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This optimized modpack is designed for the Fabric modloader, ensuring smooth gameplay and enhanced performance with no compatibility issues. Below is a list of the included mods, each carefully selected to improve your Minecraft experience.


  • Modrinth App, Prism Launcher, MultiMC, GDLauncher on support

Included Mods

  • 3D Skin Layers - Render the player skin layer in 3d!
  • AppleSkin - Food/hunger-related HUD improvements
  • BadOptimizations - Optimization mod that focuses on things other than rendering
  • Better Statistics Screen - A Minecraft mod that improves the statistics screen and makes it more useful.
  • Bobby - Allows for render distances greater than the server's view-distance
  • Capes - Lets you use capes from OptiFine, LabyMod and other cape mods
  • Cloth Config API - Configuration Library for Minecraft Mods
  • Concurrent Chunk Management Engine (Fabric) - A Fabric mod designed to improve the chunk performance of Minecraft.
  • Cubes Without Borders - A mod that allows you to play Minecraft in a borderless fullscreen window.
  • Ding - Plays a configurable sound when Minecraft loads and reaches the Main Menu, connects to a server or finishes reloading resources.
  • Dynamic FPS - Reduce resource usage while Minecraft is in the background or idle.
  • Enhanced Block Entities - Reduce block entity FPS lag with almost no compromises, and improve their visuals
  • Entity Culling - Using async path-tracing to hide Block-/Entities that are not visible
  • Fabric API - Lightweight and modular API providing common hooks and intercompatibility measures utilized by mods using the Fabric toolchain.
  • Fabric Language Kotlin - This is a mod that enables usage of the Kotlin programming language for Fabric mods.
  • Fabrishot - Take insanely large screenshots because why not
  • FerriteCore - Memory usage optimizations
  • ImmediatelyFast - Speed up immediate mode rendering in Minecraft
  • Indium - Sodium addon providing support for the Fabric Rendering API, based on Indigo
  • Iris Shaders - A modern shaders mod for Minecraft intended to be compatible with existing OptiFine shader packs
  • Krypton - A mod to optimize the Minecraft networking stack
  • Ksyxis - Speed up the loading of your world.
  • Language Reload - Reduces load times and adds fallbacks for languages
  • Lithium - No-compromises game logic/server optimization mod
  • Mod Menu - Adds a mod menu to view the list of mods you have installed.
  • Model Gap Fix - Fixes gaps in Block Models and Item Models
  • ModernFix - All-in-one mod that improves performance, reduces memory usage, and fixes many bugs. Compatible with all your favorite performance mods!
  • More Chat History - Increases the maximum length of chat history.
  • Mouse Tweaks - Enhances inventory management by adding various functions to the mouse buttons.
  • No Chat Reports - Makes chat unreportable (where possible)
  • Reese's Sodium Options - Alternative Options Menu for Sodium
  • Resourcify - In-game resource pack, data pack and shader browser and updater
  • Simple Voice Chat - A working voice chat in Minecraft!
  • Skin Shuffle - Easily change your skin in-game without having to leave the world.
  • Sodium - A modern rendering engine for Minecraft which greatly improves performance
  • Sodium Extra - A Sodium addon that adds features that shouldn't be in Sodium.
  • Streamotes - Integrate popular emote systems from your favorite streamers into Minecraft chat! Twitch, BTTV, FFZ, 7tv, now with server config support!
  • TCDCommons API - TheCSDev's personal library mod for the Minecraft modding enviroment.
  • Text Placeholder API - Placeholder and Text manipulation library for your Minecraft mods.
  • Very Many Players (Fabric) - A Fabric mod designed to improve server performance at high playercounts.
  • View Distance Fix - A server side Fabric mod that fixes the fog when having a higher render distance on the client than on the server
  • WI Zoom - WI Zoom is a Minecraft mod offering up to 50x zoom with smooth camera movement. Supports Fabric, NeoForge, and snapshots. Also works with OptiFine and Sodium.
  • YetAnotherConfigLib - A builder-based configuration library for Minecraft.
  • [EMF] Entity Model Features - EMF is an, OptiFine format, Custom Entity Model replacement mod available for Fabric and Forge.
  • [ETF] Entity Texture Features - Emissive, Random & Custom texture support for entities in resourcepacks just like Optifine but for Fabric
  • fast-ip-ping - Yeet the laggy reversed DNS lookup for pure IP server addresses
  • iChunUtil - Shared library used by iChun's mods

This modpack is tailored to provide a seamless and lag-free experience, leveraging the best of Fabric's performance enhancements. Enjoy your optimized Minecraft journey!


Project members


Main Developer

Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID