Get Java 21 here
- DashLoader - Remove
- Memory Leak Fix - Remove
- ModernFix - Added
- Reese's Sodium Options - Removed
- Starlight - Remove
- Fix Keyboard on Linux - Remove
This was such a rushed update, there might be a 12.1 release.
Get Java 19 here
- Replaced QuiltMC with Fabric
- Concurrent Chunk Management Engine (Fabric) - Remove
- Cloth Config API - Removed
- Smooth Boot (Fabric) - Removed
- Exordium - Removed because of it's license
- DashLoader - Added
- Dynamic FPS - Added
- Ksyxis - Added, Replaced by Fastload
- Alternate Current - Added
- nvidium - Added, No config for that tho
- Clumps - Removed
- More Culling - Removed
- Changed some config files for the mods
Get Java 19 here
- Updated QuiltMC version to
- Updated Minecraft version to 1.19.4
- Removed
Discord RPC
- New Texture Pack
- Brand new config files for the mods
- Removed
Enhanced Block Entities
, no updates for 1.19.4 - Removed
- Removed
- Removed
- Removed
FPS Reducer
- Removed
Alternate Current
- Removed
, no updates for 1.19.4 - Removed
- Removed
Better Beds
, no updates for 1.19.4 - Removed
, no updates for 1.19.4 - Removed
, no updates for 1.19.4 - Removed
Smoke Suppression
, I may add it back next update - Removed
No Fade
- Remove
- Removed
Gamma Utils
, can be bannable on some servers - Removed
- Added
- Updated Texture Pack
- Settings are default
oo, is that a big number I see... yes y'all, it's version 10!
in this update...
New texture pack (you can remove it if you hate it)
Removed Smoke Suppression
Readded Mod Menu
Changed mod configs
Version 10 should give you a lot more FPS than version 9
Sorry for not uploading for 2 months lol. I'm not dead, I'm just busy because of school stuff.
anyways, as always, here is the changelog:
Ending support for 1.19, (yes I said that I won't update the version until 1.20, it's for reasons) now using 1.19.2
Removed Ksyxis
Added Alternate Current, (yes, forgot to add it in 7.0 lol) ImmediatelyFast, Gamma Utils, Exordium, Fastload.
Updated mods (just gonna update mods every time I'm gonna upload a new version of this modpack)
Updated panorama_overlay.png, splashes.txt, and options.txt
Change some mods config
Updated Discord RPC
(If you wanna get help, or to report a bug, or even ask for a mod to be in this modpack, join my discord, it's free)
wow, a changelog after 20 days.
- Updated QuiltMC (0.17.1 > 0.17.4)
- Added McMouser, Fix Keyboard on Linux. Both fix some bugs for Linux and MacOS
- Updated mods
- Updated Texture Pack
- Updated settings
- Remove servers.dat
I have decided to update the mods for this modpack every 3 versions rather than 5
Bruh my computer died so I have to write everything again ;/
Here is the changelog:
Added FPS Reducer, Alternate Current, Smoke Suppression, No Fade.
Changed some settings
Added a texture pack for this modpack
Here is the changelogs:
Added FastChest, MemoryLeakFix, Clumps.
Added Discord RPC (Not an FPS mod)
Added support for CurseForge/Vanilla file
I'm watching Dragon Ball right now, and school is gonna start in 2 weeks, bruh
This is a port from 4.5 but the version is for Minecraft 1.19.2
- FastAnim wasn't working for 1.19.2 so I remove it :P
if I didn't the game wouldn't be playable lol
(yes every mod is updated)
I'm done watching The Flash, it was pog lol
anyways here is the changelog:
- Removed Dynamic FPS, Indium
- Added Ksyxis, RetiNO
- Changed some MC Settings
- Updated PolyMC/MultiMC logo
Ok so i'm at S8E5 in The Flash, I just wanna update my modpack.
here is da changelog:
Changed config files for the mods in this modpack, well some.
Added Lithium coz every modpack has lol
The music was at 0% last update, now it's at 100%
Hello, 2nd update for the Wonderfully Optimized modpack!
Here is the changelog:
- Added Krypton, forgot to add it in 1.0
- Added ForgetMeChunk, FastAnim, Better Beds
- Changed a config file for a mod, forgot which
- Removed Mod Menu, DashLoader
More updates soon, after I watch S8 of The Flash.