Minecraft: Java Edition
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Added Mods
- 3D Skin Layers - Render the player skin layer in 3d!
- Animatica - A mod implementing the OptiFine/MCPatcher animated texture format
- AntiGhost - Get rid of ghost blocks by requesting resends from the server
- Architectury API - An intermediary api aimed to ease developing multiplatform mods.
- Better Sodium Video Settings Button - Moves the sodium video settings button
- BetterF3 - BetterF3 is a mod that replaces Minecraft's original debug HUD with a highly customizable, more human-readable HUD.
- Blur (Fabric) - Adds a blur effect to all GUI backgrounds - now for Fabric!
- CIT Resewn - Re-implements MCPatcher's CIT (custom item textures from optifine resource packs)
- Capes - Lets you use capes from OptiFine, LabyMod and other cape mods
- Chat Heads - See who you're chatting with!
- Continuity - A Fabric mod that allows for efficient connected textures
- Controlling - Adds a search bar to the Key-Bindings menu
- Custom Entity Models - Custom Entity Models suport on Fabric
- Debugify - Fixes Minecraft bugs found on the bug tracker
- Dynamic FPS - Improve performance when Minecraft is in the background.
- Enhanced Block Entities - Reduce FPS lag with block entities, as well as customize them with resource packs
- Entity Culling - Using async path-tracing to hide Block-/Entities that are not visible
- Fabric API - Lightweight and modular API providing common hooks and intercompatibility measures utilized by mods using the Fabric toolchain.
- Fabric Language Kotlin - Fabric Language Kotlin
- Fabric Tailor - A server-side / singleplayer skin & cape changing mod for fabric.
- FerriteCore - Memory usage optimizations
- Forge Config API Port - Forge's whole config system provided to the Fabric ecosystem. Designed for a multiloader architecture.
- Indium - Sodium addon providing support for the Fabric Rendering API, based on Indigo
- Inventory Profiles Next - Take control over you inventory. Sort. Move matching Items. Throw all. Locked slots. Gear sets! And much more.
- Iris Shaders - A modern shaders mod for Minecraft intended to be compatible with existing OptiFine shader packs
- LambDynamicLights - A dynamic lights mod for Fabric.
- LambdaBetterGrass - A Minecraft mod which adds better grass and snow to the game.
- Language Reload - Reduces load times and adds fallbacks for languages
- LazyDFU - Makes the game boot faster by deferring non-essential initialization
- Lithium - No-compromises game logic/server optimization mod
- Memory Leak Fix - A mod that fixes random memory leaks for both the client and server
- MidnightControls - Adds controller support and enhanced controls overall.
- MinecraftCapes - Custom Capes anyone with the mod can see
- Mod Menu - Adds a mod menu to view the list of mods you have installed.
- Model Gap Fix - Fixes gaps in Block Models and Item Models
- No Chat Reports - Makes chat unreportable (where possible)
- OptiGUI - Custom inventory GUIs on Fabric&Quilt with OptiFine resource pack support&many more features
- Raised - Raises the hotbar so the selector is not cut off!
- Reese's Sodium Options - Alternative Options Menu for Sodium
- Roughly Enough Items (REI) - Clean and Customizable. Alternative to Just Enough Items/JEI.
- Roughly Enough Professions (REP) - An REI addon that adds profession workstations
- Searchables - Searchables is a library mod that adds helper methods that allow for searching and filtering elements based on components, as well as offering built in auto-complete functionality.
- Shulker Box Tooltip - View the contents of shulker boxes from your inventory
- Skin Swapper - A mod that lets you change your skin in game using a GUI.
- Sodium - A modern rendering engine for Minecraft which greatly improves frame rates and micro-stutter, while fixing graphical issues
- Sodium Blending Registry - This is a plugin for sodium, that fixes a sodium "color blending bug", and adds a dynamic way to register blocks for blending.
- Sodium Extra - Features that shouldn't be in Sodium.
- Starlight (Fabric) - Rewrites the light engine to fix lighting performance and lighting errors
- ToolTipFix - Fixes Tooltips from runnning off the screen.
- ViaFabric - Allows to connect to older servers with older versions
- YetAnotherConfigLib - A builder-based configuration library for Minecraft.
- Your Options Shall Be Respected (YOSBR) - Your options shall be respected.
- Zoomify - A zoom mod with infinite customizability.
- e4mc - Open a LAN server to anyone, anywhere, anytime.
- libIPN - Inventory Profiles Next GUI/Config library
- Entity View Distance - This mods allows more precise manipulation of entity view distance on client and server
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63Publication date
July 26, 2023 at 3:29 AMPublisher