


Add a queue for your servers when they are restarting or full!

Server Game MechanicsManagementTransportationUtility

Created2 years ago
Updateda month ago

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Note: This is a (most likely) un-tested build. It is not guarenteed to work.

Change since previous build:
Fix protocol names not being read from the messages file

Note: This is a (most likely) un-tested build. It is not guarenteed to work.

Change since previous build:
Catch null lastServerChange

Note: This is a (most likely) un-tested build. It is not guarenteed to work.

Change since previous build:
Fix section character in kick reason breaking velocity-kick-message

Note: This is a (most likely) un-tested build. It is not guarenteed to work.

Change since previous build:
update adventure-platform-bungeecord

Note: This is a (most likely) un-tested build. It is not guarenteed to work.

Change since previous build:
Update adventure/minimessage

Note: This is a (most likely) un-tested build. It is not guarenteed to work.

Change since previous build:
Fixed PermissionList command continuing even when it knows the sender isnt a player

Note: This is a (most likely) un-tested build. It is not guarenteed to work.

Change since previous build:
Only check for viaversion once

Note: This is a (most likely) un-tested build. It is not guarenteed to work.

Change since previous build:
Fixed nullpointer when checking if a server is whitelisted

Note: This is a (most likely) un-tested build. It is not guarenteed to work.

Change since previous build:
Don't remove players from queue-server queues when they leave (for stayqueued permission)

Note: This is a (most likely) un-tested build. It is not guarenteed to work.

Change since previous build:
Fixed skip-queue-server-if-possible not working with multiple queue server targets

Note: This is a (most likely) un-tested build. It is not guarenteed to work.

Change since previous build:
Fixed skip-queue-server-if-possible ignoring paused and manually full servers

Note: This is a (most likely) un-tested build. It is not guarenteed to work.

Change since previous build:
Add PriorityCalculationEvent to the API, which allows you to programmatically add priorities

Note: This is a (most likely) un-tested build. It is not guarenteed to work.

Change since previous build:
Fixed skip-queue-server-if-possible not checking queuserver permissions

Note: This is a (most likely) un-tested build. It is not guarenteed to work.

Change since previous build:
Improve version command

Note: This is a (most likely) un-tested build. It is not guarenteed to work.

Change since previous build:
Improve /ajQueue usage hint

Note: This is a (most likely) un-tested build. It is not guarenteed to work.

Change since previous build:
Fix console error if you try to tab complete the leavequeue command

Note: This is a (most likely) un-tested build. It is not guarenteed to work.

Change since previous build:
Unregister built-in velocity /server command if enable-server-command is enabled

Note: This is a (most likely) un-tested build. It is not guarenteed to work.

Change since previous build:
Added option to make /send an alias for /ajQueue send

Note: This is a (most likely) un-tested build. It is not guarenteed to work.

Change since previous build:
Fixed skip-queue-server-if-possible sending players even if target server is offline when queue server is in send-instantly

Note: This is a (most likely) un-tested build. It is not guarenteed to work.

Change since previous build:
Added feature

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