- config.yml (You may need to execute /val resourcepack enable to re-enable valhallas default resource pack configuration)
- EVERY <skill>_progression.yml config
TWEAK Partyspy may now be used by console
TWEAK Removed "in field of view" condition requirement for blocking, this may make it work more consitently
TWEAK Added option to config.yml preventing the usage of teleportation arrows (Ender Arrows) if the shooter is in combat
TWEAK Increased default in-combat duration from 5 seconds to 15 seconds
TWEAK Changed the default damage formula such that toughness reduces high-end damage as opposed to lowering damage by a flat amount. The old formula was causing issues with certain configurations
TWEAK /val import may now also selectively import recipes
TWEAK Added Density, Wind Burst, and Breach to enchantment scaling
TWEAK Hoglins are now considered animals, allowing them to benefit off of farming perks
TWEAK On 1.21.2 and higher, double jumping is now much nicer to use! You only have to jump a single time in mid-air as opposed to twice, and high-ping users will no longer be able to briefly fly with it
FEATURE REMOVAL Disabled dual wielding, it was causing issues that aren't easy to resolve, and I wasn't happy with the sloppy implementation of this feature either
FIXED NG+ perks being re-unlockable after soft resets. Soft resets now work better with NG+ in general (this is unfortunately why every skill progression config needed to be reset)
FIXED Custom damage types not properly rewarding players experience or kill credit, and a whole bunch of other awkward interactions with it
FIXED Certain enchantments with a max functional level of 1 (like silk touch) occasionally getting leveled above 1
FIXED Infinity sometimes duplicating arrows
FIXED Quick-emptying bottles on a cauldron producing strange glass bottles
FIXED The "Breach" enchantment not giving armor penetration (defaulted at 10% per level)
FIXED Times cauldron recipes not working consistently
FIXED Certain mobs (like Magma Cubes) not rewarding combat exp
FIXED /val resourcepack download sending the legacy resource pack link, as opposed to the resource pack good for your server version
BALANCE Buffed alchemy perks significantly. You get a bit more alchemy quality as well as a lot more brewing speed
Thanks again for your patience!
The following files have been updated and must be reset for the changes to apply:
- alchemy_progression.yml
FIXED The "transfer leader" command not working properly
FIXED Certain damage types, like suffocation, having strange effects when damaging mobs or players.
FIXED Ender dragons seemingly ignoring immunity frames, oneshotting basically anyone that touches them
FIXED Method incorrect named, causing ValhallaTrinkets' /val setuptrinkets command to throw errors into console
FIXED The saved parties file being wiped clean if the party system is temporarily disabled
FIXED Archaeology not properly rewarding digging experience
TWEAK Recipes now also register a valhalla.recipe.<recipename> permission to the server, which is FALSE by default. This makes it easier to work with, with permission managers
TWEAK Alchemy now scales a bit better into the lategame. You now get an additional experience multiplier the better quality your potions are, from 1-4x experience ranging from 0-300 quality
TWEAK Alchemy no longer suffers from a speed debuff at the start, and its speed upgrades are now much stronger
TWEAK Drowning damage is now considered true damage
TWEAK Shroomlights are now also considered leaves, so they may be cut down with tree capitator
The following files have been updated and must be reset for the changes to apply:
- alchemy_progression.yml
- enchanting_progression.yml
- smithing_progression.yml
- light_armor.yml
- light_weapons.yml
TWEAK One-shot protection now plays a totem sound, and displays the cooldown of it properly
TWEAK /val export may now export individual recipes as opposed to whole recipe directories
TWEAK Dying now sends the player a message saying who killed them, how much damage they took that was fatal, and the damage type they took
TWEAK Extended "Unarmed" definition allowing players to deal bonus unarmed damage with weightless weapons.
Stats specific to the "weightless" weight category are now also applied to unarmed players
TWEAK If the custom mining system is disabled, the the mining skill's "drilling" ability now gives 1 haste level for every 20% drilling speed as opposed to 100%. Also, since the player is now given a mining speed attribute even if the custom mining system is disabled, the server must also be on 1.19-1.20.4 for this haste to be given
FIXED Alchemy's potion merging ability reducing the amplifiers of potion effects, even though it's stated the durations would be reduced
FIXED Occasional NPE when clearing the stat cache
FIXED Brewing stands repeatedly failing at brewing if their fuel reaches 1
FIXED Repairing tools in a crafting grid preserving their enchantments, they are now properly removed. Instead, this ability is unlocked at the smithing level 60 perk "Crystalsmith"
FIXED Tipped arrows not properly getting their effects when crafted with ValhallaMMO potions
FIXED The enchanting skill's "Arcane Nexus: Abjuration" perk mistakenly sending the player the Evocation messages. The player still got the Abjuration perks but was just sent the wrong messages
FIXED One-shot protection wrongly protecting the player against overkill (>3x max health) damage as opposed to regular fatal damage (0.9-3x max health)
FIXED "Item reward" modifier relying on Vault plugin, when it's completely unnecessary to do so
FIXED Exploit with multishot crossbows duplicating arrows
FIXED Dual wielding properties of light weapons being in the light armor config
FIXED Backwards leveling granting rewards as opposed to removing them
FIXED Error if a smithing experience reward is added to an item without a material classification
FIXED Woodcutting not properly stripping all leaves off of certain types of trees
HALF-FIXED Arrows and projectiles not reliably being consumed, or preserved, when expected. 1.21 completely broke how this would normally function and so I had to use some hacky workarounds to get this to work somewhat reliably, I'm aware this workaround is still not perfect
Thanks for sticking with the plugin for so long! Please leave a review if you appreciate what I do!
The following files have been updated and must be reset for the changes to apply:
- every skills/progression_ file!
- replacement_tables/loot_valhallafication.json
Resource pack for 1.21.4+ fixed! Please re-install
ADDED One-shot protection! By default this is 10%, meaning that the player can take at most 90% of their maximum HP in damage. If a player takes 3x their maximum HP in damage in 1 hit, the one-shot protection is ignored.
This effect has a 5-minute cooldown by default as well.
ADDED Message delay parameters to perk reward messages. Add DELAY(#) before a message, and this and following message will be delayed by # amount in ticks. This is not implemented by default
ADDED Command execution modifier. Executes a number of commands when the item is created, such as when a recipe is crafted or registered item is distributed.
FIXED Recipes (among which the classic content package) not actually staying between server restarts.
FIXED Trial spawners and mob traps not being considered valid spawn reasons, and so mobs spawned from them did not benefit from dynamic difficulty scaling.
FIXED Damage to light/heavy armor stats from light/heavy weapons applying twice instead of once.
FIXED Custom items registered in /val items not being capable of having player-required modifiers
FIXED Beehive harvesting not rewarding Farming EXP and not benefiting off skills.
FIXED Nether trees not being considered trees due to their leaves not really being leaves, and tree capitator not working on them
FIXED Weightless stat buffs not being granted with empty hand
TWEAK Stuns no longer disable mob AI, this is because they stopped falling or taking knockback while this happened which clashes with certain skills and looks weird.
TWEAK The cooldown display when attempting an ability now more abruptly disappears once the duration of the display is ended
TWEAK Disabling the custom breaking system now continues to apply mining speed buffs according to stats (only works on 1.21.5+)
BALANCE Mob farms now nerf enchanting skill EXP, regardless of the type of mob farm. If 20 mobs of the same type have been killed in the same area (chunk) you start accumulating enchanting EXP reduction stacks. Enchanting items removes some of these stacks.
Because of this, the nerfed mobs section in enchanting_progression.yml is now deprecated and no longer does anything.
BALANCE Increased the limit of mitigations gotten from enchantments, as people were reaching the cap very easily
BALANCE Every NG+ skill now doubles the amount of exp required for the next loop. Previously unlocking NG1 would reduce exp gain by 25%, as well as NG2. Now unlocking NG1 reduces exp gain by 50% (effectively doubling) and NG2 reduces exp gain by an additional 17% (effectively tripling).
API Made it easier to register new skills, profiles, and perk rewards.
Thank you for playing the plugin! Please leave a review if you enjoy it or deem it necessary
The following files have been updated and must be reset for the changes to apply:
- skills/fishing_progression.json
FIXED Resource pack not working on 1.21.4. Please reinstall the pack!
FIXED Rare NPE when calculating chest loot, seems to have primarily occurred on 1.21.4
FIXED The fishing "salvaging" perk not unlocking the salvaging recipes for rapiers, daggers, greataxes, etc. (custom weapons only)
FIXED 1.21.4 not properly working
FIXED The cooldown display not working, and this is kind of a feature too because I never implemented it all despite being implied.
So anyway, whenever you try to use an ability, it'll show the cooldown displaying now.
FIXED Bows consuming 2 arrows instead of 1 on 1.21.4 and above
TWEAK Stuns now also temporarily disable the AI of mobs. This is so that mobs like skeletons can't shoot at you while stunned, and spiders can't jump at you
I'm aware the resource pack is broken! 1.21.4 apparently broke a lot of things (again), I'm doing my best!
The following files have been updated and must be reset for the changes to apply:
- recipes/smithing_recipes.json
ADDED 1.21.4 compatibility
FIXED Blocks breaking to explosions even if they have very high hardness values
FIXED The string > line separation method often times breaking colors
FIXED Netherite rapier upgrades having their attack speed set improperly
I created a new plugin called Piles, available on Spigot, Polymart, and BuiltByBit. I'd greatly appreciate if you checked it out!
NEW /val drop command! Allows you to drop any item registered in /val items at a specific location. Works with relative coordinates!
NEW /val spawn command! Allows you to spawn any mob with a specific level at a specific location. Also works with relative coordinates!
TWEAK The noob stomping mechanic preventing PvP if power levels between two players are too far apart is now disabled by default. Also, a feedback message is now sent to the attacker if their damage is cancelled as a result of this skill gap.
FIXED Severe issue causing the plugin to be unable to read certain vanilla attributes off of items, causing (mainly) armor to not actually provide any armor points. Only 1.21.3 and above has this issue.
Also, I made a new plugin called Piles that pairs up very nicely with ValhallaMMO. Please consider checking it out!
FIXED 1.21.3 resource pack, please execute /val resourcepack setup again
FIXED Copper armor on the classic package. Please consult the wiki for the fix. I hope you weren't attached to your existing copper gear, because this change required me to change the types and NBT of copper gear to make it work.
FIXED Missing language mapping warning on startup (you may need to reset smithing.yml for this)
ADDED 3 new modifiers! One to make any item equippable, one to change the tooltip styles of items, and one to change the model of items.
TWEAK Skills for which player doesn't have permission to access will no longer contribute to stats or allow ability usage
The following files have been updated and must be reset for the changes to apply:
- digging_progression.yml
- grid_recipes.json
The plugin is now officially compatible with 1.21.3
FIXED Issue where the plugin still thinks it's compatible with incompatible versions when it's not
FIXED Smithing recipes not loading up properly, causing netherite recipes to break
FIXED Boolean party stats not including those of past levels, causing exp sharing to be locked again once reaching a level above the one where you unlock the feature (among other things)
FIXED Mining skill's enchanted TNT upgrades both being unlockable at the same time, breaking the ability
FIXED Tools indefinitely improving when given to mobs before they're killed
FIXED Issue where one of the digging skill's perks advertising the ability to craft soul sand, soil, and grass blocks, despite these recipes not existing. These recipes have now been implemented
FIXED Certain custom potion effects (mainly ones to do with arrow damage and piercing) did not actually do anything
FIXED Vanilla smithing recipes no longer working with ValhallaMMO
FIXED Jump height stat being way too potent (unfortunately, existing items will remain unaffected by this fix)
FIXED Certain blocks (like cobwebs) not being mined faster by certain tools (in the case of cobwebs, swords)
TWEAK The classic preset config changes are now made default, making the process of installing classic much easier.
TWEAK Default /val command's messages are now configurable
FEATURE Recipes may now be unlocked with permissions as well. Using the format valhalla.recipe.<recipe>, where <recipe> represents the ID of the recipe
FEATURE MiniMessage support, you can now use minimessage tags like <gradient> in any text messages (thanks to TerslenK for contributing!)
FIXED Iron rapier being unsharpenable
FIXED Infinite ascention upgrades with diamond
TWEAK Campfire recipes no longer reward exp
FIXED Jump height attributes being applied too strongly on newer versions of Minecraft
FIXED Many game mechanics often not working properly with custom item max size changes
FIXED Glass bottles and buckets being unusable when clicked on a cauldron, unfortunately using these items in custom cauldron recipes will no longer work with you clicking them on cauldrons (throwing them in still works though)
FIXED NPE under rare conditions when fetching item attributes
FIXED Arrow duplication exploit with "ammo save chance"
FIXED Vanilla brewing not working if no custom brewing recipes are registered
FIXED Very rare plugin breaks if your system is configured to be in a language where certain letters are upper/lowercased differently than in english (turkish for example)
TWEAK Crafters are no longer able to craft ValhallaMMO recipes. This will be changed when the crafter API has been improved, as right now it's very barebones
Thanks for sticking around, and please leave a review if you enjoy the plugin!
The following files have been updated and must be reset for the changes to apply:
- en-us.yml (changes made to "Blacksmithing" perk description)
- smithing_progression.yml
- archery_progression.yml
- light_armor_progression.yml
- heavy_armor_progression.yml
- grid_recipes.json
- smithing_recipes.json
BALANCE Doubled default accuracy with archery. In exchange, you no longer get any more accuracy from leveling up this skill. This should make archery a lot easier to level early game.
BALANCE Halved the base slow from both light and heavy armor, as people found this too annoying.
BALANCE Crafting any type of equipment now retains at least 20% of their base durability. No more 1 durability items!
TWEAK Diamond item recipes are no longer unlocked by default. Instead, they are unlocked by leveling smithing and unlocking the level 40 "Blacksmith" perk. This is to prevent new players from crafting diamond gear on autopilot only to see they only have 1 durability.
TWEAK Changed the "tool and armor" ingredient choice to accept any form of equipment and not just tools and armor.
This fixes the issue on the Classic content package where bows and crossbows couldn't be upgraded, as they weren't considered a tool or armor.
FIXED The color_decimal item modifier accidentally expecting 3 arguments, when only 1 is needed.
FIXED Skills having an optional required "permission" configured still being accessible even if the player doesn't have this permission. Inaccessible skills will not be visible in the player's skill trees and will be unable to accumulate exp
FIXED "Air" projectiles throwing a NPE when thrown. This would only occur under certain circumstances involving other plugins, mainly the "Magic" plugin
FIXED Custom stats will no longer be applied to players, and instead removed, when in blacklisted worlds
FIXED Players in blacklisted worlds still being "fatigued" by the custom mining system
Classic content package fixes:
FIXED Chainmail being unheatable and thereby also untemperable
FIXED Blasting and campfire recipes not having different cook times compared to furnaces
Thanks for sticking around, and please leave a review if you enjoy the plugin!
The following files will need to be reset to have all changes applied!
- mob_stats.yml
FIXED Exploit where armor could be indefinitely improved using mobs
FIXED NPE on campfire interaction
TWEAK Monsters will now also drop more items the higher their level is (by default +100% drops every 50 levels)
TWEAK Digging speed buffs now work multiplicatively instead of additively. Drilling is a lot more effective now