Minecraft: Java Edition
Supported environments
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Licensed LGPL-3.0-only
Published last year
Updated 10 months ago
This modpack only suports 1.20.1forge.
This project to update Minecraft visuals. Visuals are enhanced, but otherwise remain the same as vanilla.This modpack is designed to be played with other mods.
Main features
- Improved visuals
- Optimised performance (PC environment with performance equal to or better than GTX1650 recommended when using Complementary Shaders).
- Some quality of life improvements
これはMinecraftのビジュアルを最高のものにすべく作ったものです。 このModpackはビジュアルを高めますがほとんどバニラと変わりません。このModpackに他Modを入れて遊ぶことを想定してます。
- ビジュアルの改善
- 最適化されたパフォーマンス(Complementary Shadersを使用する場合はGTX1650と同等かそれ以上の性能を持つPC環境を推奨します)
- 多少のQOLの向上
Optimization Mods
- BadOptimizations
- Chunky
- Cull Less Leaves Reforged
- Canary
- Embeddium
- Embeddium++
- Embeddium (Rubidium) Extra
- Enhanced Block Entities
- Entity Culling
- FastAnim
- FerriteCore
- Memory Leak Fix
- ModernFix
- Mods Optimizer
- Noisium
- Not Enough Crashes
- ImmediatelyFast
- Ksyxis
- ResolutionControl+
- Saturn
- Smooth Boot (Reloaded)
- Spyglass Improvements
- Suppress OpenGL Error 128(0-2)
- Yeetus Experimentus
Decoration Mods
- 3D Skin Layers
- Ambient Environment
- AmbientSounds
- Auto HUD
- Bedsheets
- Automatic Path
- Better Clouds
- Better Line Break
- Biome Moss
- Cave Dust
- Chat Animation
- Clean Tooltips
- Continuity
- Dynamic Crosshair
- Dynamic Trim
- Eating Animation
- [EMF] Entity Model Features
- [ETF] Entity Texture Features
- Euphoria Patches
- Flow
- Head in the Clouds
- Highlight
- Leawind's Third Person
- Model Gap Fix
- M.R.U
- Nicer Skies
- Not Enough Animations
- Oculus
- Particle Spawner (Just enough Particles)
- Particle Tweaks
- Path Under Fence Gates
- Physics Mod
- Project: Vibrant Journeys(
- Polytone
- Real Camera
- ScreenFX
- Screenshot Viewer
- Seamless
- Seamless Loading Screen
- Serious Player Animations
- Smooth Skies
- Snow Under Trees
- SnowyLeavesPlus
- Sound Physics Remastered
- Spyglass Astronomy
- Telepistons
- Vectorientation
- Visuality: Reforged
- Visual Overhaul
- Visual Workbench
- Wakes
- What Are They Up To (Watut)
- YetAnotherConfigLib
Other Mods
- Architectury API
- Cloth Config API
- CoroUtil
- Cristel Lib
- Connector Extras
- Controlling
- CreativeCore
- Cut Through
- Forge Config Screens
- Forgified Fabric API
- GraphUtil
- GrassNotFloating
- InvMove
- Konkrete
- Lazurite
- Loqui
- MidnightLib
- Mouse Tweaks
- playerAnimator
- Puzzles Lib
- Searchables
- Sinytra Connector
- Sitting+
- Smooth Scrolling Refurbished
Removed mods
Resource Packs
- 3D-EndCrystals
- Chat Reporting Helper
- Enhanced Audio: Ambience (Sound Pack)
- Enhanced Audio (Sound Pack)
- Lanterns Enhanced
- Rain Revamp
- Smaller Dynamic Crosshair
- Translations for Sodium
- Cubic Sun & Moon
- Torches Reimagined
Removed Resource Packs
- Use Complementary Shaders (or other shaders that support PBR textures) while using PNAPBR, otherwise you will see corrupted textures.
- Planning industrial, adventure and high difficulty modpacks based on this modpack.
- PNAPBRを使用している間はComplementary Shaders(または他のPBRテクスチャをサポートしているシェーダー)を使用してください。PBRテクスチャをサポートしているシェーダー以外では破損したテクスチャが見られます。
- このModpackをベースにした工業系、冒険系、高難易度系のModpackを計画しています。
Project: Vibrant Journeys( by OrderedChaosDev
Remove-Crosshair( by Brandonmccoub2