Minecraft: Java Edition
Supported environments
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📻Noticed board
1.21.4_0.0.52.0 release very soon. Distant Horizon updated to 1.21.4 version so I want to release version with it too. Please, wait.
P.S: If 1.21.5 will release earlier, I won't make update for 1.21.4 version.
- If you use MultiMC based launcher, I recommend install Java 22 by Oracle, Zulu, OpenJDK etc. or Java 23 by GraalVM and enable in settings "Skip compatibility checks". C2ME support this Java version and your fps may more stable.
- Btw, I run a Ko-fi page where I sometimes post things like my shader config or beautiful screenshots.
- If you have laggy, just to disable ETF, EMF and ESF (details here)
📌About updates
Every two-four weeks, I'm updating modpack. Why not every week? Cause in this time I can be testing and checking bugs, issues and updating more mods than after one week only. Also, I work on my another modpacks, so I need time for some recreation.
📒About topicality
If you want to have always fresh fixes, edits of configs, should:
Backup your "config" folder.
Remove "config" folder in ".minecraft" before update modpack.
Update modpack in newer version.
If you want to have always fresh versions of resource packs, should:
Beckup your "resourcepacks" folder.
Remove "resourcepack" folder in ".minecraft" before update modpack.
Update modpack in newer version.
If you have problems after remove these folders, just return these folders.
🎱About versions
I'm marking each version with unique numbers, letters, and tags. Here’s how I'm doing it. For example version 1.21.1_0.0.43.0_fabric_DH:
1.21.1 — Minecraft version — modpack version (last number is fix, hotfix or version with minor update)
fabric — loader
DH — version with Distant Horizons included.
Always make backup your saves. It's important!!!
This modpack aims to optimize the game without losing vanilla mechanics and sprinkles of things that give additional atmosphere. Currently, only it works on Fabric Loader, but I plan to Quilt, Forge and Neoforge versions and all versions with VulkanMod, Nvidium, Distant Horizons and Voxy(some mods haven't in Forge and Neoforge, but I'll try to make this in the future). Also, maybe I'll port my modpack to older versions (1.16.5–1.19.4). But I don't want to promise anything because I'm the only one doing modpack(. I have other modpacks:
Optimized Maxima — If you want to use only optimization, that I recommend installing this modpack. It updates faster to new versions.)))
[JWN] Just what is needed — more compact modpack without resource packs and some features in Vanilla Extension. Suitable for just player who like more vanilla without decorations.
I want to make these things better in my modpack then on vanilla:
I tried to pay special attention to performance, so I chose all the mods that seemed to me the best for this. In the future, I want to improve it even more. I am trying to remove mods that are not being used.
This list includes mods:
Name mod and link | Author(s) and link(s) | Description |
Sodium | by jellysquid3 and IMS | A modern rendering engine for Minecraft which greatly improves performance. |
More Culling | by FX | A mod that changes how multiple types of culling are handled in order to improve performance. |
C2ME | by ishland and duplexsystem | A Fabric mod designed to improve the chunk performance of Minecraft. |
Sodium Extra | by FlashyReese | Features that shouldn't be in Sodium. |
Lithium | by jellysquid3 and 2No2Name | No-compromises game logic/server optimization mod. |
ModernFix | by embeddedt | All-in-one mod that improves performance, reduces memory usage, and fixes many bugs. Compatible with all your favorite performance mods! |
Exordium | by tr7zw | Render the GUI and screens at a lower framerate to speed up what's really important: the worldrendering. |
Thread Tweak | by getchoo and devin | Improve and tweak Minecraft thread scheduling. Fork of Smooth Boot for ≥1.20. |
BadOptimizations | by thosea | Optimization mod that focuses on things other than rendering. |
Bedrodium | by kirillirik and VidTu | Little optimization bedrock layer. |
Clumps | by jaredlll08 | Clumps XP orbs together to reduce lag. |
Dynamic FPS | by juliand665 and LostLuma | Improve performance when Minecraft is in the background. |
Enhanced Block Entities | by FoundationGames | Reduce FPS lag with block entities, as well as customize them with resource packs. |
Entity Culling | by tr7zw | Using async path-tracing to hide Block-/Entities that are not visible. |
FastQuit | by KingContaria | lets you return to the Title Screen early while your world is still saving in the background! |
Faster Random | by AnOpenSauceDev and Steveplays | Speeds up Minecraft's RNG system by 100X. |
FerriteCore | by malte0811 | Memory usage optimizations. |
Get It Together, Drops! | by bl4ckscor3 | Adds tags and configuration options for defining how dropped items should combine. |
ImmediatelyFast | by RaphiMC | Speed up immediate mode rendering in Minecraft. |
Krypton | by astei | A mod to optimize the Minecraft networking stack. |
Ksyxis | by VidTu | Speed up the loading of your world. |
Memory Leak Fix | by FX and KingContaria | A mod that fixes random memory leaks for both the client and server. |
Noisium | by Steveplays | optimizes worldgen performance for a better gameplay experience. |
Raknetify | by ishland | a Fabric mod / BungeeCord plugin that uses RakNet to improve multiplayer experience significantly under unreliable and rate-limited connections. |
Remove Reloading Screen | by dima_dencep | makes resource packs load in the background, allowing you to do other things while waiting! |
ServerCore | by Wesley1808 | A mod that aims to optimize the minecraft server. |
Staaaaaaaaaaaack (Stxck) | by frankV | A mod made to merge dropped items beyond the vanilla stack limit while considering mod compatibility. |
kennytvs-epic-force-close-loading-screen-mod-for-fabric | by kennytv | Instantly closes the loading terrain screen on world changing and drastically reduces the resource pack loading screen duration. |
Very Many Players (Fabric) | by ishland | A Fabric mod designed to improve server performance at high playercounts. |
Language Reload | by Jerozgen | Reduces load times and adds fallbacks for languages. |
What about bugs? In most cases, they only bothered me, so I added mods to the modpack that fix most of them.
Bugs fixed in vanilla using:
Name mod and link | Author(s) and link(s) | Description |
Debugify | by isxander | Fixes Minecraft bugs found on the bug tracker. |
VanillaIcecreamFix | by repletsin5 | An updated version of Runemoro's VanillaFix and also ported to the latest version. |
Model Gap Fix | by MehVahdJukaar | Fixes gaps in Block Models and Item Models. |
Server Pinger Fixer | by JustAlittleWolf | Improves pinging speed of the multiplayer server list. |
🗻More atmosphere
As you pass through the thickets of the forest, you can watch the leaves fall. If you choose to enter the mine, you'll hear the screeching of the unholy echoing in the distance, along with the dripping of water near the underground aquifers. These are just a few of the atmospheric elements you can find in this modpack. Sound makes up 60% of the gameplay.
I like small, but beautiful things:
Name mod and link | Author(s) and link | Description |
Visuality | by PinkGoosik | Little visual improvements by adding a bunch of new particles. |
Sound Physics Remastered | by henkelmax | A Minecraft mod that provides realistic sound attenuation, reverberation, and absorption through blocks. |
Drip Sounds | by PieKing1215 | Adds sounds for drip particles landing. |
Sounds | by mineblock11 | A highly configurable sound overhaul mod that adds new sound effects while improving vanilla sounds too. |
Blur (Fabric) | by Motschen | Adds a blur effect to all GUI backgrounds - now for Fabric (and Quilt)! |
Not Enough Animations | by tr7zw | Bringing first-person animations to the third-person. |
Presence Footsteps | by Sollace | An Overly complicated Sound Mod |
Particular | by Chai | Enhances Minecraft's ambience with hand-crafted visual effects like fireflies, falling leaves, and waterfall cascades. |
I want will add such features more in the future. They to extend game and make it better and beautiful.
Mods for this here
Name mod and link | Author(s) and link | Description |
Better F3 | by TreyRuffy and cominixo | BetterF3 is a mod that replaces Minecraft's original debug HUD with a highly customizable, more human-readable HUD. |
Detail Armor Bar | by RedLime | More detail about armor in Armor bar! |
3D Skin Layers | by tr7zw | Render the player skin layer in 3d! |
Adaptive Tools | by isxander | Highly configurable tooltip rendering, so you can always read them! |
Chat Heads | by dzwdz and Fourmisain | See who you're chatting with! |
Highlight | by ThatGravyBoat and epic_oreo | Highlight changes the visualization of specific blocks in the game to have more aligned selections to their models. |
Seamless Loading Screen | by Minenash and Blodhgarm | Takes a screenshot of the game when you leave a world or server, and displays it when you rejoin it. |
Smooth Scrolling Refurbished | by JustAlittleWolf | Changes most scrollbars in the game to scroll smoothly. |
Smooth Scroll | by SmajloSlovakian | Works on chat, hotbar, creative inventory and much more! |
🧩Useful things
Sometimes something is missing in vanilla: some specific tools or functions that would make life better or at least easier - they are here)))
Here is their list:
- ReplayMod - a Minecraft Mod to record, relive and share your experience.
- Litematica - really cool and useful mod for builders.
- Reese`s Sodium Options - alternative Options Menu for Sodium.
- No Resource Pack Warnings - disable warnings for outdated resource/data packs.
- Shulker Box Tooltip - view the contents of shulker boxes from your inventory.
- Bobby - allows for render distances greater than the server's view-distance.
- Boat Item View - see your held items when in a moving boat!
- Block Meter - a mod to measure block distances.
- Better Ping Display [Fabric] (by vladmarica) - adds a configurable numerical ping display to the player list. |Better Command Block UI|by Tec|Provides a more usable Command Block UI.|
🪸Parity between Java and Bedrock
I like some features from Bedrock version: support game pad, multiplayer, download resource packs and shaders without quit game etc. I think that they useful as for Bedrock as for Java.
They here:
- Controlify - adds controller support to Minecraft!
- Eating Animation - a mod that adds sprite animations for edible and drinkable items.
- World Host - host your single-player worlds without having to run a server or setup port forwarding!
- Resourcify - in-game resource pack, data pack and shader browser and updater.
🎨Optifine Features
Many resource packs use optifine functions for variable mobs, items and blocks - these are all in my modpack. Also support for shaders, high resolution screenshots, animated textures, dynamic light, zoom and much more.
All list for it:
- Animatica - a mod implementing the OptiFine/MCPatcher animated texture format.
- CIT Resewn - re-implements MCPatcher's CIT (custom item textures from optifine resource packs).
- Capes - lets you use capes from OptiFine, LabyMod and other cape mods.
- Continuity - a Fabric mod that allows for efficient connected textures.
- FabricSkyboxes - allows resource packs to define custom skyboxes.
- Fabrishot - take insanely large screenshots because why not.
- Iris Shaders - a modern shaders mod for Minecraft intended to be compatible with existing OptiFine shader packs.
- LambDynamicLights - a dynamic lights mod for Fabric.
- RyoamicLights - LambDynamicLights unofficial architectury port. A dynamic lights mod for Minecraft.
- OptiGUI - custom inventory GUIs on Fabric&Quilt with OptiFine resource pack support&many more features.
- Zoomify - a zoom mod with infinite customizability.
- [EMF]Entity Model Features - EMF is an, OptiFine format, Custom Entity Model replacement mod available for Fabric and Forge.
- [ETF]Entity Texture Features - emissive, Random & Custom texture support for entities in resourcepacks just like Optifine but for Fabric.
- FabricBetterGrass (by UltimatChamp and JayemCeekay)
- OptiFine's Fancy and Fast better grass implemented on Fabric!
🖼️Resource packs
Resource packs complement a lot to the game, especially if they are assembled correctly.
All list:
- Chat Reporting Helper (by robotkoer ) - an educational tool that explains chat reporting in a simple and neutral way.
- Icons - introduces icons throughout different aspects of the game.
- Translations for Sodium - unofficial translations for the Sodium Minecraft mod.
- Unique Dark - dark ui with unique texture for every functional block.
- Even Better Enchants (by mythitorium) - unique textures for Enchanted Books!
- RAY's 3D Rails - 3D Block & Item Textures for Rails in Minecraft.
- RAY's 3D Ladders - 3D Block & Item Textures for Ladders in Minecraft.
- Update Edition - Replace Java Edition with the title of your version!
I think that it is useful as for single-player and as for multi-player))))
P.S: I don't enough to know English, so I may have mistakes. I hope that I make useful thing for you).
Also, I won't support 1.20.2, 1.20.4, 1.20.6, 1.21, 1.21.1 and 1.21.3. Because they have some problems with Quilt, Forge and NeoForge and devs less update mods for them. 1.20.6 has some problems with performance. Please, use 1.20.1 or 1.21.4+. Furthermore, It's hard for me to update so many versions (understand me).