Unofficial Skytopia modpack

Unofficial Skytopia modpack


Unofficial Skyland modpack. *Not server restricted, should work on all servers

Client AdventureOptimization

Createda month ago
Updateda month ago

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Unofficial modpack for Skytopia

Enjoy The Best Of Fabric Mods


  • ⛰️ Visual Overhauls : Discover Over a Dozen Visual Mods and Must-Have Resource Packs!
  • 🤌 Quality of Life Changes : Such as the Advanced Chat Mod, that Allow you to Fully Customize your Chat, add Chat Tabs, and More...
  • 🚀 Unleash the Full Potential of Your Game : Performance Mods That Will Allow You to Unleash Your Minecraft Game's Potential!
  • 🔊 Sound changes : Added Sounds, Sound Engine Reworked.

Recommended Ressources Packs

Sky Ressource Packs :

Gui Ressource Pack :

Main Ressource Pack :


A Few Mods need to be Configured, look up comments in the modlist Below.

If you want to import premade chat tabs for Advanced chat tabs, go into AC parameters, HUD, Chat tabs, import and paste the tabs from below.

Advanced Chat Tabs :



{"name":"Global","order":0,"startingMessage":"","forward":false,"abbreviation":"Global","mainColor":"#643F3F3F","borderColor":"#B4000000","innerColor":"#64000000","showUnread":true,"match":[{"pattern":"","findtype":"literal"},{"pattern":"","findtype":"literal"},{"pattern":"","findtype":"literal"},{"pattern":"","findtype":"literal"},{"pattern":"","findtype":"literal"},{"pattern":"","findtype":"literal"},{"pattern":" ","findtype":"literal"}],"uuid":"b3fdf01a-213e-4e7e-8d11-b9b3ffefcceb"}


{"name":"Announcements","order":0,"startingMessage":"","forward":false,"abbreviation":"Skytopia","mainColor":"#643F3F3F","borderColor":"#B4000000","innerColor":"#64000000","showUnread":false,"match":[{"pattern":"Battlepass","findtype":"literal"},{"pattern":"just wished a ","findtype":"literal"},{"pattern":"just threw a","findtype":"literal"},{"pattern":"collected his","findtype":"literal"},{"pattern":"Skytopia","findtype":"literal"}],"uuid":"67a55e70-e34a-4ffb-aa44-826e36993e80"}



Modlist / Authors / Comments / License

Performance / Core
Mod Authors Comments License
CIT Resewn shsupercm MIT
Concurrent Chunk Mana ishland duplexsystem MIT
Continuity PepperCode1 LGPL-3.0
Debugify isxander LGPL-3.0
Bobby Johni0702 Bobby Tutorial LGPL-3.0-only
Dynamic FPS juliand665 LostLuma MIT
Enhanced Block Entities FoundationGames LGPL-3.0
Entity Culling tr7zw Pelotrio vicisacat tr7zw-PL
FabricSkyboxes AMereBagatelle FlashyReese Requirement for some ressource packs MIT
FerriteCore malte0811 MIT
ImmediatlyFast RaphiMC LGPL-3.0
Indium comp500 Apache-2.0
Iris Shaders coderbot IMS LGPL-3.0
LazyDFU astei MIT
Lithium jellysquid3 2No2Name LGPL-3.0
Memory Leak Fix FX contaria LGPL-2.1
Mod Menu Prospector modmuss50 Terraformers MIT
Model Gap Fix MehVahdJukaar GPL-3.0
More Culling FX LGPL-2.1
Not enough Crashes natanfudge MIT
Sodium jellysquid3 IMS PSL-1.0.0
Sodium Extra FlashyReese LGPL-3.0
Starlight (Fabric) spottedleaf LGPL-3.0-only
Very Many Players (Fabric) ishland MIT
Entity Model Feature Traben LGPL-3.0
Entity Texture Feature Traben LGPL-3.0
Mod Authors Comments License
Blur (Fabric) Motschen MIT
Chat Heads dzwdz Fourmisain MPL-2.0
Enhanced Attack Indicator Minenash MIT
Equipement Compare Grend CCANN-4.0-IPL
Explosive Enhancement Superkat32 MIT
Falling Leaves randommcsomethin BrekiTomasson Fourmisain MIT
Gui Clock Serilum Need configuration in mod menu ARR(Permitted on modpage)
LambDynamicLights LambdAurora MIT
Not Enough Animations tr7zw tr7zw-PL
Visiuality PinkGoosik MIT
Custom Scoreboard r0yzer Must be configured from configfile in profile folder (customscoreboard.json) LGPL-3.0
Better Third Person socolio ARR (got authorisation from mod Author)
Quality Of Life
Mod Authors Comments License
AdvancedChatCore DarkKronicle Tutorial MPL-2.0
AdvancedChatFilters DarkKronicle Cause crashes when exiting tab configuration menu with escape MPL-2.0
AdvancedChatHUD DarkKronicle MPL-2.0
Server Country Flags Khajiitos MIT
WI Zoom Alexander01998 GPL-3.0
Mod Authors Comments License
AmbientSounds creativemd Set Rain sound to 0 in the mod menu config LGPL-3.0-only
Quality Sounds RKeblawi MIT
Sound Physics Remastered henkelmax Changes how sounds work in Minecraft, toggle off if you prefer vanilla sound physics. GPL-3.0-only
Mod Authors Comments License
No Telemetry kb1000 So Microsoft doesn't spy on you, OPTIONAL CC0-1.0


If you have an Nvidia RTX and does not use Shaders, install Nvidium


As of now, there is no Support from my part. Don't forget the fact that this is an unofficial modpack, so don't spam the server team for support. I recommend having a little knowledge in modding Minecraft before modifying the modlist.


  • AdvancedChat crashes when exiting the chat tab customization with ESCAPE instead of clicking the "Back" button.

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID