Resource pack updated! Please execute /val resourcepack setup again or merge your packs again.
Config.yml updated! Remove the "item_duplication_whitelist" entry from it to have it regenerate the updated default.
ADDED 4 new ingredient choices, for any melee weapon, any weapon, any tool, and any armor or tool
ADDED Import- and export commands. Allowing you to easily export and import recipes and loot tables. Functionality will be expanded to more config types in the future
ADDED The "Classic" recipes from alpha are back! You can get them on the wiki, and it now features a Tinkers' Construct-esque system of item upgrading!
ADDED Options to disable vanilla- or Valhalla repairing from crafting inventories
ADDED Replacement tables! Replacement tables are very similar to loot tables, except instead of adding or replacing all loot it scans loot for matching items and only replaces those items
That means that now, naturally occurring loot will get ValhallaMMO attributes! By default naturally generated items will have a 33% chance to be worse than normal, and a 67% chance to be better than normal.
ADDED 5 item modifiers, allowing you to change max stack size, hide/show tooltips, make items fire/lava resistant, show/remove an enchantment glint, and make items (in)edible as well as changing the time it takes to eat
ADDED PvP damage, PvP resistance, and mounted damage stats
- PvP damage increases (or decreases) damage dealt to other players
- PvP resistance decreases (or increases) damage take from other players
- Mounted damage increases (or decreases) damage dealt while riding another mob
- These 3 stats can also be modified through stats in Light Armor, Heavy Armor, and Power
ADDED "attribute for helmet" custom item flag, which causes attributes to be added to the helmet item slot instead of main hand. Can be used to make custom modeled helmets, I guess
ADDED Item lore modifier
ADDED JustLootIt compatibility (thanks lauriichan)
Lootin is planned as well
BALANCE Quadrupled EXP values for Fishing, but Fishing now also suffers from the same chunk-based EXP nerfs that the combat skills do. Essentially, fish in the same area too much, and you get less experience.
TWEAK Hoppers should now not be causing as much lag any more
TWEAK Slightly reworked mob stats system where there's a new "global stats" section separate from default stats. Global stats apply on everything, including animals and players. Default stats now only apply on wolves and monsters, it should really be renamed to "monster stats" but it's a bit too late for that now. This fixes the issue where animals and players could still take radiant damage even though they should be immune to it
TWEAK Wolves now require an owner to have their stats be updated
TWEAK Replacement tables can now replace the equipped items on spawned mobs, meaning that mobs may now spawn with custom weaponry
TWEAK Smithing and Alchemy quality now by default rounds to the nearest multiple of 10, this is to reduce inconsistent and constantly changing quality values on items.
TWEAK Negative lightning resistance now makes lightning more likely to hit you as well! :))))
TWEAK Immersive, cooking, and cauldron recipes now more accurately display items in the recipe creation/selection menus. Also, cooking recipes are now properly sorted.
TWEAK Monster spawns now no longer get levels if they have a custom name do not have regular max health
TWEAK The dynamic item modifier menu now has additional options to copy ALL existing modifiers from a given recipe or indexed item, making it much easier to copy modifiers from one place to another!
TWEAK Damage multipliers can now be configured to be additive or multiplicative with each-other. Multipliers being additive means they scale much less fast with eachother than if they were multiplicative. For example:
When multiplicative with eachother, having +50% damage as well as 100% crit damage, means a critical hit actually does 11.52.0=3x damage
When additive with eachother, this same environment would mean you actually do 1+0.5+1.0 = 2.5x damage
PERFORMANCE Furnaces now perform a lot better
FIXED Issue where the "transform item material" (i.e. upgrading diamond to netherite) not properly updating item stats and resetting item meta, causing subsequent modifiers to not function
FIXED Mob drops bonus stat not working
FIXED Smithing recipes not cancelling if the ValhallaMMO recipe is invalid
FIXED Regional difficulty placeholders not working with PlaceholderAPI
FIXED Sprint-jumping not being registered as jumps, causing players to be unable to double-jump with it
FIXED Replacement tables not being executed on mob drops
FIXED Issue where plants under certain circumstances would not break instantly
FIXED Issue where bosses and certain mobs were not getting custom mob levels applied
FIXED Issue where custom loot tables would occasionally drop their loot twice for fishing
FIXED Issue where immersive recipes would sometimes not be translated in the selection menu
FIXED Issue where parties were not getting their current level worth of stat rewards
FIXED Many skills not having global buffs to buff experience gain
FIXED Enchanting skill's diminishing returns applying twice
FIXED Hexblade not being toggled properly
FIXED Hexblade not working against players when using the holy variant, it caused all damage (not part of your damage) to be converted to radiant which players are immune to
FIXED Loot filters throwing console errors
FIXED Dying upgrading player equipment
FIXED Issue with woodcutting where non-carpentry recipes weren't actually locked, causing inconsistencies with crafting. (requires woodcutting_progression.yml reset)
FIXED Issue where "any armor" ingredient choice would accept any item instead of just armor, causing recipes using it to break
FIXED ConcurrentModiciationException that sometimes occurs
FIXED Furnace recipes not functioning at times
FIXED Unarmed damage multiplication not actually adding damage
FIXED Issue where taking damage often ignored region restrictions
FIXED Immersive recipes not working properly when switching to another recipe
FIXED "Experience cost and consumption" modifier granting experience instead of removing
FIXED The stat format of "mining luck" or "digging luck" modifiers using percentages instead of numbers
FIXED Tags not being removed if their levels hit 0
FIXED Tag level modifier not allowing tag level to be reduced
FIXED ValhallaMMO not starting up if any language other than en-us is selected
FIXED "The Mace" not being considered a type of weapon. It's now a heavy weapon by default. The Mace can now also be configured to suffer from EXP reduction, since it does so much more damage than a regular weapon. The Mace only earns 10% of EXP by default
FIXED Breaking blocks with an invalid tool, but it having a valid embedded tool still not dropping items
FIXED Drilling ability (mining skill) being twice as strong as normal
FIXED Smithing not properly upgrading item stats, and sometimes not working entirely
FIXED Bug where "nearby block" crafting restrictions could be bypassed by just clicking the empty result slot
FIXED Campfire recipes ignoring input filter
FIXED Entities not getting immunity frames from campfire or suffocation damage
FIXED "Skill exp gain" attribute not actually giving more EXP
FIXED NPE when interacting with campfires sometimes
FIXED Immersive recipes not properly functioning after the first attempt
FIXED Non-armor stands being immune to damage while wearing dummy-tagged helmets
FIXED Errors on campfire interaction with empty hands
FIXED Leaderboards not regularly updating
"FIXED" Commas in math functions were replaced by periods to quickly account for regional decimal formatting differences, but this broke functions like max() and min() which require two arguments! Now pipes "|" must be used instead of commas as arg separators
FIXED Stat cache not being properly cleaned up and sometimes causing errors
FIXED Players being able to farm archery EXP by shooting PVP-protected players
FIXED Typo in globalbuffs entry
FIXED Levelup command rewards executing once per levelup rather than once per level
FIXED Smithing recipes not properly updating stats for custom weapons when upgrading to netherite (requires smithing recipes file reset, or manually changing the base ingredient choice from "material" to "material AND ID" for the diamond sword upgrade recipe)
FIXED Default stat removal modifiers not actually removing the default stat
FIXED Immersive recipe selection menu not switching pages properly
FIXED Issue where cocoa beans when instant harvested may not point in the right direction
FIXED "friendlyfire" not being a given option in the /party command autocomplete, despite it being a valid option
FIXED Damage indicator holograms not disappearing on death specifically with the DecentHolograms plugin
FIXED Errors caused by custom items not properly loading in
FIXED Errors caused by custom loot table drops not properly loading in
FIXED Moon phase calculation not correctly calculating moon phase
TWEAK Immersive recipe selection buttons now have their appearance changed if the recipe has any appearance-changing modifiers
ADDED Two new modifiers, one to change the material class of an item and the other to have a crafting condition check based on an item's tags PLUS their level
Thanks for the patience, here's the 1.21 update!
NEW Multitools! You can now stuff multiple tools into one item. Then, when mining, the tool will instead pick from the best embedded tools used for the block. Check out /val modify embed_tools
NEW Player head modifier. Put your (or the crafter's) skin on a player head through a modifier
TWEAK Smithing is now easier to level up, without crafting as much! Every time you damage an item's durability the plugin tallies up the damage to that item and converts it to a Smithing EXP multiplier when crafting another item of that type! For example, if you damage a diamond pickaxe by 1000 durability, the next diamond pickaxe you craft will be worth +1000% EXP!
TWEAK Immersive recipe menu entries will no longer show their modifiers, since they can't be translated anyway and are difficult to read for players
TWEAK Damage indicators will no longer show 0-damage hits
This patch also attempts to fix improper stat calculation resulting in negative skill points, but I can't actually test this since I can't get it to happen for myself! Please let me know if you continue seeing this issue
FIXED Duplication and experience exploit regarding naturally generated containers.
FIXED Errors with crafting that doesn't involve a player. This occurs when some plugin or autocrafter simulates a crafting event without a player's involvement. Instead, these events no longer produce items.
FIXED Immersive recipes not destroying their crafting block when configured to do so
FIXED Immersive recipe selection menu not properly paginating the available recipes
FIXED Dig speed attribute not actually working
FIXED Inability to break blocks after dying
FIXED Magic, Poison, Necrotic, and Fire damage are now amplified by their respective damage type multipliers
FIXED Poison damage being able to kill
FIXED Errors involving persistence
FIXED COCOA not being an item, causing a console error
FIXED Attributes still showing on menu icons on 1.20.6+
FIXED Additional resource costs of perks not being displayed properly
FIXED Weapons not taking durability damage
FIXED Damage indicators still showing messages even if translation is set to nothing
Like always, a review is valued immensely!
Hey guys! Sorry for the delays between updates. I got pretty busy with my personal life so I didn't have much time to develop, but now I do and here's the 1.20.5+ compatibility update!
Some things may not work properly because a lot of things had to be changed to make it work with these versions, but no bugs have been reported thus far. Still, you should test before using this plugin!
FIXED Displayed stats being removed off of items when a potion coating on it expires
FIXED Cauldrons deleting items when a catalyst is clicked on it
FIXED Progress rollbacks when using mysql database
FIXED Farming luck icon not being displayed (requires language file reset)
FIXED 6x birch planks recipe accepting warped hyphae and nylium as ingredients (requires grid recipe file reset)
FIXED Blocks affected by explosions should now also be communicated to plugins like coreprotect instead of being ignored
FIXED Transmutation not working properly while worldguard is installed
FIXED 0-damage hits (such as snowballs) never actually hitting
FIXED Power attack splash damage radius being noted as a percentile instead of number
FIXED Power attacks not working
FIXED Damage indicators (without DecentHolograms) not disappearing
FIXED Elytra crafting recipe not rewarding smithing EXP (requires grid recipe file reset)
FIXED Arrows always ignoring armor (whoops lol)
FIXED Multishot crossbow arrow duplication
FIXED Weapon coating not working for heavy weapons
FIXED Additional damage instances causing previous damage hits to be ignored (notably radiant or magic damage from weapon coating with vials)
FIXED Potion effect charges of instant custom effects not depleting with coatings
FIXED Issue where upgrading to netherite wasn't applying default netherite stats to said item, its armors not getting knockback resistance
FIXED Farming luck not actually applying to harvested crops
FIXED Issue where soft reset resulted in the player having double the intended skill points
FIXED Using tridents ranged now gives you heavy weapons exp (or light weapons exp if the trident is marked to be light)
This version also features item stats and potion effects that affect the new attributes like gravity, scale, block reach, etc.
TWEAK Every single custom item is now registered to the custom item registry, including some vanilla items with custom attributes
You will need to reset your items.json file for you to receive these changes
For items that may also scale with a player's skill level, two entries are registered. One without scaling, and one with scaling. The one without scaling may be used to distribute things like a plain old iron mace or something along those lines.
Non-equipment items like Choral Leather or Vials are also included
RESOURCE PACK Updated! The previous resource pack could not load up on 1.20.5+, and so it has been changed to make it work. Going to 1.20.5+ will require you to reinstall!
The resource pack now also includes new icons for the new potion effects added
FIXED CME with stat cache cleanup
FIXED Temporary potion effects not properly displaying on vanilla items
FIXED Player progress being reset if they leave the server at the moment of getting exp for any of the light/heavy weapons/armor skills
FIXED Rare drop chance display format displaying as a percentage instead of number
FIXED Negative hunger save chance not actually increasing hunger reduced
FIXED Parried thrown tridents being picked up, and thereby also duplicated by the parrier
FIXED Reset with skills_refund_exp doubling Power skill EXP
FIXED NPE with projectiles
FIXED CME with mining blocks
FIXED Hexblade ability triggering on all items instead of just weapons, making it impossible for players to swap items
FIXED Bludgeoning damage not contributing to light/heavy weapons EXP
FIXED Players being reset if they leave the server before stats were able to load in
FIXED Drop multipliers affecting killed player drops as well
FIXED NPE with structures
FIXED Smithing recipes producing improper results when wrong items are used
FIXED Woodcutting's treecapitator ability bugging blocks out when attempted with empty hand (only axes are allowed now)
TWEAK Removed brewing WorldGuard flag as it was causing a lot of performance lag
FIXED Mangrove Propagules rewarding infinite farming EXP
FIXED Startup error regarding the fishing skill in 1.19
FIXED Mangrove wood recipes not being unlocked by default (requires power_progression.yml reset)
FIXED Woodcutting skill's Carpenter perk not unlocking mangrove recipes
TWEAK Added link to wiki in /val command
NEW stat to the power skill that gives players weightless armor points when not wearing any armor
FIXED critical issue where the Mining skill was reset if the player goes offline after lighting off some TNT
FIXED typo in language file, draught of midas was called alchemic precursor
FIXED arrows still doing damage despite being blocked with a shield
FIXED mushroom stems were considered vegetables instead of mushroom stews
FIXED issue where loot tables weren't dropping the correct quantity range (often resulting in 1 item being dropped instead of, say, 1-3)
FIXED issue with papermc loot refill feature repeatedly filling a chest with items despite already being looted
FIXED errors related to new smithing tags
OPTIMIZATIONS regarding brewing stands and worldguard flag checks
TWEAK fishing loot table logic moved to FishingSkill, so you can disable the fishing skill should ValhallaMMO interfere with custom fishing mechanics from other plugins
BALANCE netherite equipment now has the same stat scaling as diamond equipment (just with higher base stats) because the upgrade to netherite would usually downgrade the diamond equipment (requires smithing recipes file reset)
FIXED ConcurrentModificationException on rapid block breaking
FIXED uuid null error with cauldron recipes
FIXED Cooking recipes are no longer being cancelled if a vanilla recipe doesn't exist
FIXED mining mining fatigue clearing with milk not re-applying effect
FIXED Smithing recipes now get a default template if they didn't get one while loading in, which would cause errors
FIXED Non-Vanilla non-Valhalla recipes (such as Incendium recipes) causing errors when trying to access disabled recipes manager
FIXED diminishing returns on enchanting not working
FIXED Attempted fix for infinite fishing time
FIXED Immersive recipes not functioning
FIXED certain messages not being clearable
FIXED Weapon coating not working with vanilla potions
FIXED Smithing recipes not properly previewing result item, and converting vanilla items as if they were valhalla items
TWEAK Smithing tags can now have a level
FIXED Small bug where transmuting birch planks turns into spruce logs FIXED Rapidly digging through blogs occasionally causing console errors FIXED Inventory-repairing two Valhalla tools producing a vanilla tool FIXED Fishing skill tree's last perk being level 60 instead of 80 (requires fishing progression config reset) FIXED Immersive recipes not properly producing items FIXED Weapon-coating ability not working with vanilla potions
FIXED Issue where many plugin features broke in certain (real) world regions FIXED Adrenaline/Rage abilities of Light/Heavy Armor not working (requires their progression configs to be reset (deleted before starting server)) FIXED Life-steal stat not working properly FIXED NPE on entity death FIXED Item duplication bug on custom cauldron recipes (not something you gotta worry about by default because there are none)
TWEAK The "Custom attribute (ADD)" type modifiers now have an additional option allowing you to choose if you want to stack this modifier with any identical pre-existing item stats
BALANCE Greatly reduced spent-experience-orbs enchanting exp bonus
ADDED Command: /val hardness. Allows you to edit the default hardnesses of blocks. Comes with its respective config file.
FIXED ItemsAdder issue where custom furniture could not be broken FIXED ItemsAdder issue where the console gets an error upon placing custom blocks FIXED Cauldron recipes causing a server crash under certain conditions FIXED Issue where players could unlock multiple perks where they are only supposed to be able to pick one