Minecraft: Java Edition
Supported environments
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Contoniums Vanilla+
This modpack is a collective of mods that make an effective day to day modpack. It includes many vanilla+ tweaks, that still fit the game whilst providing useful functions. This pack is designed for playing on multiplayer servers, with majority of these mods being acceptable on most servers (Always consult server moderators if unsure).
Mods such as GammaUtils, Chest tracker, JustZoom, all provide simple tweaks that make gameplay that much more enjoyable. Chest Tracker allows you to search for items in nearby chests that you have opened, making finding items much easier. Gammautils makes it easier to see in darker locations. Just Zoom, provides zoom functionality, making it easier to see into the distance.
Mods such as iris, sodium, FerriteCore can help create a smoother and better looking experience while playing.
Overall this pack provides some vanilla oriented functionality, that doesnt break the values of the game, but still provides a good playing experience.
See the Modlist Below for more information about the included mods.
Mod List
- AppleSkin by Squeek502 (Saturation Visualiser)
- Bad Packets by Badasintended (Compatibility for other mods) (not required)
- Balm by BlayTheNinth (Dependency Mod)
- Better Statistics Screen by TheCSDev (Enhanced statistics screen)
- BetterF3 by TreyRuffy (Improved F3 screen)
- Blur+ by Motschen (Blur effects for UI)
- Chat Heads by dzwdz (Displays player heads in chat)
- ChatCalc by realrttv (In-chat calculator)
- Cherished Worlds by TheIllusiveC4 (Favourite Worlds)
- Chest Tracker by JackFred (Tracks chests and items in the world)
- Cloth Config v15 by shedaniel (Mod configuration library)
- Continuity by PepperCode1 (Connected textures)
- Dynamic FPS by juliand665 (Adjusts FPS dynamically)
- Entity Model Features by Traben (Enhances entity models)
- Entity Texture Features by Traben (Improves entity textures)
- Fabric API by modmuss50 (Core modding API for Fabric)
- Fabric Language Kotlin by modmuss50 (Kotlin language support for Fabric)
- FerriteCore by malte0811 (Optimizes memory usage)
- Forge Config API Port by Fuzs (Compatibility for Forge mod configs)
- Freecam by hashalite (Free camera mode)
- Gamma Utils by Sjouwer (Gamma and brightness adjustments)
- GeckoLib by Gecko (Animation library)
- Higher Chat by MDLC01 (Improves chat layout)
- Horse Expert by Fuzs (Enhances horse mechanics)
- Inventory Essentials by BlayTheNinth (Improves inventory management)
- Iris by coderbot (Shaders for Minecraft)
- Just Zoom by keksuccino (Zoom feature)
- KeybindsPurger by ZedDevStuff (Cleans up keybinds)
- Konkrete by keksuccino (Required Dependancy)
- Lithium by jellysquid3 (Performance optimization)
- Mod Menu by modmuss50 (Mod management interface)
- ModernFix by embeddedt (Fixes modern Minecraft issues)
- Mouse Tweaks by YaLTeR (Improves mouse interactions)
- Packet Fixer by TonimatasDEV (Fixes packet issues)
- Placeholder API by Patbox (API for placeholders)
- Puzzles Lib by Fuzs (Library Dependancy)
- Reese's Sodium Options by FlashyReese (Sodium performance settings)
- Remote Player Waypoints For Xaero's Map by thebuildcraft (Waypoints integration for Xaero's Map)
- Shulker Box Tooltip by MisterPeModder (Tooltips for Shulker Boxes)
- Simple Voice Chat by henkelmax (Voice chat functionality)
- Sodium by jellysquid3 (Performance optimization for Minecraft)
- Status Effect Bars by A5b84 (Displays status effect bars)
- TCD Commons API by TheCSDev (Common API for mods)
- World Play Time by Khajiitos (Tracks total playtime in worlds)
- WorldEdit by EngineHub (In-game world editing tool)
- WTHIT by badasintended (What The Heck Is That mod, displays block information)
- Xaero's Map Chest Tracker Integration by fewwan (Chest tracker integration for Xaero's Map)
- Xaero's Minimap by thexaero (Minimap mod)
- Xaero's World Map by thexaero (World map mod)
- XXLPackets by Lazuline (Improves packet handling)
- YetAnotherConfigLib by isxander (Configuration library for modding)