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A Drogtor-style UX wrapper for Styled Nicknames.
simpler self-assignment and a strict sense of name-autonomy.
Requires Styled Nicknames.
Requires Connector and FFAPI on forge.

Drogstyle provides a self-assignable display name system with the following commands:

  • /nick [name]: set your display name. If needed, also supports P:API Formatting via styled's config.
  • /color [color]: set your name color. Supports vanilla colors and #hexcodes
  • /bio [bio]: set your name bio (tooltip). Supports \n for newlines.

All commands can be called on their own to clear the set value.

Design: Self-Ownership

None of the above commands offer any kind of permissions system, and won't.
Drogstyle force-allows self-assignment permissions in styled nicknames using a mixin.
No method is provided for operators to set or clear other players' names.

Ranting Into The Void - Even More Design Notes:

Drogtor is designed around "assuming you trust your players" - intended for things like invite-only servers.
Drogstyle expands on this by treating names as an inalienable right for self-expression, even on public servers.
That means drogstyle prefers you a ban a player who won't stop abusing the mod, rather than touching their name.

Utility Commands

Player usernames can also be checked via hovering over name formatting (e.g. #), or clicking.

  • /drogstyle username [name] - looks up a player's username (for mods that show display names outside of chat.)
  • /drogstyle reload - reloads the styled nicknames configuration.


All mods are built on the work of many others.

This mod specifically exists out of respect for the simplistic and self-expression focused design of Drogtor The Nickinator, and seeks to continue it with the power and flexibility of Styled Nicknames - over which drogstyle is only a thin wrapper! - please support the original mods, and don't send them drogstyle-related issues.

This mod is included in Tinkerer's Quilt - our modpack about rediscovering vanilla.

We're open to suggestions for how to implement stuff better - if you see something wonky and have an idea - let us know.

External resources

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID