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Modpack Patch Notes: Version 3.1.4 [Spreading Out]

Release Date: June 19th, 2024

Fabric Loader

Fabric loader 0.15.11


Sparse Structures 2.1.2: This Mod gives the ability to spread structures farther apart (Will not affect current loaded chunks if world has already been started)


  • Advanced Netherite 2.1.0 > 2.1.3
  • Ambient Sounds 5.3.9 > 6.0.2
  • Archaeology Banners 5.1.4 > 5.1.6
  • ATFMD 0.5.6 > 0.5.7
  • Audio Player 1.9.2 > 1.10.2
  • Balm 7.2.2 > 7.3.4
  • Beautify 1.1.0 > 1.2.0
  • Better Archeology 1.1.8 > 1.1.9
  • Bookshelf 20.1.10 > 20.2.13
  • Botany Pots 13.0.29 > 13.0.33
  • Chat Heads 0.10.32 > 0.12.3
  • ChoiceTheorem's Overhauled Village 3.4.3 > 3.4.4
  • Collective 7.56 > 7.61
  • Continuity 3.0.0-beta.4 > 3.0.0-beta.5
  • Craftify 1.14.0 > 1.16.0
  • Create Ore Excavation 1.4.5 > 1.4.6
  • Create Power Loaders 1.4.3 > 1.5.3
  • Create Diesel Generators 1.2.3h > 2.1.4
  • Create Copycats+ 1.2.6 > 1.3.4
  • Creative Core 2.11.24 > 2.11.30
  • Create Slice & Dice 3.2.1 > 3.2.2
  • EMI 1.1.6 > 1.1.7
  • Elytra Trims 3.1.2 > 3.2.0
  • Enchantment Descriptions 17.0.14 > 17.0.16
  • Endertanks 1.2 > 1.3
  • Entity Culling 1.6.2 > 1.6.6
  • Entity Texture Features 6.0.1 > 6.1.1
  • Extra Mod Integrations 0.4.4 > 0.4.6
  • Fabric API 0.92.1 > 0.92.2
  • Fabric Language Kotlin 1.10.19+kotlin.1.9.23 > 1.11.0+kotlin.2.0.0
  • Fancymenu 3.1.7 > 3.2.3
  • GeckoLib 4.4.4 > 4.4.6
  • Heracles 1.1.12 > 1.1.13
  • Immediately Fast 1.2.13 > 1.2.18
  • Immersive Aircraft 0.7.5 > 1.0.1
  • Incendium 1.0.30 > 1.0.32
  • Iris Flywheel Compat 0.2.4 > 0.2.5
  • JEI >
  • Jade 11.9.0 > 11.9.2
  • Just Mob Heads 7.7 > 7.8
  • Lootr >
  • LithoStitched 1.1.5 > 1.1.6
  • LootJS 2.11.0 > 2.12.0
  • ModernFix 5.17.0 > 5.18.1
  • Moonlight 2.11.14 > 2.11.41
  • More Chest Variants 1.5.2 > 1.5.5
  • More Crafting Tables 1.2.6 > 1.2.7
  • More Armor Trims 1.2.0 > 1.3.1
  • Nullscape 1.2.4 > 1.2.6
  • Not Enough Animations 1.7.3 > 1.7.4
  • Polymer 0.5.19 > 0.5.20
  • Polymorph 0.49.3 > 0.49.5
  • Puzzles Lib 8.1.18 > 8.1.20
  • Quad 1.2.0 > 1.2.3
  • Repurposed Structures 7.1.14 > 7.1.15
  • Resourceful Lib 2.1.24 > 2.1.25
  • 3D Skin Layers 1.6.4 > 1.6.6
  • Create Steam n' Rails 1.6.3 > 1.6.4
  • Simple Voice Chat 2.5.15 > 2.5.17
  • Supplementaries 2.8.10 > 2.8.15
  • Tom's Simple Storage 1.6.6 > 1.6.7
  • Terra Blender >
  • Terralith 2.4.11 > 2.5.1
  • Travler's Backpacks 9.1.12 > 9.1.13
  • Ubes Delight >
  • Voice Chat 2.5.13 > 2.5.15
  • Wavey Capes 1.4.6 > 1.4.7
  • Xaero's Minimap 24.1.1 > 24.2.0
  • Xaero's World Map 1.38.4 > 1.38.8
  • YetAnotherConfigLib 3.4.2 > 3.5.0
  • Yungs API 4.0.4 > 4.0.5
  • Yung's Better Jungle Temples 2.0.4 > 2.0.5

KubeJS Tweaks:

  • Added Void blocks from Create Utilities to the is_obsidian block tag
  • Created transitional item for Magnetite block, as well as smelting recipies for Raw magnetite from Splunkery to Magnetite from Create: New Age
  • Fixed Recipes for Zinc Sheets from Create Deco, by removing some recipes and adding tags to Zinc Sheets

DataPack Updates

  • Remove Oil Well (no version Numbers)
  • Repurposed Structures Villagers Plus v2 > v3

Resource Pack Updates

  • Sparkles 1.0.5 > 1.0.7

Shader Updates

  • Complementary Unbound 5.0.1 > 5.1.1
  • Complementary Reimagined 5.1.1 > 5.2.1

Main Issues Fixed

  • Too Many Structures in the world, taking from the Exploration aspect of Landscapes Reimagined
  • Fixed an Enchant to break Void Blocks faster
  • Added New Magnetite items to help with Grindy Mesures
  • Fixed Zinc Sheets

Note: If you encounter any issues, please request support on our Discord. Enjoy the update!

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Modpack Patch Notes: Version 3.1.3 [Maps, Fixes, Updates]

Release Date: April 5th, 2024

This update is to fix some issues with crashing, Change the Map mod to Xaero's Maps, and update the rest of the mods.

Updated Fabric Loader

Fabric loader 0.15.9 > 0.15.11


-Xaero's Minimap 24.1.1 -Xaero's World Map 1.38.4 Both of these mods are replacing Jouney Maps after community feedback, these mods allow you to see any area of the world that you have been to as well as waypoints you set, or mobs around you.

  • Farmer's Delight Refabricated


  • 3D Skin Layers 1.6.2 > 1.6.4
  • Ambient Sounds 5.3.5 > 5.3.9
  • Animal Feeding Trough 1.0.3 > 1.1.0
  • Argonauts 1.0.9 > 1.0.10
  • Audio Player 1.9.0 > 1.9.2
  • Better Archeology 1.1.6 > 1.1.8
  • Better Trims 2.3.0 > 2.3.1
  • Botany Pots 13.0.26 > 13.0.29
  • Cadmus 1.0.7 > 1.0.8
  • Chipped 3.0.4 > 3.0.6
  • Clumps >
  • Collective 7.40 > 7.56
  • Create Air Fabric 1.0-15 > 1.0-18
  • Create Deco 2.0.1 > 2.0.2
  • Create Slice and Dice 3.1.0 > 3.2.1
  • Create Steam n' Rails 1.6.0 > 1.6.3
  • Elytra Trims 2.1.1 > 3.1.2
  • EMI 1.1.4 > 1.1.6
  • EMI Loot 0.6.5 > 0.6.6
  • Entity Model Features 1.3 > 2.0.2
  • Entity Texture Features 5.2.3 > 6.0.1
  • Expanded Delight > 0.3.1
  • Extra Mod Integrations 0.4.3 > 0.4.4
  • FancyMenu 3.1.4 > 3.1.7
  • Farmer's Knives 3.0.2 > 3.2
  • Fish Of Thieves 3.0.4 > 3.0.5
  • Immediately Fast 1.2.11 > 1.2.13
  • Iris 1.6.17 > 1.7.0
  • Jade 11.8.0 > 11.9.0
  • Jade Addons 5.2.3 > 5.2.5
  • JEI >
  • Just Mob Heads 7.6 > 7.7
  • Just Player Heads 3.6 > 4.0
  • Kube JS 2001.6.4-build.138 > 2001.6.5-build.7
  • Legendary Tooltips 1.4.4 > 1.4.5
  • Modern Fix 5.15.0 > 5.17.0
  • Moog's End Structures 1.3 > 1.3.1
  • Moog's Voyager Structures 4.1.1 > 4.1.2
  • Moonlight 2.11.12 > 2.11.14
  • More Chest Variants 1.5.1 > 1.5.2
  • More Crafting Tables 1.2.4 > 1.2.6
  • More Culling 0.22.1 > 0.24.0
  • More Mob Variants 1.2.2 >
  • Not Enough Animations 1.7.1 > 1.7.3
  • PonderJS 1.3.0 > 1.3.1
  • ProbeJS 6.0.0 > 6.0.1
  • Quad 1.1.6 > 1.2.0
  • Rechisled 1.1.5+b > 1.1.6
  • Rechisled: Create 1.0.2 > 1.0.2a
  • Repurposed Structues 7.1.13 > 7.1.14
  • Reinforced Barrels 2.4.1 > 2.4.2
  • Reinforced Shulker Boxes 7.1.13 > 7.1.14
  • Searchables 1.0.2 > 1.0.3
  • Server Core 1.5.0 > 1.5.0
  • Simple Voice Chat 2.5.12 > 2.5.13
  • Vein Mining 1.4.0 > 1.4.1
  • Wavey Capes 1.4.4 > 1.4.6
  • YetAnotherConfigLib 1.4.4 > 1.4.1
  • YUNG's Better Dungeons 4.0.3 > 4.0.4


  • Journey Map - being replaced by Xaero's World map and MiniMap from community feedback
  • Iris/Flywheel Compat - Incompatible with the Latest Iris Update.
  • Depreciated Farmers Delight - Depreciated

KubeJS Tweaks:

  • Removed some Zinc Sheet Create Deco recipes due to multiple Zinc Sheet items
  • Replaced some Zinc Sheet Create Deco recipes to use Tags instead

DataPack Updates

  • Repurposed Structures Friends and Foes Compat v5 > v6
  • Repurposed Structures Better Jungle Temples v4 > v6

Resource Pack Updates

  • Fresh Animations Moved to Optional Resource Packs
  • Sparkles Alpha Islands Addon 1.0.1 > 1.0.2

Main Issues Fixed

  • Create Diving Helmet Causing Crashes
  • Zinc from Create Deco did not have the '#c:zinc_plates' tag

As a standard safety protocol, we advise creating a backup of your saved data prior to updating the modification package to ensure the preservation of your progress.

Note: If you encounter any issues, please request support on our Discord. Enjoy the update!

If you woud like to Support us Go to our Discord or Patreon

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Modpack Patch Notes: Version 3.1.2 [Fixes and Furnishes]

Release Date: April 13th, 2024

This Update Fixes some of the issues from a previous update due to a certain few mods, and also updates a few mods since the last update. Hoping that this update brings all that you were wishing for and more we also added some more optional resource packs to enhance the quality of the little things in life. New animations from FreshLx's Fresh Animations, as well as some PBR textures from MrUltra. We hope you enjoy this update as much as we do.

Updated Fabric Loader

Fabric loader 0.15.7 > 0.15.9



  • Create Diesel Generators 1.2h > 1.23h
  • Architechtury 9.1.12 > 9.2.14
  • Better Statistics Screen 3.9.5 > 3.9.7
  • Better Trims 2.2.3 > 2.3.0
  • Bookshelf 20.1.9 > 20.1.10
  • Choicetheorem's Overhauled Village 3.4.2 > 3.4.3
  • Create 0.5.1-f-build.1335 > 0.5.1-f-build.1417
  • Create Steam and Rails 1.5.3 > 1.6.0
  • Fabric API 0.92.0 > 0.92.1
  • Fancy Menu 3.1.2 > 3.1.4
  • Just Enough Items (JEI) >
  • Moonlight 2.11.9 > 2.11.12
  • More Armor Trims 1.1.3 > 1.2.0
  • More Chest Variants 1.5.0 > 1.5.1
  • More Crafting Tables 1.2.3 > 1.2.4
  • ModernFix 5.15.0 > 5.16.0
  • Quad 1.1.4 > 1.1.6
  • Simple Voice Chat 2.5.11 > 2.5.12
  • Sodium
  • Traveler's Backpack 9.1.10 > 9.1.12
  • Ube's Delight 0.1.5b >
  • Advanced Netherite 2.0.3 > 2.1.0

KubeJS Tweaks:

  • Reinstated Create Diesel Generators KubeJS Tweaks
  • Removed Huge Generator crafting recipe to replace with custom mechanical recipe

Quest Tweaks

  • Reinstated Create Diesel Generators Quests

Resource Updates

  • Added Fresh Animations a resource pack that adds dynamic animated entities to freshen your Minecraft experience.
  • {Optional} Tom's Create Storage Alternate GUI Adds an alternate texture to the Storage GUI
  • {Optional} MrUltra's PBRs This adds PBR textures to Create Blocks, Stained Glass, and Metals enhancing the beauty of the smaller side of things.

Main Issues Fixed

Note: If you encounter any issues, please request support on our Discord. Enjoy the update!

If you woud like to Support us Go to our Discord or Patreon

Want to setup a server using our official server host? click the banner below!

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Modpack Patch Notes: Version 3.1.1 [Bug Fixes]

Release Date: April 3rd, 2024

Good afternoon or morning,

We would like to extend our sincere apologies for the prevalence of bugs encountered in the previous update. It has become apparent that insufficient proofreading was conducted during the bug-fixing process. However, we are pleased to announce the release of the new 3.1.1 update, aimed at addressing the prominent issues within the modpack. Regrettably, certain mod updates are irreversible, contributing to the challenges encountered. Nonetheless, we trust that this update will significantly enhance your experience. We hope you will enjoy the improvements and allow them to reimagine your landscapes.

As a standard safety protocol, we advise creating a backup of your saved data prior to updating the modpack to ensure the preservation of your progress.



  • Create Diesel Generators: Crashes the game, will add back once fixed
  • Wunderreich: Server Crashes, will add back once fixed
  • WTHIT: Does the same thing as jade


  • Botany Pots 13.0.25 > 13.0.26
  • Copycats+ 1.2.2 > 1.2.6
  • Hercales 1.1.11 > 1.1.12
  • ImmediatelyFast 1.2.10 > 1.2.11
  • More Crafting Tables 1.2.2 > 1.2.3
  • Quad 1.1.1 > 1.1.4
  • Argonauts 1.0.8 > 1.0.9
  • Better Stats 3.9.4 > 3.9.5
  • Create Ore Excavation 1.4.4 > 1.4.5
  • Create Utilities 0.2.0 > 0.3.0
  • Eating Animation 1.9.5 > 1.9.61
  • Elytra Trims 2.0.3 > 2.1.1
  • EMI 1.1.3 > 1.1.4
  • Journey Map 5.9.18p1 > 5.9.20
  • Just Enough Breeding 1.0.12 > 1.2.1
  • Modern Fix 5.14.0 > 5.15.0
  • Moonlight 2.11.4 > 2.11.9
  • Polymorph 0.49.1 > 0.49.3
  • ProbeJS 6.0.0 > 6.0.1
  • Prometheus 1.2.4 > 1.2.5
  • Resourceful Lib 2.1.23 > 2.1.24
  • ServerCore 1.3.9 > 1.5.0
  • Status 1.0.5 > 1.0.6
  • Supplementaries 2.8.4 > 2.8.10
  • Tom's Simple Storage 1.6.5 > 1.6.6
  • Traveler's Backpack 9.1.9 > 9.1.10
  • Voice Chat 2.5.9 > 2.5.11
  • Your Reputation 0.2.5+WTHIT > 0.2.4+Jade

KubeJS Tweaks:

Set aside Create Diesel Generator tweaks into another file to be added back when we add CDG back into the modpack

Quest Tweaks

Similar to KubeJS any Diesel Generator Related Quests have been set aside

Note: If you encounter any issues, please request support on our Discord. Enjoy the update!

If you woud like to Support us Go to our Discord or Patreon

Want to setup a server using our official server host? click the banner below!

BisectHosting Code

Modpack Patch Notes: Version 3.1.0 [Pack Revival]

Release Date: March 31st, 2024

This release signifies the initial foray of Voidmaster01 into the realm of modpack development, aiming to uphold and exceed the expectations set by our community. In this iteration, we've updated all mods to their latest iterations since our last update in December. We've also incorporated new quests and recipes to seamlessly integrate with the Landscapes Reimagined Forge Frontier by M0nkeyPr0grammer, enriching the pack with new mods that enhance the enjoyment and depth of the game.

Updated Fabric Loader

Fabric loader 0.14.24 > 0.15.7


  • Create Powerloader A Create mod add-on adding immersive chunk loaders.
  • Create Deco Industrial decoration themed around the aesthetics of the Create mod.
  • Copycats+ All the copycats you've ever wanted, combined into a single mod!
  • Create New Age Create: New Age is an addon for the Create mod that adds integration with electricity.
  • Journeymap Real-time mapping in game or in a web browser as you explore.
  • amecs Improves your keys & controls setup by providing modifier keys and making multi-functional keys a thing.


  • Create Sandpaper Overhaul: Has not updated, along with absense of creator
  • Create Chunkloading: Replaced by Create: Powerloaders
  • Xaero's Maps and Addons: Replaced by JourneyMaps
  • Endertanks: Most Features already covered by the Create Utilities Void Tanks
  • Enderchests: Most Features already covered by the Create Utilities Void Chest
  • Extended Gears: Not Updated and unofficial update removed
  • Carpet Fixes: Breaks Game


  • 3D_Skin_Layers 1.5.4 > 1.6.2
  • Ad Astra 1.15.4 > 1.15.18
  • Ad Astra Giselle Addon 5.6 > 6.5
  • Adorn 5.0.0 > 5.0.1
  • Armor Statues 8.0.3 > 8.0.5
  • AmbientSounds 5.3.5 > 5.3.9
  • Architectury API 9.1.12 > 9.2.14
  • Argonauts 1.0.6 > 1.0.8
  • Athena 3.1.1 > 3.1.2
  • BE Style Wither 1.6.0 > 1.6.1
  • Balm 7.1.4 > 7.2.2
  • Bookshelf 20.1.6 > 20.1.9
  • BotanyPots 13.0.17 > 13.0.25
  • Better Archeology 1.1.0 > 1.1.6
  • Better Statistics Collection 3.5.2 > 3.9.2
  • Better End 4.0.10 > 4.0.11
  • Better Nether 9.0.9 > 9.0.10
  • Better Trims 2.0.4 > 2.2.3
  • Botarium 2.2.1 > 2.3.3
  • Cadmus 1.0.2 > 1.0.7
  • Chat Heads 0.10.26 > 0.10.31
  • Chat Signing Hider 1.0.0 > 1.0.5
  • Chipped 3.0.1 > 3.0.4
  • COTV 3.3.6 > 3.4.2
  • Cloth Config API 11.1.106 > 11.1.118
  • Craftify 1.12.0 > 1.14.0
  • Collective 7.9 > 7.40
  • Comforts 6.3.4 > 6.3.5
  • Creative Core 2.11.10 > 2.11.24
  • Create Crafts and Additions 0.9.0 > 1.2.3
  • Create Air Fabric 1.0.15 > 1.0.18
  • Create Enchantment Industry 1.2.7 > 1.2.16
  • Create 0.5.1.d > 0.5.1.f
  • Create goggles 0.5.5.e > 0.5.5.g
  • Create Jetpack 4.0.0 > 4.2.0
  • Create ore Extraction 1.4.1 > 1.4.4
  • Create Diesel Generators 1.2.1h > 2.1.3
  • Create Utilities 0.1.3b > 0.2.0
  • Create Steam And Rails 1.5.1 > 1.5.3
  • CreativeCore 2.11.10 > 2.11.24
  • Creeper Overhaul 3.0.1 > 3.0.2
  • Deeper and Darker 1.2.3 > 1.2.6
  • Drippy Loading Screen 2.2.5 > 3.0.2
  • EMI 1.0.24 > 1.1.3
  • Easy Anvils 8.0.1 > 8.0.2
  • Enchantment Descriptions 17.0.9 > 17.0.14
  • Extended Drawers 2.0.8 > 2.1.1
  • Extra Mod Integrations 0.4.1 > 0.4.2
  • Easy Anvils 8.0.1 > 8.0.2
  • Eating animation 1.9.5 (CMD_FIX) > 1.9.5
  • Elytra Trims 1.4.4 > 2.0.3
  • Enchanted Shulkers 1.1.3 > 1.2.4
  • Enderman Overhaul 1.0.3 > 1.0.4
  • Expanded Delight >
  • Extreme Sound Muffler 3.41 > 3.41
  • Fabric API 0.91.0 > 0.92.0
  • Fabric Language Kotlin 1.10.15+kotlin.1.9.20 > 1.10.19+kotlin.1.9.23
  • Fabric Seasons Extras 1.2-BETA > 1.2.1-BETA
  • Fancy Menu 2.14.10-2 > 3.1.2
  • Farmer's Delight 1.4.2 > 1.4.3
  • Farmer's Knives 3.0 > 3.0.2
  • Fish of thieves 3.0.2 > 3.0.4
  • Friends and foes 1.9.9 > 2.0.9
  • Fusion 1.1.0c > 1.1.1
  • Gecko Lib 4.2.4 > 4.4.2
  • Graves 3.0.0 > 3.0.1
  • Hercales 1.1.5 > 1.1.11
  • Highlighter 1.1.6 > 1.1.9
  • Iceberg 1.1.15 > 1.1.18
  • Immediately Fast 1.2.7 > 1.2.10
  • Incendium 5.3.3 > 5.3.4
  • Immersive Aircraft 0.6.2 > 0.7.5
  • Indium 1.0.27 > 1.0.30
  • IRIS shaders 1.6.10 > 1.6.17
  • Iris Flywheel Compat 1.6.10 > 1.6.17
  • Item Highlighter 1.1.6 > 1.1.9
  • Jade 11.6.2 > 11.8.0
  • Just Enough Breeding 1.0.10 > 1.0.12
  • JEI >
  • JEED 2.1.6 > 2.1.12
  • Just enough Effect Descriptions 2.1.6 > 2.1.7
  • Just Enough Resources >
  • Just Mob Heads 7.4 > 7.6
  • Just Player HEads 3.2 > .3.6
  • KonKrete 1.7.0-1.8.1
  • KubeJS 2001.6.4-build.95 > 2001.6.4-build.136
  • LootJS 2.10.3-2 > 2.11.0
  • Lootr >
  • Magnum Torch 8.0.1 > 8.0.2
  • More Chest Variants 1.5.0 > 1.5.0-beta
  • More Crafting Tables 1.1.1 > 1.2.2
  • Memory Leak Fix 1.1.2 > 1.1.5
  • modern fix 5.9.3 > 5.14.0
  • Moonlight Lib 2.8.66 > 2.11.3
  • MoreCulling 0.19.0 > 0.22.1
  • More Music Discs V32 > V33
  • Netherchested 8.0.1 > 8.0.3
  • Nether Portal Fix 13.0.0 > 13.0.1
  • Not enough Animations 1.6.4 > 1.7.1
  • Not enough crashes 4.4.6 > 4.4.7
  • Null scape 1.2.3 > 1.2.4
  • Patchouli v83 > v84
  • polymer 0.5.18 > 0.5.19
  • Portable Crafting 1.4.0 > 2.2.1
  • Prometheus 1.2.1 > 1.2.4
  • PuzzlesLib 8.1.9 > 8.1.17
  • Quad 1.0.2 > 1.1.1
  • Rechiseled: Create 1.0.1 > 1.0.2
  • Reese's sodium options 1.6.5 > 1.7.2
  • Regions Unexplored 0.5.3 > 0.5.5
  • Repurposed Structures 7.1.11 > 7.1.13
  • Resourceful Config 2.1.0 > 2.1.2
  • Resourceful Lib 2.1.18 > 2.1.23
  • Rhino 2001.2.2-build.13 > 2001.2.2-build.18
  • simple copper pipes 1.15.5 > 1.16.1
  • Simple Rich Discord Presence 4.0.2 > 4.0.3
  • Simple Voice Chat 2.4.29 > 2.4.32
  • Smarter Farmer 1.7.3 > 1.8.2
  • sodium 0.5.3 > 0.5.8
  • sodium extra 0.5.1 > 0.5.4
  • Spelunkery 0.3.4 > 0.3.5
  • SuperMartijn642's Core Lib 1.1.15 > 1.1.17
  • Supplementaries 2.6.34 > 2.8.4
  • terrablender >
  • terralith 2.4.8 > 2.4.11
  • Terrestria 6.0.12 > 6.0.13
  • Town and towers 1.11.1 > 1.12
  • Trading Post 8.0.1 > 8.0.2
  • Traveler's Backpack 9.1.8 > 9.1.9
  • Trinkets 3.7.1 > 3.7.2
  • Ube's Delight 0.1.4a > 0.1.5b
  • Universal Graves 3.0.0 > 3.0.1
  • Veinmining 1.2.1 > 1.3.1
  • VillagersPlus 2.1 > 3.1
  • Wavey Capes 1.4.0 > 1.4.4
  • Waystone 14.0.2 > 14.1.3
  • Yung's API 4.0.2 > 4.0.4
  • YUNG's Beter ENd Island 2.0.4 > 2.0.5
  • Yet another config lib 3.2.1 > 3.2.2
  • Your reputation 0.2.4 > 0.2.5
  • Entity Texture Features 4.6.1 > 5.2.3
  • way2way 0.0.5 > 0.0.6

KubeJS Tweaks:

  • Added Textures and Items for Create Netherite Processing
  • Added Templates for Advanced Netherite Tools and Armor
  • Added Tags for Advanced Netherite Tools and Armor
  • Fixed Ad Astra Formatting and Recipes for newer Items and recipe Updates
  • Added Resipes for Advanced Netherite smithing Templates
  • Removed Polishing Tweaks as there is no longer Create Sandpaper overhaul
  • Added seuenced assembly for Netherite
  • Added liquid forms of advanced netherite
  • Added the Genesis Logo as an Item (Currently Uncraftable [let us know if youd like it to be])

Quest Tweaks

  • Added Boss Quests and Prettied up the quest screen
  • Added and Moved Create addon Quests
  • Fixed Broken Quests
  • Added more Deeper and Darker Quests
  • Added Advanced Netherite Quests
  • Added More Overworld Quests

Resource Updates

  • Create Immersive Aircrafts 1.2 > 2.0
  • Added Sparkles 1.0.5
  • Added Sparkles Alpha Island Addon 1.0.1

Note: If you encounter any issues, please request support on our Discord. Enjoy the update!

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Modpack Patch Notes: Version 3.0.1 (Quest Hotfix)

Release Date: December 20th, 2023

This update just fixes two quests in the End Chapter

As a standard safety protocol, we advise creating a backup of your saved data prior to updating the modification package to ensure the preservation of your progress.

Quest Tweaks

  • Fixed Dependencies for Enter the End and Collect Dragons Breath quests

Note: If you encounter any issues, please request support on our Discord. Enjoy the update!

Want to setup a server using our official server host, click the banner below!

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Modpack Patch Notes: Version 3.0.0 (Project Genesis)

Release Date: November 30th, 2023

This update is focused on adding in the final content for the modpack for a while, remaining updates will just include general mod updates as the development for the sequel will be starting. This update includes new mod additions, creation of remaining creative items and the addition of a special trophy item when completing the pack.

As a standard safety protocol, we advise creating a backup of your saved data prior to updating the modification package to ensure the preservation of your progress.

New Additions


  • AudioPlayer: v1.8.3 > v1.8.5
  • AmbientSounds: v5.3.4 > v5.3.5
  • Beautify: v1.0.0 > v1.1.0
  • Collective: v7.7 > v7.9
  • Elytra Trims: v1.4.3 > v1.4.4
  • EMI Trades: v1.2.0 > v1.2.1
  • EMI Effect: v1.1.1 > v1.1.2
  • Enchantment Descriptions: v17.0.8 > v17.0.9
  • Enderman Overhaul: v1.0.1 > v1.0.3
  • Fabric API: v0.90.7 > v0.91.0
  • Fabric Langauge Kotlin: v1.10.14 > v1.10.15
  • Friends & Foes: v1.9.8 > v1.9.9
  • Heracles: v1.1.4 > v1.1.5
  • Moonlight: v2.8.65 > v2.8.66
  • More Crafting Tables: v1.1.0 > v1.1.1
  • Patchouli: v81 > v83
  • Quad: v1.0.1 > v1.0.2
  • Resourceful Lib: v2.1.16 > v2.1.18
  • Simple Voice Chat: v2.4.28 > v2.4.29
  • Supplementaries: v2.6.30 > v2.6.34
  • Xaero's Minimap: v23.8.4 > v23.9.1
  • Xaero's World Map: v1.36.0 > v1.37.1


  • Landscapes Reimagined Darkmode: This resourcepack is outdated and broken, will be readded in the future when updated

KubeJS Tweaks:

  • assets/kubejs: Added New Crushed Ore for 2 Better End Ores, and custom trophy item/block
  • startup_scripts/Better End/BetterEnd_Additions: Created 2 New Molten Ores and Crushed Ores for Better End
  • startup_scripts/Ad Astra/AdAstra_Additions: Created Molten Steel
  • startup_scripts/Landscapes Reimagined/CustomItems: Created block properties for custom trophy
  • server_scripts/Crushing/OreTweaks: Removed Old Deeper and Darker Gloomslate Ore crushing recipes, and removed old recipes for Amber and Thallasium Ore
  • server_scripts/BetterEnd/BetterEnd_CreateCompat: Creates new crushing and blasting recipes using new custom crushed ore
  • server_scripts/Ad Astra/AdAstra_CreateCompat: Add missing blasting recipes for custom crushed ore
  • server_scripts/BetterEnd/BetterEnd_CreateFoundryCompat: Adds new Molten steel recipe, and mixing/compacting recipes for Molten Amber and Thallasium
  • server_scripts/Create/CreativeItems: Added in remaining creative items

Quest Tweaks

  • Creative Item Chapter: Added in Quests for New Creative Items, and pack completion quest
  • Create Addons Chapter: Added in Quests for Enchantment Industry and Rechiseled

Drippy Screen Tweaks

  • Updated Version ID to v3.0.0
  • Updated to New Genesis Logo

Fancy Menu Tweaks

  • Updated to New Genesis Logo

Note: If you encounter any issues, please request support on our Discord. Enjoy the update!

Want to setup a server using our official server host, click the banner below!

BisectHosting Code

Modpack Patch Notes: Version 2.5.2 (Minor Patch)

Release Date: November 20th, 2023

This update is mainly focused on updating a few things on Fancy Menu to match my new Promo Code for Bisect Hosting, plus any other general mod updates.

Removed v2.5.1 due to missing files

As a standard safety protocol, we advise creating a backup of your saved data prior to updating the modification package to ensure the preservation of your progress.


  • AmbientSounds: v5.3.2 > v5.3.4
  • Better Archeology: v1.0.2 > v1.1.0
  • Better Statistics Screen: v3.5.1 > v3.5.2
  • Carry On: v2.1.2.5 > v2.1.2.7
  • Chat Heads: v0.10.23 > v0.10.26
  • KubeJS: v2001.6.3-build.83 > vv2001.6.4-build.95
  • Magnum Torch: v8.0.0 > v8.0.1
  • Moonlight: v2.8.62 > v2.8.65
  • More Chest Variants: v1.5.0-beta.1 > v1.5.0-beta.2
  • Puzzles Lib: v8.1.8 > v8.1.9
  • YUNG's Better Ocean Monuments: v3.0.3 > v3.0.4

Fancy Menu Tweaks

  • Updated Rent a Server Link, to use new promo code

Drippy Screen Tweaks

  • Updated Version ID to v2.5.1

Note: If you encounter any issues, please request support on our Discord. Enjoy the update!

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Modpack Patch Notes: Version 2.5.0 (Ad Astra Addition)

Release Date: November 17th, 2023

This upcoming update represents a significant release, primarily centered around the integration of the renowned space exploration mod, Ad Astra. This update will encompass not only general updates to existing mods but also substantial recipe modifications and adjustments. These changes are meticulously planned to ensure that Ad Astra seamlessly integrates into the pack, maintaining a cohesive and balanced experience.

As a standard safety protocol, we advise creating a backup of your saved data prior to updating the modification package to ensure the preservation of your progress.


  • Ad Astra: Ad Astra! (translation: "To the Stars!") is a space mod for Fabric and Forge with a focus on technology, travel and exploration.
  • Create Air Fabric: Addon for Create that add compatibility with Thin Air, Ad Astra
  • Ad-Astra: Giselle Addon: Add things be more convenience, compatibility for Ad Astra!
  • Botarium: A crossplatform API for devs that makes transfer and storage of items, fluids and energy easier, as well as some other helpful things


  • AmbientSounds: v5.3.0 > v5.3.2
  • Better Statistics Screen: v3.5 > v3.5.1
  • Better F3: v7.0.1 > v7.0.2
  • CTOV: v3.3.5a > v3.3.6
  • Collective: v7.3 > v7.7
  • Create Ore Exacavation: v1.4.0 > v1.4.1
  • Creative Core: v2.11.9 > v2.11.10
  • Eltrya Trims: v1.4.1 > v1.4.3
  • Extended Drawers: v2.0.7 > v2.0.8
  • Fabric Language Kotlin: v1.10.13 > v1.10.14
  • Heracles: v1.1.0 > v1.1.4
  • Just Enough Breeding: v1.0.9 > v1.0.10
  • Just Enough Effects Descriptions: v2.1.5 > v2.1.6
  • Modern Fix: v5.9.2 > v5.9.3
  • Moonlight: v2.8.59 > v2.8.62
  • More Armor Trims: v1.1.2 > v1.1.3
  • More Crafting Tables: v1.0.0 > v1.1.0
  • Supplementaries: v2.6.20 > v2.6.30

KubeJS Tweaks

  • server_scripts\Ad Astra\AdAstra_Tweaks: Adjusts recipes of Ad Astra, so that it flows more with the pack
  • server_scripts\Ad Astra\AdAstraOre_CreateCompat: Creates new ore crushing recipes
  • server_scripts\Ad Astra\AdAstraOre_CreateFoundryCompat: Creates new molten ore mixing and compacting recipes
  • server_scripts\Landscapes Reimagined\LandscapesReimagined_ServerScripts: Creates new Dragons Breath draining recipe, and Dragon Head mixing recipe.
  • startup_scripts\Ad Astra\AdAstra_Additions: Creates new fluids and crushed ore
  • startup_scripts\Landscapes Reimagined\CustomFluids: Created Custom Liquid Dragon's Breath
  • assets\kubejs: Addition of New crushed ores, and updating names of new fluids when in a bucket
  • assets\sdrp: Addition of New Dimensions
  • server_scripts: Organized Files into Folders

Quest Additions

  • Ad Astra Chapter: Created Quests to take you through the progression of Ad Astra
  • The End Chapter: Added in two new quests to help aid for Creative Item crafting

Quest Tweaks

  • Creative Items Chapter: Added Missing Tasks and Rewards for Creative Motor

Drippy Screen Tweaks

  • Updated Version ID to v2.5.0

Note: If you encounter any issues, please request support on our Discord. Enjoy the update!

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Modpack Patch Notes: Version 2.4.1 (Broken Recipe Fixes)

Release Date: November 9th, 2023

This minor release is fixing many broken recipes, and includes any general mod updates.

As a standard safety protocol, we advise creating a backup of your saved data prior to updating the modification package to ensure the preservation of your progress.


  • Immediatelt Fast: v1.2.6 > v1.2.7
  • Extreme Sound Muffler: v3.40 > v3.41
  • CreativeCore: v2.11.7 > v2.11.9
  • AmbientsSounds: v5.2.24 > v5.3.0

KubeJS Tweaks

  • server_scripts/Mod_RecipeFixes: Fixed Multiple Broken Recipes

Drippy Screen Tweaks

  • Updated Version ID to v2.4.1

Note: If you encounter any issues, please request support on our Discord. Enjoy the update!

Want to setup a server using our official server host, click the banner below!

BisectHosting Code


on Nov 9, 2023

Modpack Patch Notes: Version 2.4.0

Release Date: November 9th, 2023

This update includes the addition of 2 new Create Addons, with the inclusion of 2 new creative item recipes, and all the quests related to those. It will also include any general mod updates released since the last pack update.

As a standard safety protocol, we advise creating a backup of your saved data prior to updating the modification package to ensure the preservation of your progress.

New Additions

  • Create: Diesel Generators (Fabric): A mod that adds Diesel Generators to the create mod.
  • Create: SandPaper Overhaul: A addon to the amazing Create Mod that adds more variations of sandpapers and a polishing wheel.
  • CTOV - Create: Structures: Compatibility datapack between ChoiceTheorem's overhauled village and Create:Structures mod
  • LootJS: KubeJS Addon: A Minecraft mod for packdevs to easily modify the loot system with KubeJS.
  • Quad: This replaces some vanilla recipes to add more mod compact
  • Dragon Drops Custom Datapack: A simple datapack made by me to adjust dragon drop loot pool to only be a dragon head.


  • Argonauts: v1.0.5 > v1.0.6
  • Collective: v6.80 > v7.3
  • EMI: v1.0.23 > v1.0.24
  • EnderChests: v1.1 > v1.2
  • EnderTanks: v1.1 > v1.2
  • Jade Addons: v5.2.2 > v5.2.3
  • ModernFix: v5.9.0 > v5.9.2
  • Moog's Voyager Structures: v4.1 > v4.1.1
  • Moonlight: v2.8.56 > v2.8.59
  • Puzzles Lib: v8.1.5 > v8.1.8
  • Rhino: v2001.2.2-build.11 > v2001.2.2-build.13
  • ShetiPhianCore: v1.1 > v1.2
  • Supplementaries: v2.6.19 > v2.6.20
  • Utility Belt: v1.3.5 > v1.3.6
  • Resourceful Lib: v2.1.13 > v2.1.16
  • Terrestria: v6.0.11 > v6.0.12
  • Cristel Lib: v1.1.3 > v1.1.5
  • Just Mob Heads: v7.3 > v7.4
  • Just Player Heads: v3.1 > v3.2
  • Chat Heads: v0.10.22 > v0.10.23
  • Heracles: v1.0.5 > v1.1.0
  • More Crafting Tables: v1.0.0 > v1.1.0
  • Peek: v1.1.10 > v1.1.11

KubeJS Tweaks

  • server_scripts/LandscapesReimagined_ServerTweaks: Adjusted Netherwart Block Crushing Recipe
  • server_scripts/CreateFoundryTweaks: Added in Create Ore Excavation Raw Ore mixing recipes
  • server_scripts/PolishingTweaks: Added in New Polishing Wheel Recipes
  • server_scrips/CreativeItems: Separated Creative Items and created creative motor and drawer upgrade

Quest Updates

  • Creative Items Chapter: Added Descriptions for Creative items
  • Create Addons Chapter: Fixed Slice and Dice starter quest

Quest Additions

  • Creative Items Chapter: Added in Creative Motor Quest
  • Creative Items Chapter: Added in Creative Drawer Upgrade Quest
  • Better Storage Chapter: Added in Travelers Backpack Section
  • Create Addons Chapter: Added in Quest Lines for Create SandPaper Overhaul and Create Diesel Generators

Config Tweaks

  • Supplementaries: Blacklisted Beatify from Lantern Tweaks

Drippy Screen Tweaks

  • Updated Version ID to v2.4.0

Note: If you encounter any issues, please request support on our Discord. Enjoy the update!

Want to setup a server using our official server host, click the banner below!

BisectHosting Code

Modpack Patch Notes: Version 2.3.2 (Regions Unexplored Soil Fix)

Release Date: November 4th, 2023

This minor update includes a simple fix that will include a shapeless recipe to convert modded dirt to vanilla dirt, since some modded dirt cannot plant crops. It will also include any general mod updates.

As a standard safety protocol, we advise creating a backup of your saved data prior to updating the modification package to ensure the preservation of your progress.

Fabric Loader Update:

  • 0.14.23 > 0.14.24


  • Collective: v6.72 > v6.80
  • Deeper and Darker: v1.2.2 > v1.2.3
  • Entity Texture Features: v4.6 > v4.6.1
  • Fabric API: v0.90.4 > v0.90.7
  • Fabric Language Kotlin: v1.10.12 > v1.10.13
  • Moonlight: v2.8.53 > v2.8.56
  • Peek: v1.1.9 > v1.1.10
  • Simple Voice Chat: v2.4.27 > v2.4.28
  • Traveler's Backpack: v9.1.6 > v9.1.8

KubeJS Tweaks

  • kubejs\server_scripts\LandscapesReimagined_ServerTweaks.js: Added in shapeless recipe for modded dirt to vanilla dirt

Drippy Screen Tweaks

  • Updated Version ID to v2.3.2

Note: If you encounter any issues, please request support on our Discord. Enjoy the update!

Want to setup a server using our official server host, click the banner below!

BisectHosting Code

Modpack Patch Notes: Version 2.3.1 (Quest Hotfix)

Release Date: November 1st, 2023

This minor update includes fixes to the Create Addon chapter, and general mod updates.

As a standard safety protocol, we advise creating a backup of your saved data prior to updating the modification package to ensure the preservation of your progress.


  • Deeper and Darker: v1.2.1 > v1.2.2
  • Fabric Language Kotlin: v1.10.10 > v1.10.12
  • KubeJS: v2001.6.3-build.80 > v2001.6.3-build.83
  • More Chest Variants: v1.5.0 > v1.5.0-beta.1
  • Supplementaries: v2.6.18 > v2.6.19
  • Terrestria: v6.0.10 > v6.0.11

Quest Updates

  • Fixed Create Addons Chapter

Drippy Screen Tweaks

  • Updated Version ID to v2.3.1

Note: If you encounter any issues, please request support on our Discord. Enjoy the update!

Want to setup a server using our official server host, click the banner below!

BisectHosting Code

Modpack Patch Notes: Version 2.3.0 (Quest Overhaul)

Release Date: October 30th, 2023

In the forthcoming update, we will be addressing all quest-related concerns, introducing new quests, and enhancing the challenge levels of the Wither and Ender Dragon. Additionally, this update will encompass refinements to the existing mods and requisite adjustments to the KubeJS code to ensure seamless integration with the Create Mod. One other major change in this update is the removal of REI and switch to EMI/JEI.

As a standard safety protocol, we advise creating a backup of your saved data prior to updating the modification package to ensure the preservation of your progress.

New Additions

Mod Adjustments


  • RoughlyEnoughItems: Frequent bugginess affecting the overall player experience
  • RoughlyEnoughProfession: Removed RoughlyEnoughItems (REI)
  • CreateFabric&REIBugFix: Removed RoughlyEnoughItems (REI)


  • Ambient Sounds: v5.2.22 > v5.2.24
  • Better Statistics: v3.4 > v3.5
  • BetterTrims: v2.0.1 > v2.0.4
  • Collective: v6.66 > v6.72
  • CreativeCore: v2.11.5 > v2.11.7
  • Eating Animation: v1.9.4 > v1.9.5
  • ETF: v4.5.1 > v4.6
  • Extreme Sound Muffler: v3.39 > v3.40
  • Fabric API: v0.90.0 > v0.90.4
  • Ferritcore: v6.0.0 > v6.0.1
  • Geckolib: v4.2.2 > v4.2.4
  • Incendium: v5.3.2 > v5.3.3
  • KubeJS: v2001.6.3-build.73 > v2001.6.3-build.80
  • Modern Fix: v5.8.1 > v5.9.0
  • Moonlight: v2.8.51 > v2.8.53
  • MoreArmorTrims: v1.1.1 > v1.1.2
  • MoreChestVariants: v1.4.1 > v1.5.0
  • Polymer: v0.5.16 > v0.5.18
  • Polymorph: v0.49.0 > v0.49.1
  • PuzzlesLib: v8.0.24 > v8.1.5
  • Repurposed Structures: v7.1.9 > v7.1.11
  • Resourceful Lib: v2.1.11 > v2.1.13
  • Server Core: v1.3.7 > v1.3.9
  • Supplementaries: v2.6.14 > v2.6.18
  • Terralith: v2.4.7 > v2.4.8
  • Xaero's Minimap: v23.8.3 > v23.8.4
  • Xaero's World Map: v1.35.0 > v1.36.0

Quest Updates

  • Fixed all incomplete/ broken quests

Quest Additions

  • Better Storage: Added in Ender Tank and Chest items.
  • Create Chapter: Added Blaze Cake creation steps, and setting up your first train
  • Create Addons: Added in a brief overview of all the create addons
  • Create Foundry Chapter: Added all molten ores and steps on how to make them
  • Chipped Tables Chapter: Added in all Chipped workbenches to help players with decoration lead
  • Create Addons Chapter: Added in simple quests to help show off the Create Addons items
  • Creative Create Items Chapter: Added in steps on how to make the two current Creative items, and added placeholders for future items.

Drippy Screen Tweaks

  • Updated Version ID to v2.3.0

KubeJS Tweaks

  • kubejs\client_scripts\LandscapesReimagined_ClientTweaks: Hid Creative only items
  • kubejs\server_scrips\LandscapesReimagined_ServerTweaks: Removed 2 Create Foundry recipes, fixed in another script. Removed 2 Simple Villager items due to being broken or overpowered, Trading Block and Iron Farm Block
  • kubejs\server_scripts\CreateFoundryTweaks: Fixed Create Foundry Ore to Molten Recipes for Redstone and Lapis
  • kubejs\server_scrips\OreTweaks: Added in crushing recipes for Salt Bucket and Aurora Crystals
  • kubejs\client_scripts: Removed REI Groups and REI RemovalsandAdditons because pack is switching to EMI/JEI
  • kubejs\server_scripts\Armor_Tools_Crushing: Separated into two scripts Armor_Crushing_Recipes and Tool_Crushing_Recipes
  • kubejs\server_scripts\Armor_Crushing_Recipes: Added Advanced Netherite Armor Crushing recipes
  • kubejs\server_scrips\Tool_Crushing_Recipes: Added Advanced Netherite Tool Crushing recipes
  • kubejs\server_scrips\Mod_RecipeFixes: Fixed broken recipes
  • kubejs\assets\emi: Hides specific items

Config Tweaks

  • Completionist Index: Moved Index to Pause Menu
  • Patchouli Button: Moved to Completionist Index previous spot

Note: If you encounter any issues, please request support on our Discord. Enjoy the update!

Want to Read More about what was changed check out this Github Merge

Want to setup a server using our official server host, click the banner below!

BisectHosting Code

Modpack Patch Notes: Version 2.2.0 (Create and Modded Content Compatibility)

Release Date: October, 21, 2023

The latest update emphasizes enhanced compatibility with modded content, particularly with machinery from the "Create" mod. Additionally, this release incorporates updates to existing mods, introduces two new structure datapack add-ons, and reinstates the "Create" goggles feature from v1.19.

As a standard safety protocol, we advise creating a backup of your saved data prior to updating the modification package to ensure the preservation of your progress.

New Additions


  • AudioPlayer: v1.8.2 > v1.8.3
  • Comforts: v6.3.3 > v6.3.4
  • Create Utilities: v0.1.3.1 > v0.1.3b
  • KubeJS: v2001.6.3-build.52 > v2001.6.3-build.73
  • MVS: v4.0.1 > v4.1.1
  • Supplementaries: v2.6.12 > v2.6.14
  • Better Statistics Screen: v3.3 > v3.4
  • Drippy Loading Screen: v2.2.2 > v2.2.5-1
  • Fancy Menu: v2.14.9 > v2.14.10-2
  • Jade Addons: v5.2.1 > v5.2.2
  • Konkrete: v1.6.1 > v1.7.0-1
  • Moonlight: v2.8.50 > v2.8.51
  • Roughly Enought Professions: v2.0.1 > v2.0.2
  • Rhino: v2001.2.2-build.6 > v2001.2.2-build.11
  • Bookshelf: v20.0.5 > v20.1.6
  • Argonauts: v1.0.4 > v1.0.5
  • Deeper and Darker: v1.2.0 > v1.2.1
  • Friend and Foes: v1.9.7 > v1.9.8
  • Landscapes Reimagined Dark Mode: v2.0.2 > v2.2.0

Temp Removals

  • Simple Copper Pipes: Makes create filters unusable, will readd when bug is fixed

Drippy Screen Tweaks

  • Updated Version ID to v2.2.0

KubeJS Tweaks

  • kubejs\serverscripts\Armor_Tools_Crushing: Added in Processing Times for all recipes
  • kubejs\serverscripts\ChippedCreateTweaks: Added in Processing Times for all recipes
  • kubejs\serverscripts\CreateFoundry: Added in New Molten Ore mixing recipes, for brass and create crushed ores
  • kubejs\serverscripts\FarmersDelightCuttingTweaks: Added in all Logs and Wood to Farmers Delight Cutting
  • kubejs\serverscripts\ModdedLog_SawingAdditions: Added in Modded Log/Wood Create Cutting Recipes
  • kubejs\serverscripts\OreTweaks: Added in Processing Times for all recipes
  • kubejs\serverscripts\Flower_CrushingMillingTweaks: Added in modded flower crushing and milling recipes
  • kubejs\serverscripts\LandscapesReimagined_ServerTweaks: Fix Diamond Grit Sandpaper recipe
  • kubejs\clientscripts\LandscapesReimagined_ClientTweaks: Added in new groups

Note: If you encounter any issues, please request support on our Discord. Enjoy the update!

Want to Read More about what was changed check out this Github Merge

Want to setup a server using our official server host, click the banner below!

BisectHosting Code

Modpack Patch Notes: v2.1.1 (Crash Fix - Hotfix)

Release Date: October 18th, 2023

This is a minor release fixing a crash that occurs with some animated blocks, via conflicts between Geckolib and EntityCulling.

As a standard safety protocol, we advise creating a backup of your saved data prior to updating the modification package to ensure the preservation of your progress.

Config Adjustmens

  • EntityCulling: Set "skipEntityCulling" to true, which will prevent any more crashes from occuring

Drippy Loading Screen Tweaks

  • Updated version ID to v2.1.1

Want to setup a server using our official server host, click the banner below!

BisectHosting Code

Modpack Patch Notes: Version 2.1.0 [Create Foundry Adjustments]

Release Date: October 16th, 2023

This update primarily centers around optimizing Create Foundry to ensure its compatibility with all modded ores, addressing minor quest-related issues, introducing several new mods, and providing comprehensive updates to existing mods.

As a standard safety protocol, we advise creating a backup of your saved data prior to updating the modification package to ensure the preservation of your progress.

New Additions

  • Advanced Netherite: Advanced Netherite is a configurable, vanilla friendly, open-source mod that adds in more tiers of Netherite! The goal of the mod is to extend the vanilla Minecraft experience by adding more goals to achieve.
  • All The Fan Made Discs: All The fan Made Discs is a mod about adding new minecraft music discs, in order to add more goals and a sens of adventure to the game. It adds 79 new music discs to the game, add 26 of them to the vanilla loot tables, 3 craftable discs and 3 in news structures and also custom mob loot.
  • Enderman Overhaul: Enderman Overhaul adds over 20 new endermen variants, each with their own sounds, models, and animations!
  • Botany Pots: This mod adds the Botany Pot which is a block that can grow all kinds of crops. The Botany Pot can be used for decoration, and to also make farming certain types of crops much easier.
  • Moss Fix: Simple server-side mod to fix moss generation.

Fabric Loader Update

  • v0.14.22 > v0.14.23


  • Creative Core: v2.10.28 > v2.11.5
  • Extended Drawers: v2.0.6 > v2.0.7
  • Xaeros World Map: v1.34.1 > v1.35.0
  • Xaeros Mini Map: v23.8.2 > v23.8.3
  • Audio Player: v1.8.0 > v1.8.2
  • Better Statistics: v3.1 > v3.3
  • CTOV Farmers Delight Compat: v2.0 > v2.1
  • Elytra Trims: v1.3.3 > v1.4.1
  • Friends and Foes: v1.9.6 > v1.9.7
  • Iris: v1.6.9 > v1.6.10
  • Moonlight: v2.8.47 > v2.8.50
  • Polymer: v0.5.15 > v0.5.16
  • Supplementaries: v2.6.11 > v2.6.12
  • Vein Mining: v1.2.0 > v1.2.1
  • Simply Voice Chat: v2.4.26 > v2.4.27
  • More Discs: v31 > v32
  • Create Foundry: v1.2.1a > v1.2.1b
  • Landscapes Reimagined Dark Mode: v2.0.2 > v2.1.0

Drippy Screen Tweaks

  • Updated Version ID to v2.1.0

KubeJS Tweaks

  • Client_Scripts\LandscapesReimagined_ClientTweak: Adjusted REI grouping to match new mod additions, and added in new group to Fuzs mods
  • Server_Scripts\CreateFoundryTweaks: Added Ore Compatibility with all ores
  • Server_Scripts\CraftingTableTweaks: Made Crafting Table more Compatible, by adding Modded to Vanilla Recipe, and all modded planks to vanilla crafting table recipe
  • Server_Scripts\LandscapesReimagined_ServerTweaks: Fixed Chipped Tinker's Table Recipe

Config Tweaks

  • Vein Mining: Adjusted client options to require key press to active vein mine instead of it being always active
  • Hereacles: Fixed Explore Nether Fortress quest to require Yung's Better Nether Fortress instead of vanilla Fortress

Note: If you encounter any issues, please request support on our Discord. Enjoy the update!

Want to Read More about what was changed check out this Github Merge

Want to setup a server using our official server host, click the banner below!

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Modpack Patch Notes: v2.0.2 (Lag Spike Fix)

Release Date: October 12th, 2023

This is another minor release updating two mods that patched some major lag spikes when exploring.

As a standard safety protocol, we advise creating a backup of your saved data prior to updating the modification package to ensure the preservation of your progress.


  • Promenade: v4.1.0 > v4.1.1
  • Repurposed Structures: v7.1.8 > v7.1.9

Drippy Loading Screen Tweaks

  • Updated version ID to v2.0.2

Want to setup a server using our official server host, click the banner below!

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Modpack Patch Notes: v2.0.1 (Quest Hotfix)

Release Date: October 11th, 2023

Quick Hotfix fixing a few quest tasks

As a standard safety protocol, we advise creating a backup of your saved data prior to updating the modification package to ensure the preservation of your progress.

Want to setup a server using our official server host, click the banner below!

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Modpack Patch Notes: v2.0.0 (Version 1.20.1 Integration Update)

Release Date: October 11th, 2023

We are thrilled to announce the most monumental update since the inception of our pack. This release is meticulously crafted, introducing innovative quests, a plethora of pristine biomes, and the latest 1.20 modded content. Additionally, we're integrating a vast array of new mods to elevate your experience. For an optimal journey, we strongly advise initiating a new world, given the significant modifications in our mod selection and the transition from Minecraft version 1.19.2 to 1.20.1. Prepare to be captivated!

As a standard safety protocol, we advise creating a backup of your saved data prior to updating the modification package to ensure the preservation of your progress.

New Additions

  • Argonauts: A guild and party mod to work and play together with your teammates on a server!
  • Cadmus: A land claiming mod that allows users to claim land to protect your home from thieves, bandits and monsters, and admins to claim land with region flags and advanced protection
  • Heracles: A tree-style questing mod, allowing pack makers to make and include completable quests for their players
  • Prometheus: A utility mod adding useful commands and player permission handling
  • Resourceful Lib: A modding library that contains valuable utilities and APIs developed by Team Resourceful.
  • YUNG's Better End Island: An overhaul of the main End Island where the dragon fight takes place!
  • YUNG's Better Jungle Temples: A complete redesign of Minecraft's jungle temples!
  • Fabric Seasons: A simple mod that adds seasons to the game, dynamically changing biomes as you play.
  • Fabric Seasons : Terralith Compat: Terralith compatibility for Fabric Seasons
  • Fabric Seasons: Delight Compat: Farmer's Delight compatibility for Fabric Seasons
  • Better Archeology: Discover artifacts & fossils by encountering new structures that'll enhance your adventure and exploration!
  • BetterTrims: Give the armour trims unique effects when worn
  • Fish of Thieves: A mod adds all the fish from Sea of Thieves, fish fer ye pirate!
  • Regions Unexplored: Regions Unexplored is a biome mod that overhauls the overworld and nether in many ways. With 70+ new biomes to explore, there is a plethora of new things to find!
  • Ube's Delight: Ube’s Delight is an addon mod for Farmer's Delight that adds Filipino inspired crops and food.
  • Wildlife: Adds extra animals and insects to Minecraft!
  • Creeper Overhaul: A mod which overhauls the vanilla creepers!
  • Waystones: Teleport back to activated waystones. For Survival, Adventure or Servers.
  • Universal Graves: Customisable grave mod for Fabric!
  • Athena: A crossplatform (Forge/Fabric) solution to connected block textures for 1.19.4+
  • Searchables: Searchables is a library mod that adds helper methods that allow for searching and filtering elements based on components, as well as offering built in auto-complete functionality.
  • Cristel Lib: A Library mod for easy structure config and runtime datapacks.
  • Create Ore Excavation: Extracts resources using machines powered by Rotational Force
  • Better Animations Collection: Changing the in-game models to allow for better animations and subtle effects.
  • Bartering Station: Still running around bartering manually? Let's put those lazy piglins to work instead!
  • Trading Post: Rule the village! Trade with every villager at once!
  • Magnum Torch: Powerful torches to prevent mob spawns around your home in a large area.
  • Overflowing Bars: Expand health, armor and armor toughness bars beyond vanilla. Nice and compact without confusing colors.
  • Armor Statues: Unlock the full potential of armor stands! Works on vanilla servers, too.
  • Nether Chested: Use the Nether's power to store 8 times more items than usual in this chest.
  • Echo Chest: A unique chest that collects all items dropped nearby. Very useful!
  • Completionist's Index: An index for collecting every single block and item in the game. Adventurers behold!
  • Paper Doll: Shows a tiny player model on screen when performing actions like sprinting, swimming, and flying.
  • Effect Descriptions: Find out what potion effects do without checking the wiki.
  • YUNG's Better Nether Fortresses: A complete redesign of Minecraft's Nether fortresses!
  • TerraBlender: A library mod for adding biomes in a simple and compatible manner!
  • Resourceful Config: Resourceful Config is a mod that allows for developers to make cross-platform configs
  • Better End: New Biomes, mysterious rituals and Mobs for your End
  • Better Nether: More Biomes, More Mobs, More Tools for the fiery Dimension
  • BCLib: A Library Mod for the BetterX Team
  • Wunderreich: Advanced Vanilla-Like Mechanics and Tools
  • More Chests Variants (MCV): Giving each wood its own chest
  • More Crafting Tables (MCT): Adds the other Crafting Table variants to the game!
  • Fabric Seasons: Extras: Custom blocks and items to make your Fabric Seasons experience better.
  • way2wayfabric: Waystone -> Xaero's Minimap Waypoint sync for fabric
  • ImmediatelyFast: Speed up immediate mode rendering in Minecraft
  • AntiGhost: Get rid of ghost blocks by requesting resends from the server
  • ModernFix: All-in-one mod that improves performance, reduces memory usage, and fixes many bugs. Compatible with all your favorite performance mods!
  • Elytra Trims: Lightweight and customizable support for elytra trims, patterns and dyes
  • Archaeology Banners: Banner patterns based on Archaeology sherds and designs.
  • Archeology Plus: A 1.20 mod that aims to add more content to the new Archeology feature.
  • More Armor Trims: Adds six new armor trims.
  • Trims Expanded: Trims Expanded aims to expand the available materials used while making armour trims to allow you to go beyond what the vanilla game can offer in your armour sets!
  • Pure Discs - Trails & Tales: Pure Discs - Trails & Tales adds five new songs that were added to the game with the 1.20 Trails and Tales update!
  • Pocket Tools: Tools you can fit in your pocket
  • More Discs: Adds more music discs
  • Spelunkery: New landmarks, tool progression, and mining strategies to spice up your underground life.
  • Terrestria: Terrestria is a detailed and vibrant biomes mod for Minecraft running on the Fabric mod loader.
  • Promenade: Fancy and simplistic biomes and structures!
  • Fabric Seasons: Terraformers Compat: Traverse and Terrestria compatibility for Fabric Seasons
  • Portable Crafting: Access the crafting table in your inventory, with a hotkey or tab.
  • Create: Extended Cogwheels: A small mod to add more cog types to create
  • Delightful Creators [Fabric]: Making automation between Farmer's Delight and Create
  • Create Foundry: Use your Create skills and machines to create the ultimate ore processor!


  • All Mods have updated from 1.19.2 > 1.20.1
  • Updated all resource packs from 1.19.2 > 1.20.1
  • Updated all datapacks from 1.19.2 > 1.20.1

Temporary Removals Until Updated to 1.20.1

  • Charm
  • Stoneholm, Underground Villages (Fabric)
  • KubeJS Create
  • Create Deco Fabric
  • Create Enchantment Industry Fabric
  • Create Goggles
  • Create: Elitia Addon
  • REI Trades
  • REI Loottables
  • Enchantment Table Descriptions

Full Removals

  • ForgetMeChunk
  • Cammie's Minecart Tweaks
  • Elytra Swap
  • Let Me Play Iris
  • Smooth Boot
  • Moss Fix
  • Camera Utils
  • C2ME
  • Starlight
  • Sleepwarp
  • Better Furnaces Reforged
  • Factory API

Drippy Screen Tweaks

  • Updated Version ID to v2.0.0

KubeJS Tweaks

  • Client_Scripts\LandscapesReimagined_ClientTweak: Adjusted REI grouping to match new mod additions and mod removals
  • Server_Scripts\Armor_Tools_Crushing: Rewrote Code to be usable without KubeJS Create, and added in new Armor and Tool create crushing recipes
  • Server_Scripts\ChippedCreateTweaks: Rewrote Code to be usable without KubeJS Create
  • Server_Scripts\FarmersKnives: Created Recipes for new farmers knife additions
  • Server_Scripts\ImmersiveAircraftTweaks: Rewrote Code to be usable without KubeJS Create
  • Server_Scripts\LandscapesReimagined_ServerTweaks: Rewrote Code to be usable without KubeJS Create, adjusted recipe removals, and added in a few new recipes
  • Server_Scripts\LogRecipeAdditions: Added in new log to stick, chest, trapdoor, door, slab, and vertical slab recipes
  • Server_Scripts\OreTweaks: Rewrote Code to be usable without KubeJS Create, and added create crushing recipes for new ores
  • Server_Scripts\TomsSimpleStorage: Rewrote Code to be usable without KubeJS Create

Patchouli Book Tweaks

  • Fixed all books to be compatible with new 1.20.1 guidelines

Config Tweaks

  • Adjusted all mod configs to allow for a better playing experience, no more entity lag, stuttering when loading into a new world, and faster load and closing times

New Questlines

  • Added in a brand new questing system to help players progress through the pack; quests created by Unheard Nightmare and rewards selected by M0nkeyPr0grammer.

Fancy Menu Tweaks

  • Changed out and added in new screenshots to match new content of the new update

Note: If you encounter any issues, please request support on our Discord. Enjoy the update!

Want to read more about what was changed check out this Github Merge

Want to setup a server using our official server host, click the banner below!

BisectHosting Code

Project members

Landscapes Reimagined Team

Landscapes Reimagined Team



Licensed ARR
Published a year ago
Updated a month ago